ÄDEADÖL = deceased
ÄDEL = yesterday
ÄDELO = yesterday
ÄL = toward(s)
ÄNEITO = last night
ÄNU = (just) recently
ÄS = as (preposition); like
ÄSÄ = as, like (conjunction)
ÄSI = as also
ÄSOARO = last evening
ÄSVA = as if, as though
ÄSVO = as it were
ÄVIGO = last week
ÄYELO = last year
A = per (a düp = per hour); at (at 2 dollars = each = a dolars tel).
-A = 's (genitive)
AD = for, in order to, to
ADAS = that, to (after positive: Binom tu liegik, = adas vedom tifan = He is too rich to = = become a thief)
ADEL = to-day
ADELO = to-day
ADYÖ! = good-bye!
AG! = oh! (cry of pain/surprise)
AGÖDO = this morning
AI = always, ever
AIPO = after each
AIPOS = after every... (aipos dels tel = every other = day)
AL... = each, every
ALDELIK = daily
ALIK = each, every
ALMULIK = monthly
ALNA = each time
ALO = at any rate, in any event
ALSEIMIK = any; whatever; whichever
ALYELIK = annual, yearly
ANEITO = to-night
ANIK = several, some
ANU = at this moment; now
APOSZEDELO = this afternoon
AS = as
ASOAR = this evening
ASOARO = this evening
ASÄ = as (conjunction)
AT = this (adjective)
ATIMO = at present
ATOS = this (noun)
BA = perhaps
BADIK = bad
BADIKUM = worse
BADIKUMO = worse (adverb)
BADINILUD = a suspicion
BADINILÜDÖN (TEFÜ) = to suspect
BADÖF = spite
BADÖFAFREDIK = frivolous, mischievous
BADÖFIL = mischievousness
BAFOD = a moustache
BAGAF = a paragraph
BAI... = according (to)
BAIÄDIKO = accordingly, correspondingly
BAIÄDÖN (BAI) = to agree, to correspond (to)
BAICEDÖN (KO) = to agree (with)
BAIK = eventual
BAIKO = possibly
BAILÖN = to let (house, etc)
BAIODÖN (KO) = to confer (with); to liaise (with)
BAISENÄL = sympathy
BAITIMÄDIK = up-to-date
BAITON = harmony
BAITONIK = harmonious
BAITONÜKÖN = to tune (a musical instrument)
BAIVÖGÖN (BAI, KO) = to agree (with)
BAKAN = a baker
BAKASTON = a brick
BAKÖP = a bakery
BAKTER = a bacterium
BAKTERAV = bacteriology
BAKUD = an abacus
BAKUN = a balcony
= (bakun balid = dress circle;
= (bakun telid = upper circle;
= (bakun kilid = (the) gallery)
BAL = one (number) (bal len votik = next to each = other)
BALAN = one (person)
BALAT = a piece, a unit
BALATIK = single
BALÄD = a contract, a treaty
= (bai baläd = on a contract)
BALÄDÜKÖN = to arrange (by mutual consent)
BALÄT = unity
BALIB = a beard
BALID = first
BALIDAN = former (person)
BALIDBITID = first performance
BALIDNAEDO = for the first time
BALIDO = firstly
BALIK = single, sole, unique
BALION = a million
BALNA = once
BALSAMIN = balsam
BALSOTIK = one kind of
BALUGIK = simple
BALUGÖF = simplicity
BAM = a bench, a seat
BAMBUD = bamboo
BANACEM = a bathroom
BANATOP = a (seaside) resort
BANATÜB = a bath (tub)
BANOREM = a panorama
BANK = a bank (commercial)
BANÖN (IN) = to bathe (in)
BANÖP = a seaside resort
BAOL = a ball (dance)
BAOLET = ballet
BAONAN = a baron
BAPIK = inferior, low
BAPÜKÖN = to abase
BARAK = a barn
BASIN = a (water) basin
BARIKAD = a barricade
BASKÜL = a weighing machine
BATAFLAPÖN = to whip
BATÜL = a whip
BAVET = an apron, a pinafore
BAZIL = a bacillus, a germ
BÄAD = ebony
BÄJUNIK = beige
BÄK = a back
BÄKABOM = a backbone, a spine
BÄKABOMAKÖLÜM = a spinal cord
BÄKASIEM = (the) reverse edge
BALÄDÜKÖN = to reconcile
BÄLÄT = a meadow
BÄLD = age
BÄLDAGRAVIK = venerable
BÄLDÄDAN = an old pal (= a mate)
BÄLDÄDIK = longstanding, old
BÄLDIK = old (in years)
BÄLDOT = (years of) age
BÄLDOTAKOMPENAN = a contemporary (person)
BÄLID = abdomen, belly
BÄLUN = a balloon
BÄLUNAFLITAN = a balloonist
BÄN = low tide, ebb tide
BÄNSIN = petrol
BÄNSINACUB = a petrol tank
BÄNSINAFEGEB = petrol consumption
BÄNSINÖP = a petrol station
BÄNÜPO = at low tide
BÄNYUN = a banjo
BÄTAZIB = a bait
BÄSET = a basket
BÄSIN = china BEB = BEB = an onion
BEBÜL = a chive
BED = a bed
BEDASTOFED = bedlinen, bedsheets
BEFEILÖN = to cultivate
BEFEIT = a contest
BEFOÖN = to precede
BEG = a request
BEGAPENÄD = a (written) request
BEGESAG = a reply
BEGESAGÖN = to reply
BEGÖ! = (if you) please!
BEGÖN = to beg, to supplicate
BEGÖN SÄKUSADI (EKE) = to apologize (to someone)
BEGUN = a begonia
BEIAN = a passer-by
BEIGOLÖN = to go past
BEITIL = a bite, a snack
BEITÖN = to bite
BEIVEGÖN = to go past
BEJEDÖN = to strew
BEJÄFÖN (ME) = to attend (to), to deal (with)
BEKOMÖN = to attend, to be present at
BEL = a mountain
BELEGIVÖN = to reward
BELESEATÖN = to lay siege to, to occupy = BELIFOT = an experience
BELODÖN = to load
BELÜGÖN (EKI) = to mourn, to grieve (for someone)
BELUTED = hawking, peddling
BEMAGIVÖN = to charm, to enchant
BEMASTIKÖN = to master, to overcome
BEMASTÖN = to master, to rule
BEMEKÄDÖN = to overpower
BEMÜL = a perch
BENÄD = grace
BENEN = a banana
BENODÄLIK = beneficent
BENOBLÄFÖN (EKE BOSI) = to reward (someone with sthg)
BENODAN (HI / JI) = benefactor, benefactress
BENODUGÄLIK = well brought up, well-reared
BENOFÄT = (good) fortune
BENÖF = harmony
BENOLAB = prosperity, well-being
BENOSEK = a 'hit', a success
BENOSMEKIK = delicious
BENOSMELOT = a perfume, scent
BENOSUF = success
BENOSÜPOT = a surprise
BENOVIM = a good mood
BENOVIPÖN = to congratulate
BENÜKÖN = to benefit
BENÜPENÖN = to fill in (forms)
BEPENAM = a description
BEPENÖN = to describe
BER = a bear
BERAV = booty, plunder
BERAVÖN = to despoil, to plunder
BERJEN = egg-plant
BERÜL = a bear-cub
BESEIDÖ! = engaged (not free)
BESEITÖN = to lay (with concrete, pebbles, etc)
BESEPEDÖN = to tread (grapes)
BESMILÖN = to ridicule
BESPIKAN = an interviewer
BESPIKÄB = an interviewee
BESPIK = an interview
BESPIKÖN = to interview
BESTEPÖN = to set out
BESTÜRÜLÖN = to scatter
BET = a (flower) bed
BETIKÖN = to consider
BETUN = concrete
BETIKÖN = to consider
BEVEGÖN = to travel
BEVOBÖN = to work on
BEVÜ = among, between
BEVÜSPAD = a gap
BEXÄNÖN = to ascend, to go up
BI = because
BIAD = a birch (tree)
BIB = a bible
BID = a kind, a race, a sort
BIDÄD = a breed, a race
BIDÜ = of the kind . . .
BIEDIK = bitter
BIEGÄDÖN (OKI) = to bend, to stoop
BIEN = a bee
= * bienadomil = a beehive
BIGIK = fat, thick
BIJUT = a jewel
BIJUTEL = a jeweller's (shop)
BLEGÄL = (mental) flexibility
BILIET = a ticket
BILIETABÜR = a booking-office
BILIET GEIK = a return ticket
BILIET MOIK = a single ticket
BIMÜL = a bush
BINÄD = a component, an ingredient
BINÄDON (ME) = to consist (of)
BINÄDÖL = composite
BINÄL = being, heart and soul
BINÄLIK = essential
BINÄLIKO = in essence
BINOD = a structure
BINÖN = to be
BIOSKOP = a film (movie, motion picture)
BIOSKOPÖP = a cinema
BIR = beer
BISÄ = provided that
BISAR = oddity
BISARIK = odd, strange
BISKIT = a (cream) cracker
BISKUT = a biscuit
BIT = a procedure
BITIKAM = behaviour, conduct
BITIKÖN = to make an appearance
BLADOKVÄNÖN = o blow out
BLADÖN = to blow
BLADOSVOLÜKÖN = to blow up, to inflate
BLAMILÖN = to quibble
BLAMÖN = to blame, to reproach
BLASFÄMÖN (DÖ) = to curse, to swear (about)
BLÄFÖN = to repay
BLÄGIK = black
BLÄNDANAF = a battleship
BLÄNDAVAB = a tank (military)
BLEBÖN = to remain (to be)
BLEDEMABOBOT = a leafy arch
BLEGIK = bent, curved
BLEGÜLOVIK = flexible, pliable
BLEGÜKÖN = to bend, to flex
BLEIBÖN (+ INFIN) = to remain (bleibön stanön = to remain standing)
BLEIN = blindness
BLEINANIPLED = blind man's buff (= game)
BLEINIK = = blind
BLEINIKÖN = to become blind
BLEINÜKÖN = to blind
BLESIRIK = nice, pleasant
BLIBÖN = to remain, to stay
BLIG = duty, obligation
BLIGÄD = an authorization, an exercise, a lesson, a task
BLIGIDÖN = to commit (oneself); to do business)
BLIGÖN = to obligate, to oblige
BLIMÖN = to equip, to fit out
BLIMOT = equipment
BLINÖN = to bring
BLIT = (a pair of) trousers
BLITIPOLIANS = (a pair of) bracers
BLOD = a brother
BLOG = a sheet
BLOKAFLUT = a recorder (musical instrument)
BLOTIKÖN = to crouch down
BLOTÖFIK = crouching down
BLOTÜKÖN (OKI) = to make (oneself) insignificant
BLÖB = blubber
BLÖF = a proof (=evidence)
BLÖFÄDÖN = to argue, to reason
BLÖFED = a syllogism
BLÖFÖN = to give proof, to prove
BLÖG = a clod, a clump
BLÖT = a bosom, a breast, a chest
BLÖVIK = blue
BLUD = blood
BLUDASOLIDOT = a blood clot
BLUDIPED = blood pressure
BLUF = a test, a trial
BLUFÖN = to prove, to test
BLUK = a brook, a stream
BLUNEDÖN = to baptize
BLUNÖN = to dip, to plunge
BLUVIK = amazing
BLUV = confusion
BLUVIKO = in amazement
BLUVÖN = to be perplexed
BLUVÜKÖN = to amaze
BLÜDÖN = to bleed (someone) (medical)
BLÜMÄL = attentiveness, presence of mind
BLÜMIK = ready
BLUMÜKAMATAB = a sideboard
BLUNÖN = to plunge
BLÜMÜKÖN = to prepare
BLÜNÖN = to provide
BO = possibly, probably
BOAD = wood (substance)
BOATAGOLÖN = to limp
BOATAN = a cripple, a lame (person)
BOB = bow (=arc)
BOBÄD = an arch (= building)
BOAD = wood
BOBOTIKÖN = to form an arch
BOD = bread
BODEL = a baker's (shop)
BODIÄR = a bread bin
BODIFILÄDÖM = a (bread) toaster
BODÜL = a (bread) roll
BOED = a board, a shelf
BOEDASKAF = a platform
BOFIK = both
BOG = a box, a chest
BOID = a ship's deck; (in boid = on board)
BOIDASTUTÖM = a balustrade, a handrail
BOIDÖN (OKI) = to embark
BOK = a box
BOLIÄR = a tureen = = BOLIT = politics
BOLITIK = political
BOM = a bone
BOMEM = a skeleton
BON = a (broad) bean
BONÄT = a bonnet, a cap
BONED = an order (for goods)
BONEDÖN = to order (goods)
BORD = board (= lodgings)
BORDÖP = a boarding-house
BOSIL = a little bit
BOSKOTAN = a scout
BOT = a boat
BOTUR = a bittern (bird)
BOUM = a bomb
BOV = a basin
BOVED = a plate
BOVIL = a dish
BOVILAVACIN = a dishwasher
BOVÜL = a cup
BÖB = a purse
BÖD = a bird
BÖDAN = a fowler
BÖDAVAN = an ornithologist
BÖFÖN = to be silly, to have fun, to lark about
BÖKAN = a coachman
BÖKET = a bucket
BÖLADÖN = to annoy, to bother
BÖLADIK = annoying, bothersome
BÖMÄNIK = Bohemian
BÖR = butter
BÖSIN = porcelain
BÖTAN = a waiter
BÖTÄDARAMAR = a serving cabinet (for food/drinks)
BÖTÄDÖP = a pub
BÖTÖM = a tray
BÖTÖN = to serve (meals and drinks)
BRAD = an arm (=limb)
BRADASTUL = an armchair
BRADASTUTÖM = an arm-rest (on chair)
BRADÖN = = to embrace
BRAKAGLOKIL = a wrist-watch
BRAMARUBUD = a blackberry bush
BRAFIK = able, capable, popular
BRAFÖ! = Well done!
BRANÖN = to vibrate
BRASID = a cabbage
BRAUNIK = brown
BREFABÜIK = recent
BREFIK = short
BREFÜKAM = an abbreviation
BREIKÖN = to break (something)
BREIN = a brain
BREKOD = a break, a fracture
BREKOTÖN = to fragment
BREKOVIK = delicate, fragile
BREKÖN = = to break (= become broken)
BREKÜLOVIK = brittle
BRIDÖN = to breed, to bring up, to rear
BRIETIK = drunk, inebriated, intoxicated
BRIKODEP = an apricot tree
BROADOT = a broadcast
BROADÖP = a (radio/TV) station
BRODÖN = to embroider
BRODOT = an embroidery
BROJÜR = a brochure
BROKAN = a broker
BROKAT = brocade
BRONSÖT = bronze
BRUÄT = a wheelbarrow
BRUL = a tangle
BRUMÖN = to buzz, to hum
BRUVÖN = to sniff
BRÜYÄR = heather
BRÜYÄRALÄN = heathland
BUB = a cow
BUBAMIT = beef
BUBÜL = a calf
BUÄD = an advantage
BUDAN = a buddhist
BUFOD = a toad
BUEG = a beech (tree)
BUFOD = a toad
BUG = a bay
BUIDÖN = to hedge in
BUIKUMO = preferably, rather
BUJID = a sparking plug
BUK = a book
BUKARAMAR = a bookcase
BUKEM = a library
BUKISELAN = a bookseller
BUKISELIDÖP = a bookshop
BULIK = bubbly
BULIL = a bubble
BUM = construction
BUMOT = a building
BUMÖN = to build, to construct
BUN = a jump, a leap, a spring
BUNÄDÖN = to skip
BUNDAN = abundance
BUNDANIK = abundant, plenty
BUNÖN (LOVE) = to jump, to leap, to spring (over)
BUNASTAFABUNAM = (the) pole vault (= athletics)
BUNDANIK = abundant, in plenty
BUO = preferably
BUON = a cork
BUÖN = to prefer
BUT = a boot
BUÜKÖN = to prefer
BÜ = ...ago (bü yels tel = two years ago)
BÜ = before (preposition)
BÜÄ = before (conjunction)
BÜÄTAN = (the) late lamented
BÜÄTO = formerly
BÜD = a command, an order
BÜDAKIP = a (mental) reservation
BÜDÖN = to command, to order
BÜDÜLÖN = to prescribe
BÜFÄT = a sideboard
BÜFIK = preliminary, provisional
BÜFO = for the time being
BÜG = a can, a tin
BÜGIMAIFÜKÖM = a can-opener, a tin-opener
BÜGOLAN = a harbinger, a herald
BÜGUTÖN = to taste
BÜIK = former, preliminary, previous
BÜIKÜNO = firstly, in the first place
BÜK = print
BÜKOT = a printed paper
BÜKÖN = to print
BÜMAL = a prerequisite, a sign
BÜMICÖDOT = a prejudice
BÜMICÖDÖN = to prejudice
BÜN = a pear
BÜO = before, formerly
BÜOCEDÖN = to suppose
BÜOLOGÖN = to foresee
BÜOMESÜLÖN (AD) = to take precautions (to)
BÜOSAGAN = a fortune teller
BÜOSAGÖN = to forecast, to predict
BÜOSTIP = a prerequisite
BÜOVITÖN = to avoid
BÜR = an office
BÜSID = business
BÜSIDAN = businessman
BÜSIDACIF = executive, manager
BÜZIB = an hors d'oeuvre, a starter
CAFED = a kettle
CAFÄD = a casserole, a saucepan
CAL = employment, occupation, profession
CALAFOVAN = a successor
CALAKOMIT = an official duty
CALAN = = a clerk, an official
CALASVIST = a colleague
CALONUNODAN = a reporter
CALÖFIK = official
CAM = a chamois
CAN(S) = goods
CANAMAGAD = a warehouse
CANISELIDÖP = a department store
CARAD = a locust
CAVÖN = to yawn
CÄDIK = distinguished, excellent, highly respected
CÄF = a beetle
CÄLAN = an employer
CÄLÄB = an employee
CÄLODÖN = to appoint
CÄLÖN = to nominate
CÄNAMON = change (cash)
CÄNÖN = to change, to exchange
CED = an opinion
CEDIDÖN = to feign, to pretend
CEDÖN = to mean
CEK = a cage
CELABIM = a cherry-tree
CELEP = a cherry-tree
CEM = a room (in house)
CEMAKLOT = a dressing gown
CENAVAMIK = cold-blooded
CENO = alternately, for a change
CENÖN (AD) = to change (into), to turn (into)
CIEL = a gill (of fish)
CIF = a chief, a director, a head
CIFAZIF = chief, main, principal
CIFODANEF = (the) authorities
CIL = a child, an infant
CILAJIDÜNAN = a (children's) nurse
CILIJIKÄLÄDAN = a child-minder
CILIL = a baby
CILÖFOT = childishness
CILÜP = childhood
CILÜL = a kiddie
CIM = a chimney, a (ship's) funnel
CIMAMULÜR = a mantelpiece
CIN = a machine
CINALEÜL = machine oil
CINÄDAN = a (mechanical) engineer
CINEM = machinery
CIP = a splinter
COG = fun, humour
COGEDÄL = a sense of humour
COGIK = funny, humorous, jokey
COGÖN (DÖ) = to jest, to joke (about)
COL = violoncello
COP = a hoe
CÖDAL = a judge
CÖDÄD = a lawsuit, a trial
CÖDÄDÖN = to bring to trial
CÖDETADEIDÖN = to execute (= put to death)
CÖDETÖN (EKI AD) = to condemn (someone to)
CÖDISPIKED = a verdict
CÖDOT = a judgment
CÖDÖN = to judge
CÖGAPIÄD = a chess piece
CÖPILÖN = to chop up
CUB = a cistern, a tank
CUBANAF = a tanker (ship)
CUBAVAB = a tanker (lorry)
CUK = a donkey
CUVÖN = an axe, a hatchet
CÜG = a cheek (part of face)
CÜN = a chin
CÜTID = a deception
CÜTIDÖN = to deceive
CÜTOD = a deception, a disappointment
CÜTÖN = to deceive
DA = through
DABAILÖN = to farm out, to lease
DAIL = a parliament
DABIN = existence
DABINANEF = everyone (in a certain place)
DABINÖN = to exist (dabinos = there is (are)
DABLÜNÖN = to extradite
DABRIDÖP = a nursery (for flowers, plants)
DABÜKAN = a publisher
DABÜKÖM = a printer (computer, etc)
DABÜKOT = an edition
DABÜKÖN = to publish
DACEIN = a transmutation
DADRÄNÄLIK = stressful
DADRANÖN = to pierce
DADUNÖN = (to) carry out
DAEMED = a redoubt (military)
DAEMOD = a dyke, a rampart
DAET = a date (fruit)
DAF = a badger
DAFAINIK = shrivelled
DAFAMÜL = a family line
DAFOMÖN = to develop fully, to train
DAFREDÜKÖL = delightful
DAFRONIKÖN = = to shrivel, to wither
DAG = darkness
DAGEBÖN (MONI) = to invest (money)
DAGIK = dark
DAGLOF = development, growth
DAGLOFÖN = to develop, to grow
DAIF = a banquet, a feast
DAIFAN = a connoisseur
DAIFIDAN (HI-/JI-) = a host, a hostess
DAIFIDÄB (HI-/JI-) = a guest
DAIFOTÜL = a morsel, a treat
DAIL = parliament
DAIVÖN = to dive
DAIVÜLÖN = to somersault
DAJÄF = (general) activity, coming and going
DAJEK = terror
DAJOIKÜLÖN = to push, to shove
DAJONÄD = an exhibition, trade fair
DAJONÄDÖN = to exhibit
DAJONÖN (OKI) = to appear
DAKIPÖN = to hold, to maintain, to retain
DAKONSÄLAM = a consultation
DAKOSÄD = traffic
DALABAN = an owner, a proprietor
DALABOT = a property
DALABÖN = to possess
DALABÜKÖN = to maintain
DALEBÜD = an (official) edict
DALEFAT = a great-grandfather
DALEMOT = a great-grandmother
DALESKOP = a telescope
DALESTÜM = awe, esteem
DALESTÜMIK = highly esteemed
DALIAD = = a dahlia
DALILAN = a listener
DALILANEF = an audience
DALILÖN = to listen to, to pay attention to
DALOGAL = an inspector
DALOGAM = an inspection
DALON = (the) constitution
DALÖN (+ INFIN) = to dare (=may)
DALUKÄM = a surgical camera
DALUKÖTETAV = key-hole surgery
DALUSKOP = a microscope
DALUVAL = microcosm
DAN = thank(s)
DANOTÜKÖN = to make known
DANÄDÖN = to acknowledge, to be indebted to
DANÄDÜ = thanks to...
DANÖF = gratitude
DANÖFIK = thankful
DANÖN = to thank (danön demü/pro = to thank for)
DANÜD = a dance
DANÜDÜM = a dance (tune)
DANÜDÖN = to dance
DAOPTAN = an adoptive parent
DAOPTÄB = an adopted child
DAPEBÖN = pounding, thumping (of heart)
DAREIGÖN = to dominate
DAS = that (conjunction)
DASAMAN = = an exemplar, a model, a paragon
DASÄKÖN = to interrogate
DASENÄLIK = sensitive
DASEVÖN = to realize, to recognize
DASLEITÖN = to slash, to slit, to tear apart
DASTUN = a sensation
DASTUNANUN = a sensational report
DASUEMÖN = to (mentally) realize
DASUMÖN = to accept
DAT = so that (conjunction)
DATIKÖN = to devise, to think out
DATIKOVIK = imaginable
DATONÖN = to ring out
DATUVOT = an invention
DATUVÖN = to invent
DAUK = a carrot
DAÜKÖN = to saturate
DAÜLAN = an adult
DAÜLÜP = adulthood
DAUN = down (=fluffy feathers)
DAUT = a daughter
DAV = dew
DAVÄL = an election
DAVATOF = a dewdrop
DAVED = emergence
DAVEDÖN = to appear suddenly
DAVEDÖP = a birth-place
DAVEDÜKÖN = to bring about, to cause, to effect
DÄBEJÜTÖN = to shoot off
DÄDIKÖN = to break down, to fail
DÄG = a dagger
DÄGÖN = to stab
DÄK = a deck (on board ship)
DÄL = permission
DÄLÄDÄB = a deputy
DÄLÄDO = duly
DÄLÄLIK = indulgent, lenient
DÄLÖN (+ INFIN) = to allow, to permit
DÄLTAD = a delta
DÄM = damage
DÄMIK = harmful
DÄMÜ = to the detriment of
DÄMÜKÖN = to damage
DÄPÄB = an adept
DÄPÖN = to initiate
DÄRVID = a dervish
DÄSÄRT = a desert
DÄSINÖN = to draw, to sketch
DÄSINOTABIOSKOP = a cartoon (= animated film)
DÄSPERÖN = to despair
DÄSTEPÖN = to spurn
DÄSTURÖN = to disintegrate
DÄT = a date (calendar)
DÄTAGÖN = to trample down
DE = of, from
DEADAM = death
DEADIK = dead
DEADANÖP = cemetery
DEADAPÖNOD = (the) death penalty
DEADÖN = to die
DEB = a debt
DEBETÖN = to owe (money)
DEBÖN = to owe
DEF = a defect, a deficiency
DEFAL = litter
DEFÄDÖN = to be in need, to be in want
DEFIK = deficient, imperfect
DEFÖN = to be deficient, to be lacking, to fail
DEG = ten
DEGBAL = eleven
DEGIV = delivery, surrender (of goods)
DEGTEL = twelve
DEGTELAT = a dozen
DEIDACÖDETÖN = to sentence to death
DEIDÖL = fatal
DEIDÖN = to kill
DEIFLODÖN = to freeze to death
DEIJÜTÖN (EKI) = to execute (someone) by shooting
DEIKAM = a digression
DEIKÖN = to digress, to stray
DEILÄGÖN (EKI) = to execute (someone) by hanging
DEIMÖN = to reject
DEKÄTAN = a dean
DEKLAM = a declamation
DEKLINÖN = to decline (nouns)
DEKUL = December
DEKÖN = to decorate
DEL = a day
DELABUK = a diary
DELAGASED = a (daily) newspaper
DELAPRIM = daybreak
DEM = regard
DEMÄD = relevance
DEMILÖN (DÖ) = to be petty (about)
DEMOD = an indirect object (grammar)
DEMOKRAT = democracy
DEMÖN = to mind, to note, to regard, to take notice of
DEMÜT = extortion
DEN = a rapier
DENSITIK = dense, thick
DENSITÜKIAN = a condenser
DENU = from then on, henceforth
DEPÜTANEF = a delegation, a deputation
DEPÜTÄB = a deputy, a member of parliament
DERÖNÖN = to start (a race)
DESEDAN = a sender
DESIN = an intention, a plan, a purpose
DESINO = deliberately, on purpose
DESIR = a desire, yearning
DESIRIK = anxious
DESIRÖN = to desire, to yearn
DETÄV = departure
DETÄVÖN (DE) = to depart (from)
DETIK = right-hand
DEÜKÖN = to remove, to take off
DEVEGAM = setting out (on journey)
DEVID = foreign exchange
DI = from, of (with names of cities, countries, regions)
DIABÜL = an imp, a little devil
DIAGUNIK = diagonal
DIALIM = idealism
DIAMET = diameter
DIATEK (NULIK) = The New Testament
DIÄT = a diet
DIB = a depth
DIBIK = deep
DIBOT = a (specific) depth
DICETÖN = to digest
DIDO = certainly, indeed
DIENTIFÄD = identification, an identity card
DIFIK = different
DIFÖN (DE) = to differ (from)
DIGIDÖN = to appreciate, to esteem
DIGIK = dear, esteemed, lovable
DIGÄDIK = valuable, worthy
DIGÄDÖN = to be worthy of, to be of value
DIGIDÖN = to appreciate
DIKOD = a dispute
DIKTORAN = a dictator
DIL = a part, a portion
DILAM = a division
DILÄDÖN (VÜ) = to divide (among)
DILED = a piece
DILEKÖN = to conduct (orchestra)
DILET = an element
DILIJAN = a carriage, a stage-coach
DILO = partly
DILOD = a share
DILODÖN = to share
DILOT = a deal, a part (of a whole)
DILÖN = to divide, to part
DIN = a matter, a thing
DINÄD = a circumstance, a condition
DINDUN = a turkey
DINIT = a dignity
DIOTIK = idiotic
DIPAN = a diplomat
DIS = under
DISÄRT = desertion
DISBOVEDIL = a saucer
DISEIN = an aim, a plan
DISEINÖN = to aim, to mean
DISIN = a design, a plan
DISINÖN = to design, to plan
DISKUDIJEDAM = (the) discus throw (= Olympics)
DISLIENÜKÖN = = to underline, to underscore
DISMELANAF = a submarine
DISÖN = to diminish
DISPENÄD = a signature
DISPENÖN = to sign
DISSTÜTOT = a base, a plinth
DIST = an (essential) difference
DISTÖN (DE) = to distinguish (from)
DISTIDÖN = to distinguish, to make a distinction
DISTIK = distinct
DISTÖFIK = various
DISTUKÖN = to destroy
DIT = separation
DITÖN (DE) = to separate (from); to take leave (of)
DISTRENAVEG = underground (railway)
DITRET = distress, an emergency
DITRETAJÄNIL = communication cord (on train)
DITRETAJOLAM = an emergency landing (aviation)
DITRETAKLOK = a warning bell (in distress)
DIUM = a (spiritualist) medium
DIUR = daytime
DIURETIN = diuresis (medical)
DIV = a treasure
DIVODIK = devoted
DIVODÖN (+ dative) = (to be) addicted (to)
DO = although, though
DOAT = a finger
DOATAHÄT = a thimble
DOATÖN = to touch
DOBÄLIK = false
DOBIK = false, wrong
DOBÜKAM = a falsification
DOBÜKÖN = to fasify, to spoil
DOCOD = (the) Doge (=Venetian ruler)
DOD = disapproval, misgiving
DOFIK = dull
DOG = a dog
DOJEDÖN (OKI) = to prostrate (oneself)
DOJOIKÖN = = to overturn, to upset
DOK = a doctorate
DOKAN = a doctor
DOKÜM = a document
DOL = pain, suffering
DOLIK = hurting, painful
DOLÖN = to hurt
DOM = a house
DOMARAV = a (house) burglary
DOMATRIP = rates (for house, etc)
DOMAL = a master (of household)
DOMINOV = dominoes (= game)
DON = bottom (not top)
DONAJUL = a lower (primary) school
DONAPLANEM = undergrowth
DONATEAD = ground floor
DONIO = downwards
DONO = below, down
DONÜ = below
DONÜKÖN = to lower
DOSLEATÖN = to demolish
DOT = a doubt
DOTIK = doubtful
DOTIMIK = sceptical
DOTÖN (DÖ/TEFÜ) = to doubt
DÖB = guilt
DÖBAT = a debate
DÖBIK = guilty
DÖBOT = fault
= (döbot duton lü ol = it's your fault !)
DÖDEL = Thursday
DÖFÄD = a shortcoming
DÖFIK = defective
= (rif döfik = a flat tyre)
DÖM = thumb
DÖNU = again
DÖNUAM = a repetition
DÖNUAMAPLÄG = a rehearsal
DÖNUAMO = repeatedly
DÖNULIFÜKÖN = to revive
DÖNUOD = a refrain, a repetition
DÖNUÖN = to repeat
DRAMATAN = an actor
DRANÄDAN = an intruder
DRANÄL = a compulsion
DRANÖFIK = urgent
DRANÖN = to press, to rush (of blood, etc)
DRAT = wire
DRÄGUN = a dragoon (military)
DRÄNÄL = an affliction
DRÄNÖN = to press, push, shove
DRÄTODÖN (OKI) = to train (= sports)
DRÄTÖN = to train (= animals)
DRED = fear
DREDÖN = to fear
DREDABIK = awful, fearful
DREDÄLIK = apprehensive, anxious
DREDÄLÜKÖN = to alarm, to demoralise
DREDILIK = uncanny
DREDIK = afraid
DREDÖF = cowardice
DREDÖN (DEMÜ) = to be afraid (of)
DREFÄB = a (human) subject
DREFIK = relevant
DREFÖN = to affect, to strike
DREMÄL = anxiety
DREMET = a vibration
DREMÖN (DUB/SEKÜ) = to tremble (with)
DREN = a tear
DRENÖN = to cry, to weep
DRENÜKÖN = to distress, to upset (= to make cry)
DRIM = a dream
DRIMÖN = to dream
DRIN = a drink
DRINAMON = a gratuity, a tip
DRINED = a beverage
DRINOD = a drink
DRINÖN = to drink
DROG = a drug
DROLIK = comical
DRUMÖN = to drone, to hum, to roar
DU = while
DUBÄ = because (conjunction)
DUBO = thereby
DUGÄDÖN = to accompany (to go with)
DUGÄL = education
DUGÄLÖN = to bring up, to educate, to raise
DUGED = a (musical) accompaniment
DUGIAN = a 'mains' connection (for gas, water, etc)
DUGOLÖP = a corridor
DUGÖN = to direct, to manage, to lead
DUINAFÄGIK = efficient, competent
DUINAVOTEM = a repertoire
DUINOD = an achievement
DUINOT = an attainment, a deed
DUJETAPARAT = a shower fitting
DUK = a dock
DUKÖP = a dockyard
DUL = a duration
DULOGAMOVIK = transparent
DULÖFIK = durable, settled (of weather)
DULÖN (DÜ) = to last (for)
DUMIK = dull (=of tone)
DUN = an action
DUNALEFOM = active voice (grammar)
DUNETATAB = a (shop) counter
DUNETÄB = a client, a customer
DUNETÖN = to serve (someone)
DUNODÖN = to act (as); to function
DUNOT = a deed
DUNÖF = activity
DUNÖN = to do
DUSTODAN = an industrialist
DUTÖN (LÜ) = to belong (to)
DÜ = during
DÜD = a paper bag
DÜF = = hardness
DÜFÄLIKO = hard-heartedly
DÜFIK = = hard
DÜFIKAM = hardening
DÜNAN = a servant
DÜNASPADÄD = a service area
DÜNET = an errand
DÜNOT = a service
DÜNOTAN = a (shop) assistant
DÜNÖN = to serve
DÜP = an hour, o'clock
DÜPAFOLDIL = a quarter of an hour
DÜPATELDIL = half an hour
DÜTÖN = to appropriate
E = and
EBO = just, precisely
ED = and (before vowels)
EFE = indeed, but...
EK = anybody, anyone
EKÖ = here is (are)
EKÖMÖLAN = a new arrival
EL = the
ENEITO = the night before last
ENU = recently
ET = that (adjective)
ETDELAO = from that day on
ETOS = that (noun)
FA = by
FAALIK = pale
FAB = a fable
FABRIKAM = (the) manufacture
FABRIKÖP = a factory
FABRIKÖN = to manufacture
FABRIKOT = a product
FAD = a thread
FAEM = hunger
FAEMADITRET = a famine
FAEMIK = hungry
FAG = distance
FAGIK = distant, far
FAGOT = a distance
FAGOTABUNAM = (the) long jump (= athletics)
FAGOTILÜ = a short distance from
FAIB = a fibre
FAILAM = a (financial) failure
FAILAN = a bankrupt
FAILOT = a ruin
FAILÖN = to go bankrupt
FAINIKAM = fading, withering
FAL = a fall
FALAJELÖM = a parachute
FALOK = a falcon, a hawk
FALÖN = to fall
FALSÄT = a high-pitched voice
FAM = fame
FAMIK = famous
FAMÜL = a family
FAMÜLANEM = a surname
FANAPLED = a (game of) 'tig'
FANÄBÖP = a prison
FANÄBÖPÄB = a prisoner
FANÄBÜKAMABÜD = a warrant (for the arrest of)
FANÄBÜKÖN = to arrest
FANÄDÖN = to catch, to snatch
FANÖN = to catch
FAR = a lighthouse
FARM = a farm
FARMADOM = a farmhouse
FASAD = a facade
FASILIK = easy
FASILOT = a facility
FAT = a father
FATÜITIK = arrogant, conceited
FAVIK = glum, morose, upset
FAVÖN = to upset
FÄD = a chance event, a coincidence
= (ma fäd = at random)
FÄDIK = accidental, by chance
FÄDIKO = perchance
FÄDO = by chance, unexpectedly
FÄG = an ability, a faculty
FÄGIK = able, capable
FÄGIKO = ably, capably
FÄGÖN = to be capable, to be in a position to
FÄKAM = emotion, fervour
FÃKÃD = excitement
FÄKÄDIK = excitable
FÄIKNIBÖN = to squeeze together
FÄIKNOPÖN = to button up
FÄISKRUBÖN = to screw down
FÄISTEIGÄDÖN = to plug, to stop up
FÄITANÖN = to bind up
FÄKÄDIKO = emotional
FÄKÄDÜKÖN = to excite (emotionally)
FÄKIK = emotional, moved (emotionally)
FÄKIKÖN = to be moved (emotionally)
FÄKÖN = to be touched (emotionally)
FÄKÜKÖL = ardent, highly emotional
FÄKÜKÖN = to shock
FÄLID = a valley
FÄNÄDÖN = to flutter, to wave
FÄNÖM = a ventilator
FÄRMÜKÖN = to close, to shut
FÄTOT = destiny, fortune
FE = it's true that
FEAFOMÖM = a tramsformer (electrical)
FEALOTÄDÖN = to remove (= move house)
FEAPLADÖN = to download [computers]
FEBAKATÄD = working capital
FEBÄD = an enterprise
FEBOD = occupation, trade
FEBUL = February
FED = a federation, league
FEDIK = federal
FEDÖN (KO / TA) = to be in league (with / against)
FEFIK = grave, serious
FEFILÜKAM = combustion
FEFO = in earnest
FEGEBÖN = to squander
FEIFÖN = to whistle
FEILALÄNED = arable land
FEILAM = agriculture
FEILAN = a peasant, a rustic person
FEILAV = agriculture
FEINIK = fine
FEL = a field
FELIFÄDÖN = to spend (time)
FENIK = tired
FENÄT = a window
FENÄTABOED = a window-sill
FENÄTIKLINÜKAN = a winder cleaner
FENÜKÖN = to exhaust, to tire
FERABEM = an iron beam
FERIN = iron
FERINAMÜN = iron ore
FEROD = a rail
FERODARUTAVEG = a train track
FESÜL = a (blood) vessel
FEUDIM = feudalism
FIBIK = weak
FIBÖFIK = mild
FID = food
FIDACAN = crockery
FIDACEM = a dining room
FIDASTAFIL = a chopstick
FIDÄD = a meal
FIDÄDAKAD = a menu (table d'hôte)
FIDED = a dinner
FIDEDÖN = to dine
FIDOVIK = eatable, edible
FIDÖN = to eat
FIDÜP = a mealtime
FIED = faith
FIEDIK = faithful
FIEN = interest (=financial return)
FIF = a fever, a temperature
FIFÖN = to have a fever, a temperature
FIGUR = a figure, a form
FIKULIK = difficult, hard
FIL = a fire
FILASEPÜLÖP = a crematorium
FILAZÄP = a (pair of) tongs
FILÄT = a net
FILED = a burn (=injury)
FILETATOP = a hearth
FILETATOPAFÖN = an (open) fireplace
FILID = ignition (of car)
FILIDÖM = a lighter
FILIDÖN = to ignite, to kindle, to light
FILIG = a fern
FILM = a film (filmastelan = a film star)
FILOSOP = philosophy
FILÖN = to burn (=be burning)
FILÜKÖN = to burn up
FIMÄDÖN = to harness, to make firm
FIMEKÖN = to complete, to finish
FIMIK = fast, firm
FIMÜKÖN = to fasten, to fix
FIN = a conclusion, an end
FINEN = finance
FINIDÖN = to abolish, to bring to an end
FINOT = an (ultimate) end, an extremity
FINÜKÖN = to conclude, to end, to finish
FIR = a fir (tree)
FIT = a fish
= * fish and chips = fit e pötetüls
FIV = a pool
FIZIR = an officer
FLAB = a piece of cloth
FLAD = a bottle
FLAG = a flag, a standard
FLAGEDÖN = to ask, to demand, to insist on
FLAGIÄLIK = demanding
FLAGÖN = to require
FLAM = a flame
FLAMOT = a taper. a torch
FLAMÜLÖN = to flicker, to glimmer
FLAN = a side
FLANÜ = apart from
FLANÄD = a wing (of building)
FLANATAB = a sideboard
FLAP = a hit, a slap, a smack
FLAPILAKREM = whipped cream
FLAPÖN = to beat, to hit, to slap, to strike
FLÄKÖMALAMPAD = a (reflective) headlight
FLÄKÖN = to reflect (light)
FLÄNO = duty free
FLÄNÜKAMAMÄK = a (pre-paid) postage stamp
FLÄTÖN = to flatter
FLED = a load
FLEDANAF = a freighter
FLEDASPADÄD = a cargo hold
FLEDAVAB = a lorry
FLEDÜLÖN = to load (a gun)
FLEGED = a hinge
FLEGOT = compliance
FLEGÖN = to bend, to flex
FLEK = a rev, a turn
FLEKAM = a rotation
= * talaleflekam = rotation of the earth
FLEKIK = flexible, supple
FLEKÖN = to turn (to)
FLEN = a friend
FLENALÖF = (close)friendship
FLENAM = friendship
FLENÄDAN = a comrade, a mate, a pal
FLENÖFIK = amiable, kind
FLIB = a flea
FLIFÄDÜKÖL = refreshing
FLIFÜKÖN = to refresh
FLIFIK = fresh
FLIODABUK = an in-folio album
FLITAMUG = a bat (= creature)
FLITAPOF = an airport
FLITÄM = a wing
FLITAJIDAIFIDAN = an air-hostess
FLITÖM = an aeroplane
FLITÖN = to fly
FLOD = frost
FLODAM = freezing
FLODÖFÖN = to freeze (due to actions, emotions)
FLODÖN = to be frozen
FLOG = a flake
FLÖDACIN = a freezer
FLÖDÖN = to freeze
FLÖKASTUL = a wickerwork chair
FLÖKOT = a plait (of hair)
FLOM = a forehead
FLOR = a flower
FLORABRASID = a cauliflower
FLORED = a bouquet
FLORÖN = to blossom, to flower
FLORÜP = Spring
FLOTED = a raft
FLÖRÖN = to prompt (in theatre)
FLUD = flow, high tide
FLUK = a fruit
FLUKEPAGAD = an orchard
FLUKÜP = Autumn
FLUM = a current
FLUMED = a river
FLUMEDAJEVOD = a hippopotamus
FLUMOT = a liquid body
FLUMÖN = to flow
FLUTÜLÖN = to whistle (for)
FO = before (place), in front of
FOAD = a liver (anatomy)
FOD = a scythe
FODÖN = to cut, to mow, to reap
FOG = a mist, a fog
FOGALÄDÖP = a remote watch (building)
FOGINAN = an outsider, a stranger
FOGINIK = foreign, strange
FOGINÄN = abroad, overseas
FOGINÄNIK = foreign
FOGINÄNO = abroad
FOGOLAN = a predecessor
FOGOLÖN = to go before, to precede
FOGÜLÖN = to become hazy
FOK = a fork
FOL = four (folo = in fours)
FOLDIL = a quarter
FOLLIEN = a square (shape)
FOM = a form, a shape
FOMÄD = a feature
FOMÄL = imagination
FOMÄLOD = a figment (of the imagination)
FOMÄLÖN (BOSI) = to imagine (something)
FOMÄT = a format, a size
FOMET = a form (to fill out)
FOMÖN = to form, to shape
FOMÜLAM = an (official) request
FON = a spring (of water)
FONÄD = a fountain, a well
FONÄT = a source, a spring
FONED = a fountain (in garden)
FOPAN = a fool
FOPIK = foolish
FOPLADÖN = to put in front
FOR = (the) gallows
FORTIF = a fortification
FOT = a forest, a grove, a wood
FOTAZUGOT = a stretch (of forest)
FOTIKONÖM = forestry
FOTOGRAFAN = a photographer
FOTOGRAFOT = a photograph
FOTÜL = a bush
FOVO = furthermore, henceforth
FOVÖN = to follow on
FÖDÖN = to further, to promote
FÖFAFLAN = front (not back)
FÖFASTEV = prow (of ship)
FÖFIK = ahead
FÖFIO = forwards
FÖFIÖ! = forward(s)! (exclamation)
FÖFÖN = = to be ahead, to be in front
FÖFÜ = in front of
FÖFÜKÖN = to advance
FÖG = a hammer
FÖLÖN = to carry out (promise/verdict)
FOMÄT = a format
FOMÖN = to fashion
FÖN = a heater, a stove
FÖRO = at any time, ever
FÖVOT = a continuation
FÖVÖN = to continue
FRAG = a strawberry
FRAKETÖN = to crack, to snap
FRAKTUR = Gothic (type)
FRAMBODARUBUD = a raspberry bush
FRAN = a franc (currency)
FRASEOD = an expression (phrasing); turn of phrase
FRÄD(S) = an expense, expenses
FRÄDÖN = to cost (=have a price of...)
FRÄN = a bit (on bridle)
FRED = gladness, happiness, joy
FREDADRAMAT = a comedy
FREDIK = glad, happy
FREDIMIK = optimistic
FREDÖN (DEMÜ/TEFÜ) = to rejoice (over), to be glad/happy (about)
FREMÄD = a frame
FREMÜL = a panel
FRENÖM = a brake
FRENÖN = to brake
FRESKOD = a fresco
FRIDEL = Friday
FRIN = a finch
FROG = a frog
FROMAD = a cheese
FRON = a wrinkle
FRONT = a (military) front
FRONTANEF = the front line (of soldiers)
FRONÜKÖN = to wrinkle
FRUT = an advantage
FRUTIDÖN = to benefit from, to make use of, to take
= advantage of
FRUTIK = useful
FRUTÖN = to benefit
FUK = a seal
FULIK = = full
FULIOPÖMÖN = = to pump up (tyres, etc)
FULÜKAPEN = a fountain-pen
FULÜKÖN = to fill
FUN = a cadaver, a corpse
FUNIG = a fungus
FUNISEPÜLAN = an undertaker
FURMID = an ant
FURNOD = an oven, a stove
FUROT = a lining
FUT = a foot
FUTAFRENÖM = a foot brake
FUTAGLÖPÄD = football (= game)
FUTAKÄLAN = a chiropodist
FUTAPLANT = sole (= of foot)
FUTAYOIN = an ankle
FUTOGOLAN = a pedestrian
FUTOGOLANAZON = a pedestrian precinct
FÜMÄDIK = obstinate
FÜMÄLIK = decisive
FÜMETÖN = to determine
FÜMIK = certain, sure
FÜMIKO = certainly, for sure
FÜMÖ! = sure! = without doubt!
FÜMÜKAM = confirmation
FÜNÖN = to establish, to found
FÜSÜDAV = physics
FÜTÜRIK = future
GAD = a garden
GADABUID = a garden hedge
GADAN = a gardener
GADÖN = to garden
GADÖM = a garden tool
GADAPIADIL = a patio
GADUT = cod (=fish)
GAENOD = a profit, a win
GAENÄTÖN (DE) = to profit (from)
GAENÖN = to gain, to win
GAGOT = filth, rubbish
GAL = a vigil
GALAKID = a galaxy
GALÄDAN = a watchman
GALÄDÖP = a look-out (building)
GALÄDÖN = to keep an eye on, to watch
GALÄL = awareness, watchfulness
GALEDAN = a watchman
GALEDÖN = to beware, to protect
= (to watch over someone = galedön eki)
GALIK = awake
GALIKÖN = to awake, to wake up
GALÖN = to be awake, to watch
GALÜKIAN = an alarm clock
GALÜKÖN (EKI) = to wake (someone)
GAN = a goose
GANALOET = roast goose
GAOD = gauze
GARAD = a garage
GARANÖN = to ensure, to guarantee
GARDAN = a guard (military)
GARED = an instep (of shoe)
GARID = a mushroom
GARNISUN = a garrison (military)
GAS BRUIDIK = effervescence
GASAL = a gazelle
GASED = a newspaper
GASEDEM = the press
GASEDIMAN = a journalist
GASIN = gas
GASINARÜD = a gaspipe
GÄMÖN (ME RULÄT) = to gamble, to play (at roulette)
GÄYSÄR = a geyser
GEBÄD = a usage
GEBIDÖN (DÖ) = to have at hand, to have at one's disposal
GEBIDÜKÖN (EKE BOSI) = to make something available (to someone)
GEBÖF = a custom
GEBÖN = to use
GEDIK = grey
GEF = a vessel (= container)
GEGAENÖN = to regain
GEGIVÖN (EKE) = to give back, to return (to someone)
GEIDAN = a guide
GEIDAVÖD = a clue (for puzzles)
GEIDÖN (EKI) = to guide (someone)
GEIK = reciprocal, reflexive (grammar)
GEIKAM = a return
GEIL = height
GEILIK = high
GEILOTABUNAM = (the) high jump (= athletics)
GEILÜKUMÖN = to enhance
GEIN = brandy, cognac, gin
= (geinapöb = a "dive")
GEJOIKÖN = to drive back, to repulse
GEKÖMÖN (LÜ) = to come back (to), to return (to)
GELAN = an organist
GELOGAM = regression
GELÖN = to play the organ
GEMAG = an antetype, a counterpart
GEN = sex
GENÄMS = (the) genitals
GEOMET = geometry
GEÖN = to react, to reciprocate
GERALESON = a crown prince
GERED = a gene
GERÖN = to inherit
GESAG = an answer
GESAGÖN = to answer
GESEDÖN = to return, to send back
GESPIKÖF = (mental) preparedness, quickwitedness
GESPIKÖM = an answering machine
GESPIKÖN = to acknowledge, to anser, to reply to
GESPIKÜ = in reply to...
GETAZÖT = a receipt
GETEDAN = a receptionist
GETEDÖN = to accept. to receive (people)
GETIKÖN (DÖ) = to reminisce, to think back (about)
GETÖN = to get, to obtain, to receive (things)
GEVÖN = to give, to grant, to present
GIAN = (the) gigantic
GIANAN = a giant
GID = justice
GIDID = a responsibility
GIDIDÖN (DEMÜ) = to be responsible (for)
GIDIK, GIDÖFIK = fair, just, right, seemly
GIDÜKÖN = to justify, to vindicate
GIFÜLOT = spray
GIG = gout
GIJÄT = a (ticket) office, a counter
GILDÄT = a corporation
GIM = a gimlet
GIMÖN = to bore, to drill
GIMÜL = a drill
GINGIF = a gum (= in mouth)
GINÄDÖN = to wind up (a watch)
GIRAF = a giraffe
GIT = justice
GITAR = a guitar
GITÄDASÄKÄD = a (judicial) case, a lawsuit
GITÄT = a just claim, a right
GITOD = a justification
GIVIÄLIK = generous
GIVIDÖN = to delegate, to transfer
GIVÖN = to give
GIVÜLÖN = to attribute, to donate
GLAD = ice
GLADABEL = an iceberg
GLADADOMIL = an igloo
GLADAHOKIY = ice hockey
GLADARAMAR = a refrigerator
GLADET = an ice cream
GLADETÜL = an ice cube
GLADIOLS = gladioli
GLADÜL = an ice cream
GLAN = a gland
GLATO = free of charge, gratis
GLÄTÄDAN = a glazier
GLÄT = glass
GLÄTIK = (of) glass
GLÄTOT = glass (substance)
GLEINÖN = to glean
GLEIPED = a door handle
GLEIPÖN = to grasp, to seize
GLEPÄDÖN = to grip
GLEIPÜLÖN = to handle
GLIBAN = a vagabond
GLID = greeting
GLIDÖN = to greet
GLIMÖN = to shimmer, to shine
GLOF = growth, increase
GLOFÖN = to grow
GLOK = a clock
GLOKEL = a watchmaker
GLORIKO = gloriously
GLORÜKÖN = to glorify
GLÖB = a bullet
GLÖBAKUL = a trajectory
GLÖBIJEDAM = (the) shot-put (= Olympics)
GLÖMÄD = forgetfulness
GLÖMÖN = to forget
GLÖP = a ball, a sphere
GLÖPÄD = a ball game
GLÖPILÖN = to play marbles (= game)
GLÖTIK = jealous
GLUF = a glove
GLUMALADÄL = melancholy
GLUMIDIK = dull, glum, overcast
GLUMIKÖN = to become overcast
GLUN = a floor, ground (glunots = grounds)
GLUNIDALABOT = an estate
GLUTAPIR = an electric light bulb
GLUTIK = ardent, hot
GLÜG = a church
GLÜKOSIN = glucose
GNOB = a bud, a knob (control)
GO = quite, very
GOBADÖN = to arch (cat's back)
GOBLET = a goblet
GOKÜL = a chicken
GOD = God
GOKAHAUK = a goshawk
GOL = bearing, deportment, walk
GOLABOED = a gangway
GOLÄD = a parade, a procession
GOLDIN = gold (precious metal)
GOLDIK = (of) gold, golden
GOLED = course (of events)
GOLF = golf (game)
GOLÖN (LÜ) = to go (to), to walk (to)
GOUN = a gong
GÖ! = come on!
GÖB = a tail
GÖBAPIANOD = a grand piano
GÖD = morni = ng
GÖDED = an acre (of land)
GÖLIK = early
GÖN = a favour
GÖNÖN = to favour
GRAD = a degree
GRAHAN = an eclipse
GRAHANÖN = to conceal, to eclipse
GRAINÖN = to grind
GRAMAFON = a gramophone
GRÄL = hail (weather)
GRÄMÖN = to climb
GRANAT = a pomegranate
GRATÖN = to caw, to croak
GREDAKED = a scale (calibration)
GREN = corn
GRENAFLOG = cereal
GRENAFLOGAPÄKED = a cereal packet
GRETAMAFÄDIK = on a grand scale
GRETED = magnitude (maths)
GRETIK = big, great, large, tall
GRETOT = size
GRETÜKOT = an enlargement
GRIFÖN = to graft
GRINEDÖN = to grin
GRINÖN = to grin
GRIP = 'flu, influenza
GROBÄLIK = brutal
GROBIK = unrefined
GROBÖFIK = coarse, brusque, rough
GRODIK = pregnant
GRON = gravel
GRONASTON = gravel
GROSÜLIK = wholesale
GROT = oatmeal
GROTÄTIK = grotesque
GRULÖN (DUB) = to be swarming, teeming (with)
GRUFET = a line (on hand/face)
GRULÖN = to crawl, to swarm
GRUP = a group
GRÜD = grit
GRÜNIK = green
GUAYAD = a pear
GUB = an oar
GUBÖN = to row
GUDÄLIK = benevolent, kind-hearted
GUDIK = good
GUDIKO = well
GUDIKUM (KA) = better (than)
GUDIKÜN (DE/SE) = (the) best (of/in)
GUDÜKUMAM = an improvement
GUDÜKUMÖN = to improve
GUFUR = an abyss
GUG = a throat
GUGEDÖN = to gargle
GUIRÖN = to languish, to waste away
GUL = an angle, a corner
GULAV = geometry
GUM = India-rubber
GUMALUIBARIF = an elastic band
GUN = a coat
GUSTUL = August
GUT = a taste
GUTÖN = to taste
GUVÖN = to administer, to govern
GÜFLEKIK = backwards, over, reversed
GULAD = goulash (food)
GULF = (the) Gulf Stream
GUR = an abyss
GUVÖN = to administer
GÜ = contrary
GÜÄ = contrary to
GÜMNAD = a grammar-school
GÜN = a gun
GÜNÜL = a rifle
GÜTIKO = tastefully
GÜÜKÖN = to turn over
HAD = an ace
HAGÖN = to groan
HAJET = hash (food)
HARAT = a quarter (in a town/city)
HARÄM = a harem
HARNAD = a harness
HARENG = a herring
HARMONÖM = a harmonica, a mouth organ
HARPUN = a harpoon
HÄM = a ham
HÄRBAT = a vegetable
HÄRBATIM = vegetarianism
HÄRBATIMAN = a vegetarian
HÄRMETIK = air-tight, hermetic
HÄROD = a heron
HÄT = a hat
HEKÖN = to gasp, to pant
HER = a hair
HERAN = a hairdresser
HERASEFAL = hair loss
HEREM = a (head of) hair
HEREMIKÖTÄD = a haircut
HEREMITEIL = a parting (hair)
HEROED (HI-/JI-) = a hero, a heroine
HESTAN = a conjuror, a juggler
HET = hatred
HETÄD = spite
HETÖN = to hate
HICIL = a son
HIEL = (masculine sing. form of def. article)
HIGEM = a brother
HIKEL = who, which (masculine)
HIKLEUDAN = a monk
HIKOMPENAN = a fellow-traveller, a kindred spirit
HIKULTAN = a clergyman
HIL = a heel
HIMATAN = a husband
HIMEN = a man
HINDUTAN = a hindu
HINILÄDAN = a (male) neighbour
HIOPOT = a hippopotamus
HIPAL = a father
HIPUL = a boy, a youth
HIREG = a king
HISIÖR = a gentleman
HIT = heat
HITER = an uncle
HITIK = hot
HITÜKÖN = to heat
HITÜP = Summer
HOBUB = an ox
HOD = barley
HOG = a hole
HOGÄD = a perforation
HOGÖN = to perforate, to pierce
HOJIPAMIT = mutton
HOL = an hour's journey
HOLBUT = halibut
HON = a horn (of animal)
HONED = a beak, a (bird's) bill
HORIT = the horizon
HORITÄTIK = horizontal
HORMON = a hormone
HUK = a hook
HUL = a (sea) swell
HUMAR = a lobster
HUMUL = a hop
HÜASEN = a hyacinth
HÜEN = a hyena
HÜGIENIK = hygienic
HÜIT = an oyster
HÜM = a hymn
HÜPNOD = hypnosis
HÜRÖN = to hire
I = also, too
IBÄ = for (conjunction)
IBO = in fact, really
ID = also, too (before vowel)
IDELO = two days ago
IF = if (if plüdol = if you please)
IFI = even if
IFÜ = subject to...
IGO = even (igo no = not even)
IN = (place) at, in
INI = into
IS = here
ISAO = hence (=from here)
ISIO = hither (=to here)
ISIÖ! = come here!
IT = self/selves = (obs it = we ourselves)
ITALIFAJENÄD = an autobiography
ITFRÄD = cost price
ITJÄFIDIK = automatic
ITO = by myself, yourself, etc.
ITREIG = autonomy
JABEN = a mushroom
JAD = a shade, a shadow
JADAMAGOD = a silhouette
JAFÄB = a creature
JAFÄD = creation
JAFÄDÖN = to bring about
JAFÄL = creativity
JÄFID = a function
JÄFIDOT = an organ (eg of newspaper)
JAFOVIK = creative
JAFÖN = to create
JÄFÜD = a field (of knowledge), a product
= * Bolit no binon jäfüd oba = Politics isn't my = strong point.
JÄFÜDISEVAN = an expert, a specialist
JAIN = a clothes line, a cord, a rope
JAK = a shark
JAKAL = a jackal
JAKÄT = a jacket
JAL = bark, peel
JALOT = a shallot
JALUD = jealousy
JAMOD = a camel
JAMPÄN = champagne (drink)
JANAFRIN = a finch (song bird)
JANÄLIK = fascinating
JANED = breakfast
JAPÄLIK = mischievous
JAPIK = sharp
JAPÜKÖN = to sharpen
JARGON = gibberish, jargon
JASID = a chassis
JATÖN = to itch
JÄFÄB = a creature
JÄFÄDIK = busy
JÄFÄLÖN (KO) = to be (mentally) absorbed (with)
JÄFÄLÜKÖN = to absorb
JÄFID = a function
JÄFIDÄM = an organ (of body)
JÄFIDÖN = to function, to work
JÄFIKÖN (ME) = to be engaged (in), to worry (about)
JÄFOT = an activity
JÄFÖN (ME) = to be busy (with), to be occupied (in)
JÄFÜD = a speciality
JÄFÜDIK = specialized
JÄFÜDINASEVAN = a specialist
JÄFÜKÖN (OKI ME) = to bother (oneself about)
JÄL = a shell fish
JÄMPOD = a shampoo
JÄNÄLÖL = absorbing
JÄPAN = a swindler
JÄNÄLIK = fascinating
JÄNÄLÖN = to captivate
JÄPÜLAN = a mischief-maker, a trickster
JÄST = a gesture
JÄSTÄD = a pose
JÄTÜLÖN = to tickle
JEDÖN = to throw
JEDÜLÖN = to scatter
JEIFALAM = a razor-blade
JEIFAN = a barber
JEIFÖM = a razor
JEIFÖN = to shave
JEIKIK = awful, horrible, terrible
JEIKÖN = to scare, to terrify
JEIKÜLÖN = to shock
JEK = a fright
JEKÖN = to be frightened, to be scared
JEL = protection
JELED = an apron
JELETIN = gelatine
JELOD = a defence
JELODÖN = to defend
JELÖM = an umbrella
JELÖN = to protect
JEM = shame
JEMOD = a disgrace
JEMÖN (DEMÜ) = to be ashamed (about/of)
JEMÜKÖN = to disgrace
JEMÜKÖL = abashed
JENÄD = a development
JENAV = history
JENAVAN = a historian
JENAVIK = historical
JENET = a case, an instance
JENOT = an event
JENOTEM = a history
JENÖFIK = actual, real
JENÖFO = actually, in reality, really
JENÖFOT = a fact
JENÖFÜKAM = fulfilment
JENÖN = to happen
JENÖFÖ! = indeed!
JENÜKÖN = to cause, to make happen
JEP = a herd (of animals)
JERAGIK = precious
JERIK = expensive
JEVOD = a horse
JEVODANÄM = horsepower
JIB = game (animals)
JIBALUMAN = a lady soloist
JIBIRAVAN = a poacher
JIBUB = a cow
JICIL = a daughter, a girl
JIDAIFIDAN = a hostess
JIEDAMEDIN = a laxative
JIEDOT = excrement
JIEL = (feminine sing. form of def. article)
JIF = a sheaf
JIGAM = a bride
JIGEM = a sister
JIGOK = a hen
JIGRODAN = a pregnant woman
JIJELÄB = a protégeé
JIKAT = a cat, a queen (=she-cat)
JIKÄLAN = a nurse
JIKÄLÄB = a baby
JIKEL = which, who (feminine)
JIKLINÜKAN = a chambermaid, a cleaner
JIKONÖMAN = a housekeeper
JILEPÄDAN = an abbess
JILÄT = a waistcoat
JIM = a (pair of) scissors/shears
JIMAGIVAN = a witch
= * jimagivanakonot = a witch's tale
JIMARKETAN = a marchioness
JIMATAN = a wife
JIMEN = a woman
JIMULAT = a hinny, a she-mule
JINEPUEDAN = a prostitute
JINIKO = apparently
JINÖN = to seem
JIP = a sheep
JIPAL = a mother
JIPLIN = a princess
JIPUL = a girl, a maiden
JIPÜL = a lamb
JIPÜLAVULTUR = a bearded vulture
JIREG = a queen
JIT = a shirt
JITER = an aunt
JIYUFAN PATIK = an (air) stewardess
JODEM = rubbish
JOFIK = bald
JOFÖR = a chauffeur, a driver
JOG = a bullrush
JOIKÖN = to push, to shove
JOK = a push, a shove
JOKOLADATVILÜL = a chocolate bar
JOKÖN (TA) = to bump (into)
JOL = coast-line, shore
JOLALESÜT = a (seaside) promenade
JOLAMABOED = a jetty
JOLÖN = to approach the shore, to land
JON = an indication
JONED = a demonstration
JONET = a (cinema/TV) screen
JONETOT = a display
JONETÜKAM = a demonstration
JONIAN = a (clock) hand
JONIDÖN = to be of use
JONIDÜKÖN = to employ, to provide, to use
JONIL = a hint
JONODÖN = to introduce (to someone)
JONÖN = to indicate, to point, to show
JONÜLÖN = to demonstrate
JOT = a shoulder
JOV = a racket, a row, an uproar
JOVAN = a hooligan, a troublemaker
JÖENIK = austere, sober
JÖL = eight
JÖLÄT = a (computer) byte
JÖLPLIFÄTIK = octavo (= paper size)
JÖN = beauty
JÖNAPENAN = a calligrapher
JÖNIK = beautiful, fine, lovely
JÖNUL = a caterpillar
JÖTASUÄM = balance (= bookkeeping)
JUB = dandruff
JUEG = sugar
JUG = a rush (plant)
JUITÖN = to enjoy
JUK = a shoe
JUKATANODIL = a shoe-lace
JUKEL = a shoemaker
JUL = a school
JULAN = a pupil, a scholar
JURNAL = a newspaper
JUTED = a rush
JUTEDÖN = to rush
JUTÖN = to shoot
JUÜP = a skirt
JÜ = until, to
JÜD = a film (= a thin layer) = JÜNU = hitherto, until now
JÜP = a spade
JÜPÖN = to dig
JÜPÜL = a shovel
JÜS = until
JÜTÖN = to shoot at
JÜTÜKÖN = to fire
KA = than
KAAZIAD = acacia (plant)
KAB = a cable (wires)
KABAAL = (the) Cabala (teaching)
KABEM (LEKTINIK) = wiring (electrical)
KAD = a card
KADAPLEDÖN = to play cards
KADÄM = an academy
KAED (TALEDIK) = a map
KAEDAV = cartography
KAENAL = an engineer
KAENAN = a technician
KAENAV = technology
KAF = coffee
KAFASKAL = a coffee-pot
KAFEIN = caffeine
KAFETAR = a cafeteria
KAGÖN = to gossip, to prattle
KAGULAN = a gossip
KAIL = alkaline
KAIT = a kite
KAJMIR = cashmere (wool)
KAK = cocoa
KAKAD = a cockatoo
KAKTUD = a cactus
KALADAPATÄD = a characteristic
KALAD = character
KALADÖN = to characterize
KALED = an almanac, a calendar
KALIB = calibre, bore (of gun, etc)
KALIG = a calyx (of flower)
KALKULÖN = to calculate
KALOT = an account, a bill
KAMALÄN = a plain
KAMPANUL = a campanula (flower)
KAMUFÖN = to camouflage
KAN = a skill
KANAD = a fir tree
KANAIR = a canary
KANAYAN = a crook, a scoundrel
KANÄD = a channel
KANDEL = a candle
KANDELIKIPIAN = a candle-stick
KANGUR = a kangaroo
KANIBAN = a cannibal
KANIT = a song
KANITAN = a singer
KANITÖN = to sing
KANITÜLÖN = to hum
KANÖN ( + INFIN) = to be able to, can
KANSER = cancer (disease)
KANUD = a canoe
KAP = a head
KAPAKOSÄDÖM = earphone(s)
KAPAKUSEN = a cushion, a pillow
KAPAKUSENER = a pillowcase
KAPÄLIFÖDÖL = promoting intelligence
KAPAR = a goat
KAPENAN = a carpenter
KAPIT = a chapter
KAPITEN = a captain
KAPSIG = pepper
KAPSUL = a capsule (medication)
KAPSÜL = a (bottle) top/cap
KAPÜT = a bonnet, a hood
KAR = a square
KARBINAHIDRIN = carbohydrate
KARBON = carbon
KARIOF = a carnation
KARIP = a carp
KARMISINIK = crimson
KAROD = (vehicle) bodywork
KAROV = a caravan ( = travelling group)
KARTILAG = a cartilage
KARTON = cardboard
KARUSÄL = a carrousel, a merry-go-round
KASAMAT = a pill-box (military)
KASÄT = a box, a case, a cassette
KASED = a castle, a mansion
KASER = (army) barracks
KASKOD = a (ship's) funnel
KASTAENITAFLAPÖN = to play "conkers" (= game)
KAT = a cat
KATALIT = a catalyst
KATAPULT = a catapult
KATAR = catarrh
KATASTROF = a catastrophe, a disaster
KATÄD = capital, cash
KATULIK = catholic
KAUL = a stalk, a stem
KAV = a cellar
KAVEAD = a guinea pig
KAVIDAN = a knight
KAYAK = a kayak (boat)
KAYÜT = a cabin (on ship)
KAZETÖN = to emphasize
KÄBEN = a cabin (of ship)
KÄD = cash
KÄDÖP = a cash desk
KÄFED = a ruse, a trick
KÄFIK = cunning, sly
KÄFOD = a ruse, a trick
KÄLAN = a foster-parent
KÄLÄB = a foster-child
KÄLÄLÖN = to care for, to mind
KÄLÖF = a caring attitude
KÄLÖFIK = careful, caring
KÄLÖN = to attend to, to look after, to nurse
KÄLTIK = celtic
KÄM = a camera
KÄN = a cannon
KÄNAMANAF = a gunboat
KÄNEDÖN = to precipitate
KÄPTEN = a (ship's) captain
KÄV = a dock, a quay
KEB = a herb (=plant with soft, not woody stalk)
KEBLÜNÖN = to contribute
KEBLÜNOT = a contribution
KEDÄD = a rank (=line of people)
KEDÄDIO! = get in line!
KEDOTEM = a scale
KEDÖBAN = an accomplice (in crime)
KEDÜLÖN = to link, to string
KEF = a brush
KEFÖN = to brush
KEINIK = charming
KEINOT = charm
KEK = a cake
KEKUNAFLAMAT = appendicitis
KEL = who, which (relative); (in kel(s)= where)
KELOMÄNAN = a fellow-countryman
KELÖDÖN (KO) = to cohabit (with)
KELIED = compassion
KELIEDÖN (KO) = to sympathize (with)
KELOS = what, which (relative pronoun)
KENINÜKAMÜ = inclusive of
KEOLAN = a mate, a pal
KEP = a cape (=geographical)
KESENÄL = compassion, sympathy
KESEV = knowledge
KESUMÖN = to take away (with)
KEV = a cave, a cavern
KEVOBÖN = to co-operate
KEVÖFIK = cavernous, hollow
KID = a kiss
KIDÖN = to kiss
KIEMAN = an (analytical) chemist
KIEMASANAV = chemotherapy
KIEMAV = chemistry
KIEMIK = chemical
KIEN = a knee
KIENÖN = to kneel
KIF? = who? (feminine)
KIFIK? = which (one)? (feminine)
KIK = a key
KIKODO? = why?
KIL = three
KILLIEN = a triangle
KILTONOD = a third (music)
KIM ? = who? (masculine)
KIMIK ? = which (one)? (masculine)
KIN ? = what? which? (neuter)
KINIK ? = what (one)? which (one)? (neuter)
KIOSK = a kiosk, a newspaper stand/stall
KIOSOTIK = whatever
KIÖPO? = where?
KIPÄDÖN = to contain, to hold
KIPEDÖN = to maintain, to preserve
KIPIAN = a rack (=for towels, etc)
KIPIDÖN = to deposit
KIPLADO? = where?
KIPÖN = to keep, to hold, to retain
KIRAT = a (gold) carat
KIRFAT = cinnamon
KIS? = what? (abstract)
KISIK? = what (one)? (abstract)
KISOTIK? = what sort of . . .
KITAZÖT = a receipt
KITIMO? = when?
KITOPO? = where?
KITÖN = to receipt, to settle (payment)
KIUD = a partition
KLAD = a category, a class
KLADÄT = a caste
KLAF = a corn (on foot)
KLAT = éclat, flamboyance, glamour
KLATÄDIK = classical
KLAUNÖFIK = clownish, silly
KLAV = a key (on keyboard)
KLAVAN = a typist
KLAVÖN = to key in, to type
KLÄDÖM = a cradle
KLÄN = a secret
KLÄNEDAPLED = (a game of) 'hide and seek'
KLÄNEDÖN (OKI) = to conceal, to hide (oneself)
KLÄPED = a hatch, a shutter
KLEDÖM = a seesaw
KLEDÖN = to sway
KLEIBÖN = to glue, to paste, to stick
KLEILIK = clear, plain, unambiguous
KLEILILOGAM = clairvoyance
KLEILIKO = obviously
KLEILÜKÖN = to elucidate, to explain
KLEMEDÖN = to capitulate
KLEMÖN = to abandon, to decline, to refuse, to relinquish
KLERÄT = chapter (ecclesiastical)
KLEUDAN (HI-/JI-) = a monk, a nun
KLIEN = inclination, tendency
KLIENÄL = an instinct
KLIENIK = inclined (to)
KLIENÖN (AD) = to incline, to tend (to)
KLIENÖN (LOVE) = to bend (over)
KLIET = refreshment
KLIETIK = refreshing
KLIETÖN = to refresh
KLIETOT = a refreshment (klietots = refreshments)
KLIF = a rock
KLIFABLÖG = a boulder
KLIFIK = rocky
KLILIK = light (=not dark)
KLIMAT = a climate
KLINIK = clean
KLINÖF = cleanliness
KLINÜKÖN = to clean
KLIPAJOL = a rocky coastline
KLIRIKÖN = to call quits
KLIV = = a precipice
KLOK = a bell
KLOKIL = a handbell
KLOKÜL = a doorbell
KLORIN = chloride
KLOPÖN = to harvest, to reap
KLOPÜP = harvest time
KLOTED = a dress
KLOTEM = a suit
KLOTIKIPEDÖP = a wardrobe
KLOTILÄGÖM = a clothes hanger
KLOTÖN = to dress
KLOTS = clothes
KLOTUGIK = elegant, smart
KLOTUGÖN = to suit (of clothes)
KLÖBÜL = a (bell) clapper
KLÖPIK = circular, round
KLÖPÖFIK = portly (of gait)
KLU = consequently
KLUBAM = an association
KLUBÄD = a body (of people)
KLUDÖN = to deduce, to infer
KLUDOD = a conclusion (mental)
KLUÖ ! = well now !
KLUF = a nail (woodwork)
KLUINÖN = to clean, to wipe
KLUR = an emblem
KLUT = a lock, a sluice (nautical)
KLUV = a claw (of animal)
KLÜLABIKO = evidently
KLÜLÄDÖN = to be evident, to be obvious
KLÜLIKÖ! = of course!
KLÜNACEM = a cloakroom
KLÜNATAB = a dressing-table
KNÄTÄRÖN = to crackle
KNIBOD = a gag, a muzzle
KNIBÖN = to nip, to pinch
KNIRÖN = to creak, to grate
KNOP = a button
KO = with
KOAGÜL = a clot (of blood)
KOAN = a shell
KOANAF = a shellfish
KOANANIM = a mussel (= seafood)
KOAP = a (person's) body
KOAPANATÄL = (physical) constitution
KOÄF = a coefficient (maths)
KOBANEF = a gathering (of people)
KOBÄDIK = common, general
KOBÄLÄN = a commonwealh (of like-minded nations)
KOBÄT = solidarity
KOBIKÖN (KO) = to come together, to converge
KOBIOKLEBIK = agglutinative
KOBO = together
KOBODRÄNÖN = to compress
KOBOJEN = coincidence, concurrence
KOBOJOIKÖN = to collide
KOBOJOKÖN (TA) = to collide (with)
KOBOKÖMÖN = to converge
KOBONUMÖN = to add up, to add together
KOBOPEDÖN = to compress
KOBOYÜMÜKARÄT = a jigsaw puzzle
KOBÖF = a collectivity
KOBÜKAM = an assembly, a meeting
KOD = a cause, reason
KODÄ = why (conjunction)
KODÄDÖN = to complicate
KODED = a reason
KODEDÖN = to give occasion to, to give rise to
KODIDÖN (EKE BOSI) = to ascribe, to attribute
KODÖN = to cause
KODÜL = a pretext
KOEDÖN (+ INFIN) = to allow, to permit (koedön falön = to let
= fall)
KOEFIDÖN (OKI) = to hear someone’s confession
KOEFIKÖN = to go to confession
KOEFÖN = to confess =
KOEG = a cork
KOEGITIRET = a corkscrew
KOF = derision, mockery, ridicule
KOFÖN = to deride, to mock, to ridicule
KOFUDÜKÖN = to confuse
KOITÖM = a penis
KOITÖN (KO) = to have intercourse, mate (with)
KOJMAR = a nightmare
KOKAIN = cocain
KOKOT = a coconut
KOKRETOT = concrete (substance)
KOKUN = a cocoon
KOL = in regard to, in respect of
KOLAT = coal
KOLATAN = a coalman
KOLATAJUP = a coal shovel
KOLED = a lunch
KOLET = a collar (clothing)
KOLD = coldness (physical)
KOLDÄLIK = coldness (emotional)
KOLDÄT = a chill, a cold
KOLDÄTIKÖN = to catch a chill/cold
KOLDÜKÖN = to become chilly
KOLDIK = cold (temperature)
KOLDÜLIK = cool, fresh
KOLDÜLÜKÖM = a cooler, a (car) radiator
KOLED = a lunch
KOLEDÖN = to lunch, to have lunch
KOLET = a collar
KOLKÖM = an encounter, a meeting
KOLKÖMANEF = an assembly
KOLKÖMÖN = to encounter, to meet
KOLPORTAN = a hawker, a peddler
KOLTENÜKÖN = to stretch out
KOLUM = a column (architecture)
KOLUNAN = a colonist
KOLUNÄNACANS = colonial produce, groceries
KOMANDÖN = to recommend
KOMÄDÖN = to exist
KOMBINATOR = many parts
KOMIK = present (in attendance)
KOMIP = a fight, a struggle
KOMIPÖN (TA) = to fight, to struggle (against)
KOMIPÖP = an arena
KOMITETANEF = a committee
KOMITO = on commission
KOMÖN = to be present
KOMOREIDÖN = to lecture, recite, to read (in public)
KOMOTANEF = a community
KOMPAD = a compass
KOMPAIN = a company (of soldiers)
KOMPENAN = a fellow-spirit, a colleague
KOMPENÄT = a (commercial) company
KOMPENÄTAN = a partner (in firm)
KOMPENÖN (PÖ) = to share (with), to take part (in)
KOMPLEM = completion
KOMPLITIK = complex, complicated
KOMPOT = a jam
KOMUIN (SALUDIK) = communion (holy)
KOMULAN = a representative
KOMULÖN = to represent
KOMUNAN = an average person, man in the street
KOMUNIK = common, general, ordinary
KOMUNÖFIK = familiar = KONDÖT = behaviour, conduct
KONDÖTÖN (ÄS) = to behave (as)
KONÄD = a legend
KONED = a novel
KONFÄKOT = ready to wear (clothes)
KONFIDIK = close (friend)
KONFERÖN = to confer (consult together)
KONFID = confidence, faith, trust
KONFIDIK = confident, faithful, trustful
KONFIDÖN = to have faith in, to trust
KONGRUEN = a congruent (maths)
KONKER = a conquest, a victory
KONKERÖN = to conquer, to overrun
KONLET = a collection
KONLETÖN = to collect
KONOT = a story, a tale
KONOTÜL = an anecdote
KONÖM = (the) economy, (the) household
KONÖMAVAN = an economist
KONÖN = to narrate, to tell (= a story)
KONSÄL = a (piece of) advice
KONSÄLACÄM = a Council Chamber
KONSÄLIDADÜP = an appointment
KONSÄLIDÖN = to consult
KONSÄLÖN = to advise, to counsel
KONSÄLÖP = a town hall
KONSÄRT = a concert
KONSIENIVESTIG = an examination of conscience
KONSIENÖFIK = conscientious
KONSTATÖN = to take note of, to notice
KONSULÖP = a consulate
KONTAG = (sense of) touch
KONTAGÖN = to contact, to touch
KONTROLÖN = to control, to check
KONÜD = a (fir) cone
KONYAK = brandy
KONYUGÖN = to conjugate (verbs)
KONYUN = a conjunction (grammar)
KOOTIK = fully cooked
KOP = a body (= substance)
KOPIK = physical
KOPIED = a copy
KOPIEDÖN = to copy
KORÄKÖN = to correct, to mark (work)
KORDÜL = a sinew, a tendon
KOR = a choir
KORIAL = coral
KORIALAREF = a coral reef
KORNED = a cornea (eye)
KORSÄT = a bodice, a corset
KORUL = coral (= pink)
KOS = opposite (=facing)
KOSAM = a contact
KOSÄD = company, communication, social intercourse
KOSÄDAPÜK = colloquial speech
KOSÄDÖN (KO) = to associate (with), to get on/to go around (with)
KOSGOLÖN = to approach, to go to meet
KOSID = a livelihood
KOSIKÖN (KO) = to communicate (with)
KOSLOGÖN = to anticipate, to look forward to
KOSÜKÖN = to put in touch with
KOT = a code
KOTAVÖD = a code word
KOTENIK = contented, satisfied
KOTENÜKAM = satisfaction
KOTENÜKÖN = to satisfy
KOTIN = cotton
KOTUR = a quail
KOULT = (the) occult
KOUP = an occupation (military)
KOUPÖN = to occupy (military)
KOVEN = comfort
KOVENASTUL = an easy chair
KOVENIK = comfortable
KOVENIÄLIK = convenient, opportune
KÖ = where (correlative)
KÖB = a comb
KÖBAMAYÄN = worsted (cloth)
KÖBÖN (OKI) = to comb (one's hair)
KÖDET = an incision
KÖDÖN = to carve
KÖG = a cough
KÖGÖN = to cough
KÖK = a micrococcus (medical)
KÖL = colour, paint
KÖLAN = a (house) painter
KÖLÖN = to paint
KÖLÜL = a tint
KÖMÖN (LÜ) = to come (to)
KÖNÄD = a coin
KÖNÄDAV = numismatics
KÖP = a cup
KÖPET = a (beer) glass
KÖRAMAN = the knave of hearts (card games)
KÖRAREG = the king of hearts (card games)
KÖRAVOM = the queen of hearts (card games)
KÖRTEN = a curtain
KÖSÖMIK = common, habitual, usual
KÖSÖMOT = a custom, a habit
KÖSÖMÖN (AD) = to be accustomed (to), to be wont (to)
KÖSÖMÜKÖN = to accustom
KÖST = a cousin
KÖT = a cut
KÖTAPÜN = (point of) intersection
KÖTÄD = a slice
KÖTÄDIL = an incision
KÖTED = a cutting edge
KÖTET = a (surgical) operation
KÖTETAVAN = a surgeon
KÖTOT = a piece, a portion
KÖTÖN = to cut
KÖTÜLÖN = to prune (kötülön bimis = to prune trees)
KÖV = an envelope
KRAB = a crab
KRAL = a claw
KRAN = a skull
KRATED = an abrasion, a scratch
KRATÖN = to scrape, to scratch
KRAVAT = a necktie
KRAXÖN = to crow
KRÄKÖN = to burst
KRÄN = a crane
KRÄTÄD = a crate
KREDÖN (MÖ) = to believe (in)
KREDIDÖN = to make believe, to pretend
KREF = a crayfish
KREM = a cream
KRET = chalk
KRETÄD = a crayon
KREVÄT = a prawn
KRIG = a war
KRIGAGOLÄD = a crusade, a (military) expedition
KRIGÖN (TA) = to wage war (against)
KRIK = a cricket
KRIKÜL = a grasshopper
KRIM = a crime
KRIMAN = a criminal
KRIMÖF = criminality
KRINUL = a crinoline
KRIPÖN = to creep
KRISET = a hamster
KRISID = a crisis
KRISTAD = crystal
KRISTADAGLÄT = cut glass = KRIT = Christianity
KRITID = Christmas
KRITIDAZÄL = (festival of) Christmas
KROD = a cross
KRODAM = crucifixion
KROK = a crocus
KROLIG = a rabbit
KRONAM = a coronation
KRONIG = a chronicle
= (jen kronigik = chronicling)
KRONÜL = a wreath
KROPIKÖN = to crouch down
KROT = a rattle
KROTASNEK = a rattlesnake
KROTÖM = a castanet
KROV = a crow
KRUGALIEN = a curve
KRUGIK = curving, winding
KRUGIKÖN = to coil, to wind
KRUÄLIK = cruel
KRUGÜL = a curl
KRÜDIK = raw, uncooked
KRÜSALID = a chrysallis
KRÜSEN = a chrysanthemum
KRÜT = a criticism, a critique
KRÜTÖN = to review (books)
KUBIT = an elbow
KUD = anxiety, worry
KUDIK = anxious, worried
KUDÜKÖLO = earnestly
KUELEL = a ukulele
KUIN = a quintal (= 100 kg)
KUKÖN = to be boiling (vat kukon = the water's
KUKUK = a cuckoo
KUL = a course (= movement); a track
KULAN = a pioneer, a trailblazer
KULIVIK = cultured, educated
KULÖN = to clear
KULTASALUDÜKAM = ordination (to priesthood)
KULTÖN = to worship
KUM = a heap, a pile
KUMULATOR = an accumulator (electric)
KÜM = a swarm
KUN = a cow
KUPRIN = copper
KUPRINAGAVOT = a copper engraving
KUR = a (royal) court
KURAAN = (the) Koran
KURAD = bravery, courage
KURADIK = brave, courageous
KURADÜKÖN = to encourage
KURAN = a courtier
KURATÄLIK = punctual
KURATIK = exact, precise
KURBIDÖM = an (electric) switch
KURSÜD = a course (of lessons)
KURUGIK = courtly
KUSADÖN = to accuse
KUSEN = a cushion, a pillow
KÜ = when (correlative)
KÜBÄD = a cube
KÜG = a cucumber
KÜID = a thigh
KÜIR = leather
KÜIRED = a (shoe) strap
KÜKANÖG = a boiled egg
KÜKÖN = to boil (kükobs vati = we boil the water)
KÜMAM = a swarm (of bees)
KÜMÖN = = to swarm
KÜNIDAN = a cynic
KÜNIDIK = cynical
KÜNIDIM = cynicism
KÜNIK = bold, cheeky
KÜNÖN = to be cheeky, to dare
KÜPÄDIK = remarkable
KÜPÄDIKÜN = most remarkable
KÜPÄL = attention
KÜPÄLIK = attentive
KÜPÄLÖN = to check, to make sure
KÜPÄLÜKÖN = to draw attention to
KÜPEDOT = an observation
KÜPEDÖN = to observe, to notice, to watch
KÜPET = a remark
KÜPETÖN = to comment
KVAADUK = an aqueduct
KVAD = a (geometric) square
KVADIK = square (shape)
KVAGÖN = to croak, to quack
KVÄNÖN = to extinguish, to turn off
KVÄNEDÖN = to efface, to obliterate, to wipe out
KVÄR = an acorn
KVÄREP = an oak (tree)
KVÄREPABOAD = oak (wood)
KVEATOR = equator
KVIL = an eagle
KVIP = a team
KVISINAL = a chef
KVISINAN = a cook
KVISINAV = culinary art
KVISINÖN = to cook
KVISINÖP = a kitchen
KVISIT = (the) Inquisition
LABEDÖN = to take possession of
LABIÄLIK = ambitious, covetous
LABOT = a possession
LABÖN = to have
LABUN = an album
LABÜKÖN = to make have
LABÜLÖN = to assume, to occupy
LAD = a heart
LADÄL = disposition, feeling, temperament
LADÄLOD = a frame of mind
LADÄLÖF = sensitivity
LADET = an address
LADETÄB = an addressee
LADÖFIK = cordial
LAED = lattice
LAEL = an alley-way, a grove
LAF = a half
LAFAB = an alphabet
LAFADÜP = half-an-hour
LAFAPLEDEDÜP = half-time (in football)
LAFIK = half
LAGÖN = to be hanging (pänot lagon len völ = the
= picture is hanging on the wall)
LAIBINÜKÖN = to keep (something) going
LAIDAREMAN = a regular customer
LAIDÄL = insistence, perseverence
LAIDÄLÖN (PÖ) = to insist (on)
LAIDÖN = to be stable
LAIDULIK = constant
LAIDULIKO = continually
LAIDULÖN = to persist
LAIDÜP = eternity
LAIJÄFÖN = to carry on, to continue
LAILIFÖN = to live on, to survive
LAIN = wool
LAJIMÖN = to cut up
LAK = a lake
LALÄF = a slug
LALEG = seaweed
LALEGORIK = allegorical
LALIAD = an alloy
LALKIMAN = an alchemist
LALKOHOL = alcohol
LALKOV = an alcove, a recess
LALPIK = alpine
LALT = alto (music)
LAM = a (sharp) blade
LAMIRAL = an admiral
LAMPAD = a lamp
LAMPIUN = a (Chinese) lantern
LAMPÖR = an emperor
LAMPÖRÄN = an empire
LAN = a soul, a spirit
LANAL = (the) Supreme Spirit
LANAV = psychology
LANÄLIK = enthusiastic
LANÄLÖN = to enthuse
LANÄLÜKÖN = to enthuse
LÄNEDAL = a landowner
LANÖFIK = spiritual
LANTÄR = a (decorative) lamp, a light
LANTEN = an aerial, an antenna
LANUD = an alder (tree)
LAOÄD = an aloe (plant)
LAODIK = aloud, loud
LAODIKO = loudly
LAPELACÖDAL = an appeal judge
LARABAN = an arab
LARAM = an alarm
LARAMÖN = to raise the alarm
LARDAMEL = (the) open sea
LARDIK = extensive
LARGENTASTÖMEM = (table) silver
LARGENTIN = silver (substance)
LARIN = a larynx
LARTÜG = a (newspaper) article
LASÄR = a lizard
LASBED = asbestos
LASER = a laser
LASIL = an asylum (from an enemy), a shelter
LASIV = lust
LASUMÖN = to pick up
LASÜRABLÖV = an azure blue
LATAR = an altar
LATIK = late, tardy
LATIKÖN = to be late
LAUD = a lark
LAUTAN = an author, a writer
LAUTOT = a (written) work
LAUTÖN = to write (as an author)
LAVABASIN = (kitchen) sink
LAVABÖVÄD = a washbasin
LAVACIN = a washing machine
LAVALAUK = washing liquid
LAVARAN = a miser
LAVARIK = avaricious, mean
LAVASTITOD = a laundry
LAVÄDAFLAB = a face cloth
LAVOD = laundry
LAVOGAN = a lawyer
LAVÖN = to wash
LAVÖP = a laundry
LAVÜLÖN = to rinse
LAY = garlic
LAYET = a drawer
LÄ = by, with
LÄB = happiness, fortune, luck
LÄBIK = happy, fortunate, lucky
LÄBLIN = a contribution
LÄCERIK = frivolous, superficial
LÄD = lady, Mrs (läd 'X' = Mrs. 'X')
LÄDÜL = young lady, Miss (lädül 'X' = Miss 'X')
LÄFULÜKIK = extra, supplementary
LÄGIAN = a belt (supporting gun, etc)
LÄGÖN = to hang (lägob pänoti len völ = I hang
= the painting on the wall)
LÄKÖN = = to lick
LÄL = garlic
LÄMPIK = clear (weather)
LÄN = country, land
LÄNÄD = country (as opposed to town)
LÄNED = ground, terrain
LÄNEM = a nickname
LÄNOD = scenery
LÄOD = an addition, an epithet
LÄRNAHIPUL = an apprentice boy
LÄRNAN = a learner, a pupil
LÄRNOD = a lesson
LÄRNÖN = to learn
LÄS = less
LÄSDIGIDÖN = to underestimate
LÄSETÖN = to disappoint
LÄSIKÖN = to become weaker
LÄSKIOMAN = an Eskimo
LÄSÖFIK = demeaning
LÄTEN = brass
LÄTIK = last (lätiküno = last of all)
LÄTIKNA = the last time
LÄTIKO = lastly
LÄÜKÖN = to enclose
LÄYÜMIK = additional
LÄZIB = a side dish
LEADÖN (+ INFIN) = to allow, to permit, to let (leadön
= falön = to drop (to let fall)
LEADÖN DEFLUMÖN = to deflate (air from tyre)
LEÄKTRONAV = electronics
LEAR = an olive tree
LEARAFLUK = an olive
LEARALEÜL = olive oil
LEBASOV = double bass (music)
LEBAT = a scourge
LEBAVET = a shawl
LEBIT = a campaign
LEBLADÖN = to blow (of wind)
LEBLAM = a reprimand
LEBLAMÖN = to reprimand
LEBLIMÖN = to make up (a bed)
LEBLUDAM = a haemorrhage
LEBONED = a subscription (to a magazine, etc)
LEBONEDÖN = to subscribe (to a magazine, etc)
LEBÖB = (the) Stock Exchange
LEBÖTAN = a head waiter
LEBÖTID = a drinking spree
LEBÜDAN = a commander
LEBÜR = a head office
LEBÜRAL = a chancellor
LECÄD = highness, eminence
LECED = a point of view
LECEIN = a conversion
LECEK = a stable
LECÜD = an axe
LECÜT = a fraud, a swindle
LED = lace
LEDAUT = a princess
LEDINIK = principal
LEDINO = chiefly, mainly, principally
LEDITÖN (DE) = to say goodbye, to take leave (of)
LEDOM = a mansion, a palace
LEDREDODIK = macabre
LEDROLIK = ridiculous
LEDUNÖFIK = elaborate
LEDUNÖN = to accomplish, to attain, to carry out
LEDUTOD = a property (= quality)
LEDUTÖN (LÜ) = to belong (to)
LEDÜFIK = rock hard
LEEFAD = an elephant
LEF = balm, yeast
LEFAD = a line, a string
LEFANOT = a quarry (hunting)
LEFAT = a grandfather
LEFÄK = an obsession, a passion
LEFÄKÄLIK = extreme, passionate
LEFÄNÖN = to wave
LEFENIKÖN = to exhaust
LEFIDED = a banquet
LEFIL = a conflagration
LEFILAHUK = a poker
LEFILAPOLDAN = a fire-fighter, a fireman
LEFILÖ! = fire!
LEFILÖN = to be burning, to be on fire
LEFOG = a cloud
LEFÖN = a furnace
LEFRED = (good) cheer
LEFREDIK = cheerful
LEGAD = a (public) park, public gardens
LEGÄT = a legation (= building)
LEGIK = genuine, real
LEGIVOT = a gift, a present
LEGLÜG = a cathedral
LEHITIK = boiling hot
LEIG = equality
LEIGAMAGOD = an example (= parable)
LEIGAMOD = a counterpart
LEIGAPENAM = a homograph
LEIGATON = an equivalent sound
LEIGAVET = equilibrium
LEIGED = a uniform
LEIGETÖN = to be quits, to be straight
LEIGIK = equal
LEIGO = likewise
LEIGOD = a comparison
LEIGODÖN (KO/TÄ) = to compare (with)
LEIGODÜ = in comparison with
LEIGÖN = to equal, to be equal to
LEIGOSO = equally, just as
LEITIK = light (= not heavy)
LEJÄFIDÖN (ME) = to be obsessed (with)
LEJEKIK = terrified
LEJENÖF = reality
LEJONOD = an instruction
LEJUIT = a delight
LEJUITIK = delightful
LEKÄL = treatment (medical)
LEKAN = art
LEKANAN = an artist
LEKANÄL = artistry
LEKANOT = a fine art
LEKÄF = a trick, a deception
LEKÄL = (medical) treatment
LEKLÄR = lightening (in a storm)
LEKEV = a cave
LEKLEUDAN = a prior
LEKLIN = cleanliness
LEKLUINÖN = to clean, to polish
LEKLUINÖM = a polisher, a scraper
LEKOEF = a creed
LEKOEFÖN = to admit, to confess
LEKOMIP = a battle
LEKONED = a novel (literature)
LEKONFIDÖN = to rely on
LEKRED = a belief, a faith
LEKREDAKOBÄD = a (religious) sect
LEKTIN = electricity
LEKTINAFLUMIKURB = an electric switch
LEKTINANÄM = electric power
LEKTINANIBUD = a trolley bus
LEKTINIDÖN = to electrify
LEKTINIK = electric(al)
LEKUSEN = a cushion, a pillow
LEKÜPÄLÖN (ME) = to concentrate (on) (mental activity)
LEL = a lily
LELATLETIK = athletic
LELILÖN = to hear, to learn, to understand
LELIVAKONÖMAV = a free economy (theory)
LELIVAMASONAN = a freemason
LELOBÖN = to praise, to worship
LELOGÄDIK = outstanding, prominent
LELOGÖN = to consider
LELÖF = passionate love
LELÖFÄDIK = fond (of)
LELÖFÄDIKÖN (DÖ) = to fall in love (with)
LELÖFIK = dear, lovable
LELÖFÖN = to love (passionately)
LELÖLO = as a whole
LELÜGIK = tragic
LEM = paralysis
LEMAKET = a supermarket
LEMEIL = flour
LEMEKÖN = to complete, to finish
LEMESED = an income, a salary, a wage
LEMOT = a grandmother
LEMOTEDIK = (of) gentle (birth)
LEMÖD = a lot of
LEMÖDOT = a crowd, a great deal
LEMUDIÄR = a muzzle
LEMUFÜKÖN = to agitate, to shake, to shrug
LEMUAM = an extreme
LEMUIK = extreme
LEMÜF = a locomotive
LEMÜLÖN = to limp
LEMÜR = a splash
LEN = at, on
LENAUD = a horror
LENKÖTÖN = to slice
LENLABÖN (KLOTIS) = to wear (clothes)
LENO = certainly not, not at all
LENOS = absolutely nothing
LENOID = a din, a noise
LENOF = an insult
LENSUMÖN = to accept
LENTÜL = a lens (eye)
LENUIK = up-to-date
LENÜKÖN (KLOTIS) = to put on (clothes)
LENÜNAN = a reference (person)
LEOD = an arrangement, an order
LEODÖN = to arrange (in order)
LEODÜKÖN = to arrange (items)
LEOG = an echo
LEON = a lion (leonasep = a lion's den)
LEONATOAR = a sea lion
LEP = an ape, a monkey
LEPÄDAN = an abbott
LEPÄDANÖP = an abbey
LEPEDÖN = to crush
LEPID = repentance
LEPLÄG = a (dress) rehearsal
LEPLEKÖN = to adore, to supplicate, to worship
LEPLÜT(S) = manner(s)
LEPÖK = a failure
LEPRAD = leprosy
LERÄT = a puzzle
LEROR = a shout, a shriek
LERORÖN = to bellow, to shout, to yell
LERÖBAPAPÜR = sand paper
LESAG = an assertion
LESAGÖN = to assert, to claim
LESEATÖP = an (army) position
LESET = a theorem
LESI! = sure!
LESIL = outer space
LESINIK = wicked
LESINOD = vice
LESIÖN = to assure, to ensure, to make sure of
LESIÖRADOM = a manor (house)
LESKAN = an outrage
LESOGÄD = high society
LESON = a prince
LESPAD = (the) cosmos
LESPADABLUF = a space probe
LESPADANAF = an spaceship
LESPADANAFAN = an astronaut
LESPADATIMÄD = (the) space age
LESPAT = an excursion
LESKRUB = a (ship's) screw
LESTAB (MELA) = the bottom (of the sea)
LESTEKATEGED = an eiderdown
LESTIGÄDÖN = to irritate
LESTIMAN = an admirer, a fan
LESTRALÖN (LOVE) = to outshine
LESTÜM = esteem, regard, reverence
LESTÜMÖN = to esteem
LESUIDIKÖN = to faint away
LESÜT = a highway
LETÄLEN = genius
LETIDAN = a headmaster
LETIK = (mental) consideration
LETIKÖN = to consider
LETIRÖM = a wrench
LETIRÖN = to drag, to haul
LETODÖN = to defy, to torment = LETÖBID = = trouble, inconvenience
LETÖN = to let in
LETÜV = the discovery (of continent/country)
LEÜL = oil, lubrication
LEÜLÖN = to oil, to lubricate
LEVALIDACED = a general opinion
LEVEG = a highway, a road
LEVEMIK = enormous, supreme
LEVERIK = absolute
LEVIP = passion
LEVOTIKAM = an anti-climax
LEYANAN = a gate-keeper, a janitor
LEZIL = fervour, zeal
LEZILIM = extremism, fanaticism
LEZIÖB = a (prison) cell
LIÄG = holly
LIB = freedom, liberty
LIBELUL = a dragonfly
LIBIK = free
LIBIO = free (stadükön libio = to set free)
LICIN = origin
LID = a song
LIÄNÜLAM = a foot (in verse)
LIEDAN = a sufferer
LIEDIK = unfortunate
LIEDÖ! = unfortunately!
LIEDÖN (DEMÜ) = to suffer (for/from/on account of)
LIEDÜKÖN = to upset (emotionally)
LIEG = riches, wealth
LIEGIK = rich, = wealthy
LIEGÖF = richness
LIEN = a line
LIENÄD = a (physical) feature
LIENETIK = insane, mad
LIEV = a hare
LIF = life
LIFICINIK = bio-mechanical
LIFIK = alive, living
LIFOT = an experience
LIFÄDÖN = to spend (time)
LIFÖFIK = brisk
LIFÖFÜKÖN = to invigorate
LIFÖN = to be alive, to live
LIFT = an elevator, a lift
LIKÖR = a liqueur
LIKVIR = liquorice
LIL = an ear
LILAMASIEN = (sense of) hearing
LILÖN = to hear
LIM = a limb, a member
LIMAN = a (human) member
LIMONAD = lemonade
LIN = a ring (= a circle)
LINDIGOT = indigo
LINDIF = apathy
LINDIFÖN = to be indifferent
= * lindifos = it doesn't matter
LINEG = a tongue
LINUL = linoleum
LINUMASTOF = linen (cloth)
LIO? = how?
LIOMÖDOTIKNA = how many times
LIÖL = a mile
LIÖTAN = a lieutenant
LIP = a lip
LISED = a list
LISLADÄN = Iceland
LIT = light (= not dark)
LITAREKLAM = an illuminated advertisement
LITAREOL = a halo
LITASTRALÖN = to shine
LITERAT = literature
LITIK = bright, light
LITODÖN = to print (photographs)
LITÜKAM = illumination
LITÜKÖN = to illuminate
LIUD = a link (connection)
LIUNÖN = to draw, to trace (a line)
LIUNÜL = a comma
LIVÄTIK = independent
LIVIK = free, loose, slack, unfastened
LIVOD = leave (in army)
LIVÖN = to be loose
LIVÜKAM = release (from prison, duty, etc)
LIVÜKÖN = to loosen, to slacken, to unfasten
LIVÜP = leisure (time); a pastime
LOASID = an oasis
LOATAMON = rent (payment)
LOATAN = a lodger
LOATATOOD = a taxi
LOATÄB = a hired servant
LOB = praise
LOBEDIK = obedient
LOBEDÖN = to obey
LOBLINÖN = to bring up (a subject)
LOBÜL = approval
LOBÜLÖN = to applaud
LÖDADOM = an apartment
LODASPAD = the hold of a ship (for cargo)
LODOT = a cargo, a load
LOENÖN (DE) = to borrow (from)
LOETAMAPAÄL = a frying-pan
LOETAMIT = roast (meat)
LOETANÖG = a fried egg
LOETÖN = to fry, to roast
LOFOT = a (specific) offer
LOFÖN = to offer
LOFÜD = east
LOG = an eye
LOGABOB = an eyebrow
LOGAGLÖP = an eyeball
LOGAKEV = an eye socket
LOGALIP = an eyelid
LOGAM = (sense of) sight, a view
LOGASAUNÜKÖP = an eye clinic
LOGATOF = an eye drop
LOGÄDIK = visible
LOGÄDIKÖN = to become visible, to be seen
LOGÄDÖN = to be seen, to be visible
LOGED = a glance, a look
LOGEDAHOG = a peep-hole
LOGEDÖN (LÜ) = to glance (at), to look (at)
LOGET = a gaze
LOGETÖN = to contemplate
LOGOD = a face = (logodakölül = complexion)
LOGODÖN (ÄS) = to appear, to look (like)
LOGOT = a sight
LOGOTÖN (ÄS) = to appear outwardly (like)
LOGÖFOT = a (tourist) attraction
LOGÖN = to look, to see
LOJAD = a (theatre) box
LOK = a mirror
LOKTOP = an octopus
LOKÖN = to be mirrored/reflected
LOM = home
LOMÄDÜKÖN (OKI) = to settle down
LOMANEF = (the) family
LOMÄNAN = a (fellow) countryman
LOMÄNÄL = patriotism
LOMIO = homewards
LOMO = at home
LOMÖFACEM = a sitting room
LON = a/the law
LONÄD = a decision
LONÄDÖN = to determine, to settle
LONEM = the (body of) the law, legislation
LONÖF = a particular quality
LONÖFIK = valid
LONÖFÖN = to be valid
LONÖN = to arrange, to ratify
LONÜLÖN = to put, to submit (for con sideration)
LOP = an opera
LOPÜL = an operetta
LORD = a lord
LOREIDÖN = to read out
LORM = an elm
LOSEITÖN = to present
LOTERAZÖT = a lottery ticket, a raffle ticket
LOTID = accommodation
LOTIDÄB = a guest
LOTIDÖP = an hotel, a hostelry
LOVATIK = oval (shape)
LOVE = over
LOVEBOTAM = a (water) crossing
LOVEGOLÖN (LOVE) = to cross (over)
LOVEIVOTÖN (INI) = to turn / convert (into)
LOVELOGAM = a bird's-eye view
LOVENAF = a ferry(boat)
LOVENAFAMÖP = a ferry crossing
LOVESEDÖN = to transmit
LOVESUMÖN = to succeed (= to follow on); to undertake (to do = something)
LOVIOTIRAKLOT = a pullover, a sweater
LOXIN = oxygen
LOZON = ozone
LÖÄDÖN = to rise, to stand up
= * löädön se bed = to get up
LÖBRUID = effervescence
LÖDADOM = a flat
LÖDAN = an inhabitant
LÖDATEAD = an appartment, a flat
LÖDAVAB = a caravan
LÖDÖN = to live, to reside
LÖDÖP = place of residence
LÖDÜKÖN = to inhabit, to live in
LÖF = love
LÖFÄB = a loved one
LÖFÄL = a hobby
LÖFIDIK = appealing, charming
LÖFIK = lovable, dear
LÖFILÖN = to like
LÖFÖFIK = kind
LÖFÖN = to love
LÖFÜLÖN = to caress, to fondle
LÖG = a leg
LÖIK = upright
LÖK = a lock
LÖLIK = entire, whole
LÖLIKO = completely, wholly, quite
LÖLÖFIK = complete
LÖLIMIK = extremist
LÖMIN = a chemical element
LÖNAFRUTÄL = self - interest
LÖNÄL = one's very self, the essential self
LÖNEDIK = fitting, suitable
LÖNEDIKÖN (AD) = to become adapted (to)
LÖNEDÖN (PÖ) = to be fitting, to be suitable (for)
LÖNEDÜKÖN = to adapt, to adjust
LÖNIK = (one's) own
LÖNÜLÖN = to conform to
LÖODÖN = to erect, to raise up
LÖÖN = to stand up straight
LÖPATEGED = a counterpane (on bed)
LÖPATIDÖP = a college
LÖPIKÖL = ascending
LÖPIO = upward(s)
LÖPO = up(stairs) (go löpo = topmost)
LÖPÜ = above, on top of
LÖSTANÖN = to stand up
LÖSTROGENIN = oestrogen (drug)
LÖTIRÖN = to pull up
LÖÜKÖN = to raise up
LOVEMELIK = overseas
LÖVIK = low (= height)
LUÄG = a harebell
LUBEL = a hill
LUCÄD = snobbery
LUDOMIL = a hut
LUEG = a lung
LUF = windward side (nautical)
LUFAT = a stepfather
LUFLAD = a jug
LUFUT = a paw
LUFÜMIK = vague
LUG = a lie
LUGAN = a liar
LUGÖN = to lie
LUKAGAM = malicious gossip
LUKRÜT = (bad) criticism
LUHÄT = a cap (= headgear)
LUIB = a wheel
LUIBAMEKAN = a wheelwright
LUIMIK = wet
LUIMIKÖN = to get wet
LUIMÖF = humidity, moisture
LUIMÖN = to be moist/wet
LUKÄFIK = cunning, sly
LUKOMUNIK = vulgar
LUKÖNÄDAMON = loose change
LUMAN = a scoundrel
LUMESED = a gratuity, a tip
LUKOFIKO = mockingly, sneeringly
LUKRED = superstition
LUKÜNIK = foolhardy
LUL = five
LULAK = a pond
LULIT = poor light, twilight
LUM = an elm (tree)
LUMAGIF = pomp
LUMAN = a wretch
LUMARAT = (the) rat race
LUMOT = a stepmother
LUNÄDIK = oblong
LUNET = (geographic) length
LUNID = a glimmer (= weak light)
LUNIK = long
LUNOFÖN = to abuse, to revile
LUNOTIK = long (= measure) (lunotik mö mets
= kil = three metres long)
LUNÜKÖN = to lengthen
LUP = a wolf
LUPANAR = a brothel
LUPLEIDIK = conceited, vain
LUPÖP = a mob, a rabble
LUPREDIK = unctuous
LUSLUGÖN = to swallow up
LUSMELÖN (ÄS) = to stink (of)
LUSPET = an illusion
LUSPIKÖN (DÖ) = to gossip (about)
LUSTÄN = a pennant
LUSTEBEDÖN = to miss (= neglect)
LUSTIGÄDAN = a ringleader, a trouble-maker
LUSTOG = a ankle-sock
LUSÜT = an alley, a lane (= in town)
LUT = air
· = in lut lardik = in the open air
LUTAM = ventilation
LUTAPED = air pressure
LUTEM = (the) atmosphere
LUTEDAN = a hawker
LUTOFAD = gossamer
LUUK = an ulcer
LUVAB = a cart
LUVEG = a lane, a path (= in the country)
LUVERATIK = probable
LUVOKÄD = a cry, a shout
LUVOKÄDÖN = to cry out, to shout
LUXAMÖN = to glance through
LUYAL = a corridor
LUYÖN = to moo (like a cow)
LÜ = to, toward(s)
LÜ- = -in-law
= (lüfat, lümot = father-in-law, mother-in-law)
LÜÄL = a (mental) attitude
LÜBÄTIK = tempting
LÜD = wrestling
LÜFAT = a father-in-law
LÜG = sadness
LÜGADRAMAT = (the) Passion (of Christ)
LÜGIK = sad, sorry
LÜGOLOVIK = accessible
LÜKAN = a spy
LÜKONFIDÖN = to entrust
LÜKÖLO = furtively
LÜKÖM = an arrival
LÜKÖMAN = a new arrival (person)
LÜKÖMÖN (LÜ) = to arrive (at)
LÜKÖMÖP = a destination
LÜKÖN = to spy on, to watch
LÜL = an owl
LÜLENÜKÖN = to stretch out
LÜLOGAN = an onlooker, a spectator
LÜLOGANEF = an audience (of members of the public)
LÜLOGED = a sight, a spectacle
LÜLOGEDÄL = an aspect
LÜLOGÖN = to watch
LÜMÄT = a match (for lighting)
LÜMF = lymph (gland)
LÜNAVAN = an optician
LÜNÄT = (a pair of) spectacles
LÜODÄL = counselling, guidance
LÜODÜKÖN = to direct, to guide
LÜSPIKAVÖD = a form of address
LÜSTRID = a hedgehog
LÜSUMÖN = to accept, to acknowledge
LÜT = a lute
LÜÜKÖN = to add (to), to attach
LÜVÖN = to desert, to leave
LÜXÜÖD = a luxury
LÜYÜMOD = a determinative
MAALGAM = an amalgamation
MAAT = a mast
MAÄ = as (= in proportion)
MABAR = amber
MABOIN = marble (substance)
MADIK = mature, ripe
MAF = a measure
MAFÄDÜ = for, in relation to...
MAFIB = an amphibion
MAFIDÖN = to try on (clothes)
MAFOT = a size (shoe, glove); a dimension (general)
MAFÖN = to measure
MAG = a likeness, a representation
MAGAD = a shop, a store
MAGAPENÄT = hieroglyphics, pictography
MAGÄD = an impression
MAGÄDABIK = impressive
MAGÄL = a fantasy (imagery)
MAGÄLIK = fantastic
MAGÄLÖN = to imagine
MAGED = an appearance, build (of person); a form; a = phenomenon
MAGET = a style (clothing)
MAGIFIK = splendid, wonderful
MAGITAN = a magistrate
MAGIVAN = a magician
MAGNET = a magnet
MAGNOL = a magnolia (tree)
MAGOD = a picture
MAGODAKAD = a picture card
MAGODAKASÄT = a video cassette
MAGODATANIL = a video tape
MAGODISUMODÖN = a video recorder
MAGOT = a statue
MAGOVIK = imaginable
MAGUL = a representation, a reproduction
MAHUN = mahogany (wood)
MAIFIK = open
MAIFOD = a gap, an opening
MAIFÜKÖN = to open
MAIPADÖN = to open a book
MAIT = maize (= cereal)
MAJÖ! = quick march!
MAKET = a market
MAKRON = macaroni
MAKRORIN = an elephant seal
MAL = a mark, a sign
MALAR = malaria
MALÄD = a disease, an illness
MALÄDAN = a patient
MALÄDANIVABED = an ambulance
MALÄDANÖP = a hospital, an infirmary
MALÄDIKÖN = to become ill, to fall ill
MALEDITILÖ! = blow it! damn it!
MALEKÖN = to march
MALET = a signal
MALETALIT = a traffic light
MALETAMATÜM = a lighthouse
MALOD = an adjunct (grammar)
MALT = malt
MALUV = a mallow
MAN = a man
MANDOLIN = a mandolin
MANID = mania
MANIK = male
MANÖV = a manoeuvre
MAP = a file, a folder, a portfolio
MARAT = a marathon (= race)
MARÄD = a marsh
MARÄDÜKAM = swamping
MARÄDÜKÖN = to swamp
MARD = Mars
MARGARIN = margarine
MART = a weasel
MARTÜRAN = a martyr
MASADACEM = an attic, a garret
MASAPEN = marzipan
MASAT = a mass (= great quantity)
MASET = a massage
MASETAN = a masseur
MASKAGUMOD = chewing-gum
MASKAR = a mask
MASKÖN = to chew, to masticate
MASTAN = a master
MASTÖN = to rule
MASTURBAT = masturbation
MASTÜKÖN (OKI DÖ) = to master, to make oneself the master of
MAT = marriage
MATABLIM = (wedding) trousseau
MATAN = a husband or a wife
MATEDADEL = a (wedding) anniversary
MATEDATÄV = a honeymoon
MATEMATAN = a mathematician
MATER = (basic) material
MATIKÖN (KO) = to get married (to), to marry. to wed
MATIOL = a stock-gilliflower, a wallflower
MATIRAJAN = a betrothal, an engagement
MATITEIL = a divorce
MATITEILÖN = to divorce
MATRAD = a mattress
MATÜKÖN = to marry, to wed
MAULÄT = an amulet, a charm
MAYONÄD = mayonnaise (garnish)
MAXÜL = a jaw
MÄGIK = lean (= not fat(ty); slim, thin
MÄK = a sign
MÄKÖN = to (make a) mark
MÄKUN = opium
MÄL = six
MÄNED = a mantle, an overcoat
MÄNIOTÖN = to mention
MÄNIOTÜL = an allusion, a remark
MÄNSIDIK = thin (of hair)
MÄNT = mint
MÄPETIK = violent
MÄPLAT = a plaster (medical)
MÄPÜDIK = cheeky, impudent, insolent
MÄR = a fairy tale
MÄRALÄN = fairyland
MÄRKURIN = mercury (substance)
MÄSÄD = Mass (R.C. Church)
MÄSPIL = a medlar (tree)
MÄT = competitiveness = MÄTED = a competition
MÄTEDÖN (KO) = to compete (with)
MÄTÖP = an arena
MÄYÖN = to bleat (sheep)
MÄZUL = March
ME = by means of, with
MEB = a recollection
MEBAMAL = a monument
MEBÖN = to recall
MED = a means (to an end)
MEDIN = a medecine, a remedy
MEDITÖN = to ponder
MEDÜ = by means of...
MEGÖN = to splash about
MEIB = a reminder
MEIKÖN = to lay (railway line), to lay out (a garden)
MEIN = mining
MEKAVIK = artificial
MEKÖN = to do, to make
MEL = a sea
MELADOG = a seal
MELAJETET = a pier
MELAKÄV = a wharf
MELAMALÄD = seasickness
MELAN = a sailor
MELAPON = a pier
MELARAVAN = a pirate
MELARAKET = a torpedo
MELAROVÖP = (sea) straits
MELASPATAVEG = a promenade
MELASÜT = a strait (geographical)
MELAT = molasses, treacle
MELATÄV = (sea) voyage
MELOD = a melody
MELUN = a melon
MEM = memory
MEMOT = a memory
MEMOSEVÖN = to recognize
MEMÖN = to remember
MEN = man (= a human being)
MENABIDÄD = man (= human species)
MENÄD = an age (= generation)
MENAMÖDOT = a crowd, a multitude
MENIK = human
MENOD = a (general) improvement
MENS = people (= in general)
MERITÖN = to earn, to merit
MERUL = a blackbird
MESED = a (financial) reward, a salary, a wage
MESEDIK = rewarding
METAL = a metal
METOD = a method
METÖF = (the) metric system
METÖFAV = metrology
MEUG = an opinion, an outlook, a point of view
MEUGIJON = a demonstration
MIBÖNÖN = to envy
MID = (human) flesh
MIDUN = a fault, a misdeed
MIED = a boundary, a limit
MIEDALIEN = a side (maths)
MIEDETÖN = to define (= bounds/limits)
MIEDÖFÜKAM = restriction
MIEDÜKÖN = to hem in, to restrict
MIEL = honey
MIFÄT = a catastrophe
MIFÄTAN = a malefactor
MIGACIN = a mixer
MIGOT = a mixture
MIGÖM = a blender, a mixer
MIGÖN = to mix
MIJENOT = an accident
MIKEB = a weed
MIKONDÖTAN = a good-for-nothing, a scoundrel
MIKRODAGRUFILASIRKOT = a long-playing record (an LP)
MIKROFON = a microphone
MIKROVEF = a microwave
= * mikrovefafurnod = a microwave oven
MIL = a thousand
MILAG = a miracle
MILIG = milk
MILIGÖP = a dairy
MILIT = an army
MILITIK = military
MILMET = a kilometre
MIMALIKO = ominously
MIMEUG = hostility
MINAVAT = mineral water
MINILUDIK = suspicious
MINIMILEM = vermin (= as a category)
MINISTER = a ministry ( =government department)
MINISTERÖP = a (government) ministry (= building)
MINT = mint (herb)
MINUM = a minimum
MINUT = a minute
MIOPIK = short-sighted
MIOTIK = dirty, polluted
MIOTÖN = to soil
MIOTÜKAM = (general) pollution
MIOTÜKÖN = to pollute
MISEK = a fiasco
MISEKIM = defeatism
MISERABIK = wretched
MISMELÖN = to stink
MISTAD = a drawback
MISTOM = a thunderstorm
MISTOMÜL = a squall
MISUR = a beat, a measure
MIT = meat
MITEODAV = mythology
MITICÖPAN = a butcher
MITICÖPÖP = a butcher's shop
MIVEG = a trespass
MIVIM = a bad mood (mivimiko = in a bad mood)
MO = away = (mo e ge = backwards + forwards)
MOÄDÖN = to omit
MOB = a suggestion
MOBÖN = to propose, to suggest
MOBÜ = at the suggestion of
MOD = a manner, a means, a way
= * in mod seimik = somehow
MODUGÖN = to abduct
MOELÄT = an omelette
MOFÖN = to drive (= animals)
MOFUGÖN (DE) = to escape, to run away (from)
MOGOLÖN = to go away
MOIKÖN = to be rid of
MOJÜTÖN = to go through (to dispose of one after another) MOLÄDIK = gentle, tender
MOLIK = soft
MOMOFÖN = to expel, drive away, repel
MON = money
MONALAYET = a (shop) till
MONAPOKÜL = a wallet
MONAPÖNOD = a (monetary) fine/penalty
MONIGETOT = a (monetary) tribute
MONIT = a ride (= on an animal)
MONITANAMAGOT = a statue mounted on horseback
MONITÖN = to ride (an animal)
MOSAIG = a mosaic
MOST = a monster
MOSTÖFIK = atrocious, monstrous
MOSUMÖN = to take away
MOT = a mother
MOTÄVÖN (DE) = to depart (from), to leave
MOTED = a birth
MOTEDADEL = a birthday, date of birth
MOTEDALÄN = land of one's birth, native land
MOTEDÖP = place of birth
MOTÖN = to give birth to
MOTOR = an engine, a motor
MOTORANIBUD = a bus, a coach
MOTORASAIKUL = a motor-cycle
MOTORAVAB = an automobile, a car
MOÜKÖN = to get rid of, to take away
MÖ = by (=indicating quantity)
MÖBEM = (a suite of) furniture
MÖDAGOD = polytheism
MÖDAVÖG = polyphony (music)
MÖDIK = many, much
MÖDIKUM = more, = several
= * mödo mödikumo = much more
MÖDO = a great deal
MÖDOT = a number/quantity/amount
MÖGABID = subjunctive mood (grammar)
MÖGÄDO = eventually
MÖGIK = possible
= * as much as possible = mögiküno
MÖGOD = a chance, a possibility, potential
MÖGOV = a coverage area (as in radio/TV)
MÖGÖN = to be possible (mögos, das..= it may be that)
MÖKOT = a (medical) preparation
MÖKÖN = to prepare
MÖN = an (outside) wall
MÖSKÖD = musk
MÖV = a seagull
MU = extremely, most
MUAD = amusement, entertainment
MUADIK = amusing, entertaining
MUADÖN = to amuse, to entertain
MUD = a mouth
MUDEL = Monday
MUDOT = a mouthpiece
MUF = a movement
MUFAVAN = a mechanic
MUFÄTÖN = to flit
MUFOVÜKÖN = to loosen
MUFÖN (ÄS) = to move (like)
MUFÜKIAN = a motor (device/machine)
MUFÜKÖN = to instigate, to start off, to turn over (car engine);
MUFÜLIK = unsteady
MUFÜLÖN = to waddle
MUG = a mouse
· = mugaparat = a (computer) mouse
MUIF = worry
MUIFÖN = to worry
MUIFÜKIK = ill at ease
MUIFÜKÖN = to (cause to) worry
MUIK = most
MUIKOS = (the) maximum = = * muiko = to the maximum
MUL = a month
MUN = (a/the) moon (fulamun = a full moon)
MUNÄD = a satellite (= the moon(s)
MU NILÜ... = next to...
MU PATO = above all
MURB = a blackberry
MURIK = sullen
MURÖN = to grumble
MURÜLÖN = to mumble
MUSAK = a (domestic) fly
MUSED = a museum
MUSIG = music
MUSIGABOG = a music box
MUSIGALEF = an orchestra
MUSIGAN = a musician
MUSIGÖM = a (musical) instrument
MUSK = moss
MUSKAT = a nutmeg
MUSKÄN = (the) tundra
MUSKÄTAN = a musketeer
MUSKIT = a mosquito
USKITIL = a gnat
MUSKUL = a muscle
MUSTAG = a moustache
MUTAR = mustard
MUTÖN (+ INFIN) = to have to (= must)
MÜÄTIK = dumb, silent
MÜDIK = soft, = tender (= not hard/tough)
MÜEDÖN (DUB) = to divide (by) (maths)
MÜFÖN = to move, to shift
MÜGÄT = a lily of the valley
MÜGDAL = an almond
MÜKIK = humble
MÜKÜKÖN (OKI) = to humble (oneself)
MÜP = a vaccination
MÜPÖN = to vaccinate
MÜRÖN = to murmur, to ripple, to trickle
MÜSTER = a mystery
MÜSTERAV = mysticism
MÜTÖN = to compel, to force
MÜUL = a mussel (seafood)
NAARGID = anarchy
NAATOM = anatomy
NAÄTÜ = to the power of ... (maths)
NABALENIK = close-fitting, tight
NABIK = narrow, tight
NABÖFIK = concise
NABÖFODÖNUAM = a résumé, a summary
NAD = a needle
NADIV = an endive
NAED = a time (= once, twice, etc)
NAEDAM = multiplication (maths)
NAEDILO = just, simply
NAEDOT = a product (= an end result) (maths)
NAEDÖN = to multiply (maths)
NAEMUN = an anemone
NAF = a ship, a vessel
NAFASKRUB = a propeller
NAFÄDOT = flotsam, wreckage
NAFEM = fleet, navy
NAG = a barge
NAIDALEÜL = aniseed oil
NAIDALIKÖR = anisette (liqueur)
NAILON = nylon (fabric)
NAJOV = an anchovy
NAK = an anchor
NAKAR = mother-of-pearl
NAKLÜM = an anvil
NAM = a hand
NAMABÜOSAG = palmistry
NAMAFRENÖM = a handbrake
NAMAGLÖPÄD = handball (game)
NAMAKEV = palm (of the hand)
NAMAPENÄD = a manuscript
NAMAPLAG = chiropractic
NAMAPLAGAN = a chiropractor
NANAD = a pineapple
NARD = valerian (flower)
NARZID = a narcissus
NAT = nature
NATÄDIK = wild
NATÄDÖP = a waste, a wilderness
NATÄL = nature (= temperament)
NATED = open country
NATEM = breath
NATEMAM = breathing
NATEMIBERAVÖL = breathtaking
NATEMÖN = to breathe
NATIK = natural (= relating to nature)
NATIVESTIGAN = a naturalist
NATÖFIK = natural (= relating to skill/temperament)
NATRINAKARBATAZÜD TELIK = bicarbonate of soda
NAUD = disgust
NAUDODIK = sickening
NAUDÖN = to detest
NAÜTIK = boring, tedious, tiring
NAÜTÖN = to bore, to tire out
NAVÄT = a turnip
NÄEDAM = subtraction (maths)
NÄEDÖN = to subtract (maths)
NÄFÄTÖN = to infect
NÄG = a stitch
NÄGACIN = a sewing machine
NÄGÄR = a negro
NÄGÖN = to sew
NÄIÄDIK = adjoining
NÄIBUMOT = a (building) extension
NÄIJENOT = an episode (in book, film, radio, TV)
NÄILUSÜT = a side alley
NÄIO = incidentally
NÄISINIF = a connotation, a secondary meaning
NÄISÜT = a sidestreet, a turning
NÄM = force
NÄMÄD = power
NÄMÄDAN = a potentate
NÄMÄDIÄLIM = imperialism
NÄMÄT = authority
NÄMETÜKÖN = to charge (electrically)
NÄMIK = strong
NÄMÖFIKO = energetically
NÄN = a dwarf
NÄRVODIK = nervy, jittery, jumpy
NÄTÄPRETAN = an interpreter
NÄSÄK = an insect
NÄSTÜLÖN (LEN) = to nestle (up to)
NÄTÄPRETAN = an interpreter
NÄTIK = intact, unimpaired
NÄTIMIK = intimate
NÄTÜKAM = a repair
NÄTÜKÖN = to mend, to repair
NÄZÜM = an enzyme
NEAI = never
NEBEN = decadence
NEBENÄL = ill-will
NEBEPENOVIK = indescribable
NEBÖNÖN = to covet, to envy
NECALIKÖN (DE/SE) = to retire (from)
NEDABINOTIK = abstract
NEDANÖFIK = ungrateful
NEDÄLÄL = intransigence
NEDEADÖFIK = immortal
NEDEMÖN = to neglect
NEDETIK = left-hand
NEDIBÄD = shallows
NEDIGÖFIK = unworthy
NEDÖB = innocence
NEDÖBIK = innocent
NEDÖN (+ INFIN) = to need
NEDUMIK = bright, light (sound)
NEDUNÖN = to neglect, to omit, to miss
NEF (HI-/JI-) = a nephew/a niece
NEFÄDO = on purpose
NEFÄGÖFAN = an invalid
NEFÄKÖF = apathy
NEFIEDIK = unfaithful
NEFLAGIÄLIK = modest, undemanding
NEFLEN = an enemy
NEFLENAM = enmity
NEFLIFEDIK = old, second-hand
NEFLUKÜKÖN = to sterilise
NEFOMÄLOVIK = unimaginable
NEFÖLOT = an offence
NEFÖLÖN = to neglect
NEFÖRO = never
NEFRUTIK = useless
NEFÜMÄLÖN = to procrastinate
NEFÜMIK = indefinite, uncertain
NEFÜMÜKIKÜN = indefinable
NEGAT = negativity
NEGIDETÜKÖN = to prove wrong
NEGIDIK = unfair, unjust
NEGÖNO = unfavourably
NEIF = a knife
NEIT = a night
NEITAPAB = a moth
NEITARAMARIL = a (bedside) cabinet
NEITASKAL = a chamber-pot
NEJAPIK = blunt
NEJAFOVIK = inexhaustible
NEJERIK = cheap
NEJÖNIK = ugly
NEKALKULOVIK = incalculable, uncountable
NEKÄLÖN = to neglect
NEKLINOT = an impurity
NEKOMIK = absent
NEKOVENIÄLIK = inconvenient
NEKÖSÖMIK = extraordinary
NEKÖSÖMIKO = extraordinarily
NEKREDOVIK = incredible, unbelievable
NEKVÄNOVIK = unquenchable
NELAB = a want
NELABÖN (BOSI) = not to have, to be missing, to be without
NELABÜKÖN (EKE BOSI) = to deprive (someone of something)
NELAIDIK = changeable (of weather, etc), gradual
NELÄBIK = unfortunate, unhappy
NELEIGIK = unequal
NELEIGODOVIK = incomparable
NELELILOVIK = inaudible
NELEODIK = untidy
NELETIAN = an obstacle
NELETÖN = to deny, to hinder, to prevent
NELOGAMOVIK = invisible
NELOGÄDIKÖN = to disappear
NELOGÄDÜKÖN = to make disappear
NELOVEDUTOVIK = inalienable
NELUF = lee-side (nautical)
NELUVERATIK = improbable
NEMEDIKO = directly, immediately
NEMU = at least
NEMÜTOVIK = without constraint
NENÄTÖF = immunity (medical)
NENIFLAT = deflation
NEM = a name
NEMAPENÄT = a signature
NEMEDIK = direct, immediate
NEMISEVABIK = unmistakeable
NEMÖDIK = few, not a lot, not much, not many
NEMÖDO = few, little, not a lot
NEMÖDÜKÖN = to abate, to reduce
NEMÖGIK = impossible
NEMU = at least
NEMUIKOS = (a/the) minimum
NEMUIKÜN = minimum
NEN = without
NENBUKO = by heart
NENDANIK = ungrateful
NENDÄMIK = innocent
NENDÄMOVIK = harmless
NENDEMÜ = regardless of
NENDÖFIK = perfect
NENFINAM = infinity
NENLEIGODOVIK = incomparable
NENLEKREDAN = an atheist
NENEFÖLOTIK = guiltless, innocent
NENITEDÄLIKO = uninterestedly
NENKUDIKO = unconcerned
NENMÜTIG = free and easy; unconstrained
NENPLÄOTO = invariably, without exception
NENROPIK = continuous, unbroken, uninterrupted
NENSEKIKO = in vain, unsuccessfully
NENSIN = innocence, sinlessness
NENSTABÖFIK = unfathamomable
NENSÜENIK = piffling, trifling
NENTRUF = no trumps (card games)
NENUMOVIK = countless
NENVILIKO = instinctively
NENVOB = unemployment
NENVOBIK = out of work, unemployed
NENVÖLADAN = a good-for-nothing
NENZEDIKO = incessantly
NEOD = a need, a requirement, a want
NEODÖN = to need, to require, to want
NEODÜL = frustration
NEPLIDÖN = to displease
NEPLITIK = disagreeable, unpleasing
NEPLU = less (not more)
NEPLUAMANUM = a minority
NEPLUIK = less (not more)
NEPLUIKAM = a decrease, a fall, a reduction
NEPLUÜKÖN = to diminish
NEPLÜTIK = impolite, rude
NEPLÜTÜLIK = naughty
NEPÖTÖFIK = unsuitable
NEPUBÖN = to disappear
NEPUED = indecency, immodesty
NES = without (+ infinitive)
NESEIMO = nowhere
NESEV = ignorance
NESEVÄDIK = anonymous, unknown
NESEVÄLÖFIK = unconscious
NESIÄDIK = abstract
NESIÄM = nonsense
NESKIL = awkwardness
NESNATIK = dishonest
NESPALIK = overwhelming, unsparing
NESPÄLÖN = to spend, to waste (= cash/food)
NESTIPÖFIKO = absolutely
NESTÖNIK = immoderate
NESTÜM = contempt
NESTÜMÖN = to despise
NESUDEL = a weekday
NESUFOVIK = unbearable
NET = a nation
NETÄT = a nationality
NETIK = national
NEUMATIK = wheezy
NEÜF = a nymph
NEV = a nerve
NEVASITOT = a nerve system
NEVASIÜL = a motor neuron
NEVED = unmaking
NEVERÄTIK = incorrect, wrong
NEVIFIK = slow
NEVIKODOVIK = insuperable, unconquerable
NEVIPABIK = undesirable
NEVOROVIK = hard-wearing
NEXÄNÖN (DE) = to descend, to get down (from)
NI...NI = neither...nor
NIBLIT = underpants
NIBOTEL = a confectioner, a pastry-cook
NIBUD = a bus
NICÄST = incest
NIDAIN = a brilliant (cut diamond)
NIDETATATAKAN = an inside right (= football)
NID = a lustre
NIDIK = brilliant
NIDÖN = to shine
NIDUTIAN = an inductor
NIDÜLON = to shimmer, to sparkle
NIEDIK = bright, shining
NIF = snow
NIFAKUM = a snowdrift
NIFILÜKAM = internal combustion
NIFLAT = inflation
NIFÖN = to snow
NIFÜP = Winter
NIG = ink
NIGIÄR = an ink-pot
NIGROM = necromancy
NIJIT = a vest
NIJUÜP = a petticoat
NIK = a nice, a recess
NILÄDAN = a neighbour
NILÄDIK = neighbouring
NILÄN = interior (of country)
NILIKÖN (LÜ) = to approach, to draw near (to)
NILO = close-by
NILUD = a notion
NILUDAM = a supposition
NILUDO = presumably, probably
NILUDÖN = to suppose
NILÜ = near
NIM = an animal, a creature
NIMAGAD = a zoo
NIMED = livestock
NIMIKONLET = a menagerie
NIMISANAN = a veterinary surgeon
NINÄD = contents
NINÄDIAN = a container
NINÄDIANIL = an insert
NINÄDÖN = to contain, to include
NINÄLÖN = to ponder
NINÄM(S) = intestine(s)
NINEDIK = in-built, intrinsic
NINIÄR = a cartridge (for computer, camera)
= * niganiniär = an ink cartridge (for computer)
NINIK = internal
NINIKÖN (INI) = to enter (into)
NINÜKÖN = to insert
NISUL = an island
NITED = an interest
NITEDÄLÖN (DÖ/TEFÜ) = to be interested (in/about)
NITEDIK = interesting
NITEDÖN = to interest
NIT = a staple
NITÖM = a stapler
NIVÄT = a level
NIVER = a university
NIYÄK = a singlet (clothing)
NIYÖN = to neigh (horse)
NO = no, not (no plu/no fovo = no longer)
NOAM = negation
NOAT = a note (music)
NOATAPENÄT = (musical) notation
NOATÄDÖN = to compose (music)
NOATED = (sheet) music
NOBALADÄLIK = magnanimous
NOBAN = a noble (= person)
NOBIK = noble
NOBOIN = a precious stone
NOE ... ABI = not only ... but
NOET = a (textual) note/remark
NOFÖN = to insult, to offend
NOG = still, yet (no nog = not yet)
NOGANÜKÖN = to organize
NOGNA = once again, once more
NOID = a noise
NOIDÜLASNEK = a rattlesnake
NOIDÖN = to make a noise
NOIK = negative
NOKÖM = a (door)-knocker
NOKÖN = = to knock
NOL = knowledge
NOLAV = science
NOLAVAN = a scientist
NOLIÄLIK = inquisitive
NOLÖN = to know (= facts)
NOLÜD = (the) north
NOLÜDIK = northern
NOM = a rule (= regulation); (the) norm (=standard)
NOMIK = regular
NOMÄDIK = regular
NOMÖFIK = regular
NOMÜKAM = adjustment
NONIK = none, = not any
NONIKNA = never, no kind of
NOÖN = to deny
NOPLU = no longer
NORMIK = vertical
NOSÜKÖN = to cancel, to destroy
NOTARAN = a conveyancer, a notary
NOTED = an advertisement, an announcement
NOTEDÖN = to advertise
NOTET = a detail, an item
NOTIK = generally known, public
NOTOD = an expression (= facial, in writing)
NOTODÖN = to express (thoughts)
NOTÜKÖN = to express, to make known
NOVUL = November
NOYÖN = to drown
NÖ! = no!
NÖG = an egg
= * nögs pemufilöl = scrambled eggs
NÖT = an (edible) nut
NÖTRON = a neutron (physics)
NÖYÖN (EKI) = to drown (someone)
NU = now
NUD = a nose
NUEL = a fingernail, a toenail
NUF = a roof
NUFAR = a water lily
NUFATÄRAT = a roof terrace
NUFED = a ceiling
NUGVET = an ointment
NULÄD = novelty
NULÄDIK = modern, up-to-date
NULÄLIK = curious, inquisitive
NULÄLIKÖN (DÖ) = to be curious (about)
NULÄLÖN (VA) = to wonder (if/whether)
NULIK = new
NULOD(S) = (the) news (radio/TV)
NULULÖN = to renew
NULÜDOT = food, nourishment
NULÜDÖN = to feed, to nourish
= * to breast-feed = blöto nulüdön
NUM = number (= an amount)
NUMAT = a digit, a figure, a number
NUMÄDÖN = to count
NUMÄT = an exponent (maths)
NUMBRIL = a navel
NUMIAN = a calculator
NUN = a message
NUNAN = a messenger, a summoner
NUNAPENÖN = to advise, to inform (= in writing)
NUNED = notice, a warning
NUNEDAPENÄD = a warning (sign)
NUNEDÖN = to give notice, to warn
NUNIAN = a computer
NUNOD = an account, a report
NUNODÖN (TEFÜ) = to report (about)
NUNÖN = to inform
NUNS = news
NUT = a nod (of the head)
NUTIMIK = present (time)
NUTIMO = nowadays
NUTÖN = to nod agreement
NÜ = now that, seeing that, since
NÜBREIK = a burglary
NÜBREIKAN = a 'professional' burglar
NÜBREIKÖLAN = an 'opportunist' burglar
NÜBREIKÖN = to burgle
NÜCIDÖN = to carve, to chisel
NÜDÄDAN = a nude model
NÜDÄDÖN = to pose in the nude
NÜDIK = bare, naked, nude
NÜDUG = an introduction
NÜFÄRMÜKÖN = to shut in
NÜGIFÖN = to pour out (drinks)
NÜGIV = inspiration
NÜGOLÖN = to enter, to go in
NÜGOLÖP = an entrance
NÜK = (nape of) neck
NÜKÖMÖN (INI) = to enter
NÜM = (serial) number, No.
NÜMÄDÖN = to count (= recite numerals in order)
NÜMÄDIK = numerate
NÜMIGÖN = to blend
NÜNAMABÜR = an information/inquiry office
NÜNED = a (computer) file
NÜMFEAD = a water lily
NÜNIÄLIK = informative
NÜNÖM = a computer
NÜNÖMAPROGRAM = a (computer) programme
NÜNS = terms (of business)
NÜPLADÒN (INI) = to insert (into)
NÜSEIDOT = an insert
NÜSKUTÖN = to inject (medical)
NÜSLEIFÖM = a chisel
NÜSUGAPAPÜR = blotting-paper
NÜSUGÖN = to absorb
NÜTÄVAN = an immigrant
NÜVEIGÖN = to import (goods)
NÜXÄNÖN (NÜ) = to mount, to get on
O! = oh! (vocative)
O... = shall, = will; = next...
OB = I
OBIK = my (bai sev obik = as far as I know)
OBIKAN = mine; my (person)
OBIKOS = mine; my (thing)
OBO = as for me, for my part
OBÖ! = I don't care! (interjection)
OBS = we
OBSIK = our
OD = each other (lä od = by/near each other)
ODELO = tomorrow (odelo ün timül at = tomorrow
= at this time)
OF = she
OFIK = her
OFS = they = (feminine plural)
OK = oneself
OKAO = of one's own accord
OKDUGÄL = self-discipline
OKIÄL = egotism, selfishness
OKJELODIÄL = self-preservation
OKIK = one's own
OKKONFID = self-confidence
OKKUSAD = self-incrimination
OKNÄMÄTIK = arbitrary, high-handed
OKNOÄD = self-denial
OKNOSIKAM = self-destruction
OKPLAD = commitment
OKREIG = self-control
OKSASEN = suicide
OKSEV = self-knowledge
OKSEVED = self-consciousness
OKSKILÜKAM = exercise, practice
OKTIDÄB = self-taught person
OL = you
OLIK = your
OLS = you = (plural)
OLSIK = your (plural)
OM = he
OMIK = his
OMO = as for him (= what concerns him)
OMS = they (masculine plural)
OMSIK = their (masculine plural)
OMSO = as for them (= what concerns them)
OMULO = next month
ON = it
ONEITO = tomorrow night
ONIK = its
ONS = they (neuter plural)
ONSIK = their (neuter plural)
ONU = at once, in a minute
OR = you (singular polite)
ORS = you (plural polite)
OS = it (abstract; no plural)
OSOARO = tomorrow evening
OT = like, same (ebo ot = just the same)
OTCEDIK = of the same opinion
OTDÜPO = at the same time/hour
OTGENIÄLAN = a gay (person), homosexual
OTMAFÄDO = equally
OTÜPO = at the same time
OY = one, people, they
Ö! = hm! = (interjection)
-ÖD! = let... (imperative mood)
ÖM = several, some
ÖMAN = someone, such a one, such a person
ÖMIK = many a...; several, such people
ÖMNA = sometimes
ÖMNAIK = occasional
ÖMSOTIK = some kind(s) of...
ÖN = under = (preposition)
= (ön nem foginik = under a foreign name)
= (ön kodül = under the pretext)
-ÖS = kindly do ... (optative form)
PAAN = briefs, shorts (clothing)
PAÄL = a stove
PAB = a butterfly
PAD = a page (of book)
PADÖN (IN) = to browse (through)
PADÜL = a column
PAEÄN = a heath
PAELIK = pale, wan
PAIK = a pike (= fish)
PAKÖN = to expand, to spread
PAL(S) = a parent, parents
PALAT = palate
PALET = a party (= faction)
PAM = a palm (tree)
PAMOTÖN = to be born
PAMPELUT = a grapefruit
PANÖN = to pawn
PANEMÖN = to be called/named
PANKREAT = pancreas (gland)
PANTÄR = a panther
PANTUF = a (carpet) slipper (leisure footwear)
PAOPLÄG = apoplexy
PAOSTOLAN = an apostle
PAPAG = a parrot
PAPÜR = paper
PAPÜRACANS = stationery
PAPÜROD = papyrus
PARAD = heaven, paradise
PARAFIN = kerosene, paraffin
PARALÜD = paralysis
PARARG = Butterfly of species: Pararge megaera.
PARASIT = a parasite
PARAT = apparatus
PARDÖN (EKE BOSI) = to forgive (someone something)
PARKET = (theatre) circle
PARKÖN = to part (vehicles)
PARKÖP = a park (for vehicles)
PARTÄR = (cinema/theatre) stalls
PAS = not until now; only just
PASETIK = past
PASTAN = an (evangelical) minister
PAT = a detail
PATÄD = a characteristic
PATÄDAN = a specialist
PATÄDAPENÄD = a thesis
PATÄDIK = specific
PATÄDODILÖN (OKI) = to specialize in
PATED = a model, a type
PATIK = particular, special
PATO = especially
PATÖF = a quality
PATRITAN = an aristocrat
PATRONAN = a patron (of arts, etc)
PATRUL = a patrol
PAUD = an interval, a pause
PAUN = a pound
PÄDAN = a (parish) priest
PÄDÄN = a parish (area)
PÄDRIT = a partridge
PÄK = a pack
PÄKED = a parcel
PÄKEM = baggage, luggage
PÄKEMIKIPEDÖP = Left Luggage Office
PÄKEMIPOLAN = a porter
PÄKIL = a packet
PÄKÖN = to pack
PÄKÖP = a luggage compartment
PÄM = a notebook
PÄMOD = a brochure
PÄNAN = a (portrait) painter
PÄNOT = a painting, a picture
PÄNÖN = to paint (as an artist)
PÄR = a couple, a pair
PÄRIDIKAM = destruction, ruin
PÄRIDIKAN = a ruined (person)
PÄRIDIKÖN = to perish
PÄRIDÜKÖN = to ruin, to destroy
PÄRJID = parsley
PÄRSIG = a peach
PÄRUN = a (railway) platform
PÅRUNAVEG = a pavement, a sidewalk
PÄSKARAN = an angler, a fisherman
PÄSKARÖN = to fish
PEÄDIK = fat, stout, weighty
PEÄN = a pin
PEB = pulse (wrist)
PED = pressure
PEDANULÜDÖL = well-fed
PEDETEILÖL = fenced off, partitioned
PEDAFOMÖL = trained
PEDÖN = to press
PEFEIMÖL = ostracized
PEFIBIKÖL = senile
PEIN = a pine (tree)
PEL = payment
PELAL = a paymaster, a purser
PELÄSÜKÖL = reduced (in price)
PELEK = a pelican
PELÖN = to pay
PEMIGÖL = mixed
PEMIKO = higgledy-piggledy (in no kind of order)
PEMITULÖL = mutilated
PEMOTÖL = born
PEN = a pen
PENÄD = a writing, a document
PENÄT = handwriting
PENÄTAV = graphology
PENDÜL = a pendulum
PENED = a letter
PENEDABOG = a letter box
PENDÜLÖM = a (children's) swing
PENDÜLÖN = to swing
PENEDABOG = a postbox
PENEDAMÄK = a (postage) stamp
PENEDIBLINAN = a postman
PENEDIL = a notelet (= a short letter)
PENEGENÜKÖL = neutered
PENET = a note, a notice
PENETABUKIL = a note-book
PENETÖN = to commit to paper, to note
PENIKIPIAN = a pen holder
PENOT = a dissertation
PENÖMASELIDÖP = a stationer's shop
PENÖN = to write
PEOLÄT = an epaulette
PEP = pepper
PEPERÖL = lost
PEPIÄR = a pepper pot
PEPUN = a gourd, a marrow
PER = loss
PERÄD = a defeat, a rout
PEROT = a lost (item)
PERÖN = to lose
PESTED = a noodle
PETEGÖL = covered
PETIOL = a petal
PETROL = petroleum
PIAD = a piazza, a town/city square
PIANIKO = gradually
PIANODAHARMONÖM = a piano-accordeon
PIANODÖN = to play the piano
PIÄF = a core, (the) essence
PID = pity, regret, sorrow
PIDEÄDÖL = sprawled, straddled
PIDÖ! = Beg your pardon! Sorry!
PIDÖN = to be sorry, to regret (pidob vemo = I am very sorry)
PIED = a foot (= measure)
PIET = piety
PIGMIN = parchment
PIGÖN = to pick (= of birds)
PIJUN = a pigeon
PIK = a spade (card games)
PIKIT = a woodpecker
PIL = an eel
PILGRIMAN = a pilgrim
PIN = fat, grease
PINÄDIK = fat, stout
PINED = bacon
PINGUEN = a penguin
PINT = Pentecost
PIONIR = a pioneer
PIP = a (tobacco) pipe
PIR = a (radio) valve
PIRAMID = a pyramid
PIRATAN = a pirate, a privateer
PIROG = a (ship's) prow
PISÄL = a pea
PISUSTÜRÜLÖL = scattered, sprinkled
PITAETÖL = repressed, stifled
PITÖN = to season
PIYAM = pyjamas
PLA = besides (preposition)
PLAÄDÖN = to replace, to substitute
PLAD = a place, a seat (on bus/train), a spot
PLADÖN = to place, to put, to set (in position)
PLADULAN = a representative (= person)
PLADULÖN = to represent
PLAGIK = practical
PLAF = timidity
PLAFIK = nervous, timid
PLAK = an experience
PLAKIKO = practically
PLAKILABIK = experienced, mature
PLAKÖN = to experience
PLAN = a (garden/wild) plant
PLANET = a planet
PLANÖN = to plant
PLANT = sole (= of the foot)
PLAS = instead (of)
PLASTÄTIK = plastic
PLATÄD = a plate, a sign (for information)
PLATED = a platform (in general)
PLATIK = flat
PLATOT = a (flat) surface
PLAUD = a plough
PLAUDÖN = to plough
PLAÜKÖN = to replace
PLÄ = besides
PLÄAM = an exception
PLÄAMÜ = except, with the exception of...
PLÄD = an (animal) coat. a fur
PLÄDOT = a fur coat
PLÄG = (physical) exercise, practice
PLÄGÖN = to practise, to exercise (physically)
PLÄIDÖN = to plead
PLÄN = an explanation
PLÄNÄDÖN = to explain (in detail); to interpret (dreams, etc)
PLÄNÖN = to explain
PLÄO = otherwise
PLÄOT = an exception
PLÄÖN = to except, to make an exception
PLÄYÖN = to play (musical instrument)
PLED = a game
PLEDADIN = a plaything, a toy
PLEDAKADEM = a pack (deck) of cards
PLEDÖN = to play
PLEIDÄLIK = haughty
PLEIDIK = proud
PLEIDÜLÖN (DEMÜ) = to boast (about)
PLEIFÖN = to push back
PLEKÖN = to pray
PLEN = a plain, flat terrain
PLENÖFIK = flat, level
PLIDÖN = to like (plidö! = if you like!)
PLIF = a crease, a fold
PLIFÄDIK = pleated (clothes)
PLIFÖN = to crease, to fold
PLIMÖN = to compliment
PLIN = a prince
PLITIÄLIK = nice (disposition)
PLITIK = agreeable, pleasant
PLITÖN = to please
PLITÜ = for the pleasure of (plitü of = to please her)
PLITÜLIK = attractive, nice, pretty
PLOBIK = experienced, proven
PLOBÖN (TA) = to be a match (for)
PLODÖN = to applaud
PLON = a complaint
PLONÖN (EKE BOSI) = to complain (to someone about something)
PLOP = a poplar (tree)
PLOTÖN (TA) = to conspire/plot (against)
PLÖDAHARAT = a suburb
PLÖDO = outside
PLÖDAKIPÖN = to exclude, to keep out, to shut out
PLÖDIK = external, outer, outside, outward
PLÖDIKÖN = to go out
PLÖDÜKÖN = to put out (of one place into another)
PLÖGUN = an overcoat
PLÖJAL = bark (of tree), crust (of bread), rind (of meat)
PLÖKÖN = to gather, to pluck
PLÖM = a plum
PLÖMÄNED = an overcoat
PLÖPÖN (AD) = to succeed (in) (plöpön ad dunön
= bosi = to manage to do something)
PLÖRAFLAMAT = pleurisy (medical)
PLÖSEN = a (stage) performance
PLÖSENÖN = to perform, to present
PLU = more
PLUAMANUM = a majority
PLUIK = further
PLUIKAM = an increase
PLUIKÖN = to increase
PLUMAFIK = excessive
PLUMBAFULÜKOT = a filling (dentistry)
PLUNA = several times
PLUT = a ball (of wool, etc)
PLUÖN (LÄ) = to excel (at/in); to exceed expectations
PLUVÄT = overweight
PLÜ . . . . PLÜ = the more ..... the more
PLÜD = goodwill (if plüdol = if you please)
PLÜM = a feather, a plume
PLÜMÄD = a (decorative) plume
PLÜMILABIK = feathered
PLÜT = politeness
PLÜTIK = polite
PO = after, behind (spatial)
POD = an apple
PODAMUST = cider
PODOR = a tomato
POEDAV = poetry
POEDOT = a poem
POF = a (sea)port
POGOLÖN = to follow
POK = a pocket
POKALAMPAD = a flashlight
POKASÄRVÄTÜL = a (pocket) handkerchief
POLAN = a porter
POLDABÜR = a police station = POLDAN = a policeman
POLDANEF = police (force)
POLIOMÜL = polio (medical)
POLIP = a polyp (medical)
POLKAT = a polka (dance)
POLÖN = to bear, to carry
POLÜGLOT = a linguist, a polyglot
POLÜP = an octopus
POMAD = a (body) cream
PON = a bridge
POODKED = a queue
POP = a poppy
PORNISELIDÖP = a porn shop
PORTAT = a range (= reach)
PORUD = a leek
POS = after, behind (time)
POSBINÜKÄB = a descendant
POSBINÜKOT = belongings, inheritance
POSBLIBÖN = to stay behind
POSBLIBÜKÖN = to leave behind
POS... = grand-
POSBINÜKÖN = to leave behind
POSCILS = grandchildren
POSDAUT = a grand-daughter
POSITIK = positive
POSSON = a grand-son
POSUN = a trumpet
POSZEDEL = afternoon
POSZIB = a dessert
POT = mail, post
POTAGIR = a (post office) giro
POTAKAD = postcard
POTAMON = postage
POTASPÄLABANK = a post office savings bank
POTATRET = a postal order
POTAVAB = a stage-coach
POTÖN = to mail, to post
POTÖP = a post-office
POV = (geographical) pole
= * povasirk nolüdik = north pole
= ** povasirk sulüdik = south pole
POVÖF = polarity
POYÜMOT = a suffix (grammar)
PÖ = at
PÖB = a public house, a tavern
PÖDABLIBÖN = to fall short (of)
PÖDAGLUN = a background
PÖDAKÖSÖMEDAN = an esotericist
PÖDANAF = (ship's) stern
PÖDIK = back, rear
PÖDIKAM = regression
PÖDIO = backwards
PÖF = poverty
PÖFÄDIK = pitiable
PÖFIK = poor
PÖJIN = punch (alcohol)
PÖJUTAM = persecution
PÖJUTÖN = to chase away, to pursue
PÖK = a mistake
PÖKAGAD = a maze
PÖKÖN = to make a mistake
PÖL = an aberration, an error
PÖLACEDÖN (ÄS) = to mistake (for)
PÖLAKALKULÖN = to miscalculate
PÖLAVEGÖN = to lose the way, to get lost
PÖLÖN = to err, to make an error
PÖMANEF = firemen
PÖMÖM = a pump
PÖMÖN = to pump
PÖN = a punishment
PÖNIDÖN = to repent
PÖNÖN = to punish
PÖP = a people (= a community)
PÖPEDIK = popular
PÖPÖN (ME) = to be inhabited (by)
PÖSOD = a person
PÖSODANEM = a forename
PÖSODEF = personnel, staff
PÖSODIK = personal
PÖSODÖF = personality
PÖT = an occasion, an opportunity
PÖTATIMO = in (due) time
PÖTEKAN = a (pharmaceutical) chemist
PÖTET = a potato
PÖTIK = opportune, suitable
PÖTIT = an appetite
PÖTÖF = feasibility
PÖTÖFIK = applicable, practical
PÖTÖFÖN = to be applicable, to be practicable
PÖTÖN = to be convenient, to be fitting
PÖTÜ = on the occasion of
PÖTRÄT = a portrait
PRAFAD = a paraphrase
PRÄGENÖN = to impregnate
PRÄSTIG = prestige
PRED = a homily, a sermon
PREDAN = a preacher
PREDÖN = to preach
PREM = a prize
PREPARÖN = to prepare
PRESENIK = the present (time)
PRIEL = an arbour
PRIFET = W.C. (= a toilet on buses, trains)
PRILUL = April
PRIM = a beginning, a start
PRIMÄTABLUF = an initiative test
PRIMÖFIK = primitive
PRIMÖN (AD) = to begin, to commence, to start (to)
PRIMÜM = a (musical) overture
PRINSIP = a maxim, a principle
PRINSIPÜ = on the lines of
PRIOMALIDIL = a (short) satirical ditty
PRISMAT = a prism
PRIVATIK = confidential, private
PRIVILEG = a privilege
PRO = for
PROAN = a supporter
PROÄDÖN = to tune into (radio/TV station)
PROD = outcome, produce
PRODÄD = a product
PRODÄT (TEATIK) = (putting on) an act
PRODÖN = to produce
PROFÄSOR = a professor
PROFET = a prophet
PROFÜL = a profile
PROGED = progress
PROGRAM = a program
PROIBÖN = to forbid, to prohibit
PROLIDIK = (more) detailed
PROM = a promise
PROMÖN = to promise
PRONÖN = to pronounce (pronön vödi = to pronounce a word)
PROPAGID = propaganda
PROPOR = proportion
PROSAD = prose
PROSTAT = prostate (gland)
PROTÄSTAN = a protestant (religion)
PROTESTÖN (TA) = to protest (against)
PROTOK = minutes (of meeting), a report, a summary
PROVID = provision
PROVIN = a province
PROYEK = a project
PROZED = a procession
PRÜDIKO = cautiously
PRULÖN = to pout
PRÜDIK = attentive, cautious, discreet
PRÜDÖ! = Look out! Pay attention!
PRÜDÖN = to take care
PRÜNÖN (EKE BOSI) = to lend (something to someone)
PSAM = a psalm
PSITAK = a parrot
PU = at the very least
PUBLÜG = the (general) public
PUBÖN = to appear
PUED = chastity, purity
PUF = a louse (= insect)
PUGÖN = to slaughter
= * a slaughter house = pugöp
PUID = an inch
PUIN = a (cosmetic) powder
PULP = pith (of fruit)
PUL(S) = boy(s) and girl(s)
PUN = a fist
PUNC = punch (alcoholic drink)
PUP = a doll
PUR = gunpowder
PURIDIKÖN = to become rotten, to decay (= teeth)
PURIDÜKÖN = to make rotten
PURUL = pus (medical)
PUT (HI/JI) = a (small) child
PUTAJUL = a kindergarten, a play-school
PUTÜL = a baby
PÜBER = adolescence, puberty
PÜBOT = a publication
PÜD = peace (= not war)
PÜFIK = dusty
PÜFISUGIAN = a vacuum-cleane
PÜK = a language
PÜKASOTÜL = an accent (oral)
PÜL = (the) insignificant
PÜLATIMIL = a moment, a split second
PÜLIK = modest, unassuming
PÜLIKÜN = least
PÜLOT = something unimportant
PÜLSIF = an outburst, a surge (of emotion)
PÜN = a dot, a point
PÜNÖN = to punctuate
PÜPIL = a pupil (of eye)
PÜPIT = a desk
PÜT = a (fruit) stone
RAAGID = a groundnut, a peanut
RAÄNID = a spider
RAB = a raven
RABAT = a discount, a rebate
RABIÄTIK = furious
RABITAN = an arbiter, an umpire
RABOT = a plane (= tool)
RADAGUM = an eraser
RADIONALANTEN = a radio aerial
RADIONAPARAT = a wireless set; a radio
RADIONASESEDÖM = a radio transmitter
RADIONASTAJON = a radio station
RADÖN = to erase
RAF = a radish
RAFINIK = pure, refined
RAGIPELAG = an archipelago
RAGIV = an archive
= * nünömaragiv = a computer file
RAGUD = a ragoût, a stew
RAID = a radius
RAISTOKRAT = (the) aristocracy
RAJANÖ! = agreed! done!
RAJANÖN = to arrange
RAK (DI NOE) = an ark (=Noah's Ark)
RAKET = a rocket
= * raketalejedöp = a (rocket) launching pad
RAMAR = a cupboard
RAMENÖN = to fetch, to get (ramenolöd
= sanani! = get a doctor!)
RANÜL = a tadpole
RAODIK = coarse, rough
RAP = a turnip
RAT = a rat
RATÄR = an artery (anatomy)
RATID = Artillery
RAUDIK = hoarse
RAVAN = a burglar, a robber, a thief
RAVANIM = a beast of prey
RAVÜLÖN = to abduct, to kidnap, to hijack
RÄFOR = a horse-radish
RÄG = a rag, a remnant
RÄKÄT = a (tennis) racket
RÄKÖN = to rake
RÄP = a file (= tool)
RÄT = a puzzle, a riddle
RÄTÖF = a mystery
RÄYÖN = to (do an) X-ray
RÄYUN = a (distinctive) characteristic, a department, a domain
REAFÖN = to arrive, to attain, to get to, to manage (to do something)
REDABETAD = a beetroot
REDABRASID = a red cabbage
REDAKAN = an editor
REDAVAXEN = a cranberry
REDIK = red
REDIKÖN = to blush, to become flushed
REDÜLIK = pink
REF = a reef
REFORMAT = (the) Reformation
REFUD = a refusal
REFUDÖN = to decline, to refuse
REG = a king, a queen
REGADOM = a palace
REGAT = a regatta
REGÄN = a kingdom
REGIK = regal, royal
REGISTARAM = registration (of letter/parcel)
REGISTARÖN = to record
REIDED = a reading (= passage)
REIDÖN = to read
REIFÖN = to reach out
REIGANEF = a government (= persons)
REIGÄB = a subject
REIGÄN = an empire
REIGÄNADAIL = = parliament
REIN = rain
REINABOB = a rainbow
REINAJELÖM = an umbrella
REINAMÄNED = a raincoat
REINÖFIK = rainy
REINÖN = to rain
REITAK = a nightingale
REIVÖN = to overtake (on road)
REKLAMÖN = to advertise
REKORD = a (competitive) record
= * Volarekord = a world record
REKOSILÖN = to forgive, to reconcile
REKRUTÄB = a recruit
RELEDIK = denominational
REMAN = a buyer, a customer
REMÄD = bribery, corruption
REMOTI(S) = shopping
REMÖN = to buy, to purchase
RENAKÜIR = reindeer skin
RENAR = a fox
RENARAPLÄD = fox fur
RENÄSAN = (the) renaissance
REPÜBLIKÄN = a republic
REPÜT = a reputation
RESÄRFARIF = a spare tyre
RESÄRFIK = reserve, spare
RESÄRFÖN = to reserve
RESITÖN = to declaim, to recite
RESOD = a network (Vüresod = the <Internet>)
RESODATOPED = a web site (computer)
RESOR = a spring
RET = remainder, rest
RETÄD = an end, a left-over, a stub
RETÖN = to have left over, to remain
REUMAT = rheumatism
REZÄP = a recipe
REZIDIF = re-offending (law)
REZIPIK = mutual, reciprocal
RIAD = an (operatic) aria
RIB = a rib (= anatomy)
RIBEDABÄL = a black/red currant
RIBOTÜL = a cutlet
RIET = a wrist (rietalinaglokil = a wrist-watch)
RIF = a tyre
= (rif döfik = a flat tyre)
RIGÄD = an original
RIGET = a draft, a rough copy
RIGIK = original
RIKÜL = (the) little finger
RIMOD = a rhyme
RINOSEROD = a rhinoceros
RIPRODÖN (EKE BOSI) = to reproach (someone with something)
RISAT = rice
RISKÄD = a danger
RISKÄDIK = dangerous
RISKÄDIKÖN = to be in danger
RISKÖN = to dare, to hazard, to risk
RITIK = honest, loyal
RITMUT = a rhythm
RITOR = a retort
RITÖF = loyalty
RIV = an attainment
RIVÖN = to catch (bus, train, 'plane); to reach
ROB = a seal
ROD = an order (religious company)
RODODEN = a rhododendron
ROGIK = arrogant, impudent
ROIN = a kidney
ROJANIK = orange (colour)
ROJAT = an orange
ROJATAFLOR = an orange blossom
ROLATRIDEM = an escalator
ROLÖN = to roll
RÖLÖN = to roll
ROM = rum
ROMATIK = romantic
RONÄT = a faucet, a tap
ROOD = a category
ROPÖN = to interrupt
ROR = a roar
RORUD = arrowroot
ROSAD = a rose
ROSIN = a raisin
ROT = a routine
ROUL = a part, a rôle (in play)
ROVIK = narrow
RÖBÖN = to rub
RÖBÜLÖN = to caress, to stroke
RÖLETAN = a relative, a relation
RÖLASTUL = a wheelchair
RÖLÖN = to (make) roll
RÖNAJEVOD = a race-horse
RÖNÖN = to race, to run
RUBRIG = a rubric
RUILIK = rusty
RUL = a (roller) blind
RULÄD = a roll
RULÄT = roulette (game of chance)
RUNÄD = a rush (of animals/people)
RUNÜLAN = a jogger
RUPÄD = an outbreak
RUPÄDÖN = to break out (e.g. war)
RUR = dysentery
RUTID = a nettle
RÜBIKÖN = to decay, to spoil
RÜBÜKÖL = pernicious
RÜD = a pipe, a tube (for toothpaste)
RÜDIL = a (toothpaste) tube
RÜN = a herring
RÜT = lust (sexual desire)
RÜTÖN (DEMÜ) = to lust (for), to be on heat (animals)
SA = together with
SAB = sand
SABOT = sabotage
SABÖM = a (sand) timer
SADIN = silk
SADÖN = to sink
SAEDÖN = to add (maths)
SAF = a hoof
SAFAFER = a horseshoe
SAGATIK = intelligent
SAGÄD = a rumour (= gossip)
SAGIT = an arrow
SAGLIED = a (wild) boar
SAGÖN (EKE BOSI) = to say, to tell (something to someone)
SAGUD = sago
SAIDÄL = self-confidence
SAIDIK = enough, sufficient
SAIDÖN = to suffice
SAIKUL = a bicycle
SAIKULÖN = to cycle
SAIL = a sail
SAILÖN = to sail
SAITÖN = to cite, to quote
SAK = a sack
SAKÄD = a bag, a pack, a satchel
SAKED = a (lady's) handbag
SAKRAM = a sacrament
SAL = salt
SALAD = lettuce, salad
SALB = sage (herb)
SALIÄR = a salt- cellar
SALIF = saliva
SALIG = a willow (tree)
= * a weeping willow = vatasalig
SALM = a salmon
SALMUN = a newt, a salamander
SALÖFIK = salty
SALUDABUK = holy scripture
SALUDAN = a saint
SALUDIK = holy
SALUDÜKIK = hallowed
SAM = an example (as sam = for example)
SAMÄD = a copy (of book); a specimen, a trial
SAMED = a sample (samed nen völad = sample
= without commercial value)
SAMIK = patterned
SANAKÄL = health care
SANAN = a doctor, a medic
SANAVIK = medical
SANÖN = to cure, to heal
SAOV = a saw
SAOVÖN = to saw
SAPIK = wise
SARDEN = a sardine
SARK = a coffin
SARKAD = sarcasm
SASENÖN = to assassinate, to murder
SATIK = satisfied, satiated
SATIR = a satire
SATÖN (DÖ) = to have enough (of)
SATURN = Saturn
SATÜRIK = satirical
SAUN = health
SAUNAD = a sauna
SAUNIK = healthy, well
SAUNIKÖN = to recover
SAVABOT = a lifeboat
SAVÖN = to save (from)
SAXOFON = a saxophone
SÄBOIDÖN (OKI) = to disembark
SÄDÖN = to (make) sink, to submerge
SÄDÜNIKÖN = to resign
SÄDÜNÜKÖN = to abdicate, to discharge, to dismiss, to sack
SÄDÜTÖN (EKE BOSI) = to deprive (someone of something)
SÄED = a saddle
SÄFÄRMÜKÖN = to open, to unlock
SÄFLEDÖN = to download, to unload
SÄG = dryness
SÄGERÜKÖN = to disinherit
SÄGIK = dry
SÄGLEIPÖN = to let go
SÄGÜKÖN = to dry
SÄGUL = rye
SÄJADÖN = to shade off
SÄJÄFÄLÜKAM = entertainment, leisure activity
SÄJALÖN = to peel
SÄK = a query, a question
SÄKABLOG = a questionnaire
SÄKALÜKÖN = to deduct, to subtract
SÄKÄD = a problem
SÄKIBÖN = to abolish, to dispense with, to get rid of
SÄKLÄNEDÖN = to bring to light
SÄKLOÄTÖN = to unsneck
SÄKLOTAMACEM = a changing room
SÄKLOTÖN (OKI) = to undress (oneself)
SÄKNOPÖN = to unbutton
SÄKÖLIKÖN = to tarnish
SÄKÖLAN = an inquirer
SÄKÖN = to ask (a question)
SÄKURADÜKÖN = to discourage
SÄKUSAD = an excuse, an apology (begön säkusadi = to
= beg pardon)
SÄKUSADÖN = to excuse, to pardon
SÄLÄRID = celery
SÄLENÜKÖN = to take off (clothes/shoes)
SÄLODÖN = to unload
SÄLUIMÜKÖN (OKI) = to dry (oneself)
SÄLUN = a sitting-room
SÄMENIKÖN = to become dehumanized
SÄMENÜKÖN = to dehumanize
SÄNDVIG = a sandwich
SÄNÄFÄTÖN = to disinfect
SÄNED = an evening meal, supper (säned saludik = the last supper)
SÄNEDÖN = to have supper (= evening meal)
SÄNIFLAT = deflation
SÄNSUR = censorship
SÄNTRETIK = concentrated
SÄPÄKÖN = to unpack
SÄPLANÖN = to dig up, to root up
SÄPÖPÖN = to depopulate
SÄRJAN = a sergeant
SÄRVÄT = a napkin, a serviette
SÄRVÄTÜL = a cloth (bovülasärvätül = a dish-cloth)
SÄRVIG = a neck
SÄRVIGAKRAVAT = a (neck)tie
SÄSPETÜKÖN (EKI) = to disappoint (someone)
SÄSTIMÖN = to dishonour
SÄSTITÖN = to disestablish
SÄSUN = a season (= of year)
SÄTENIDÜKÖN (OKI) = to relax, to unwind
SÄTRATÜKÖN = to extract
SÄTÜLÖN = to unwind
SÄVAFÖN = to disarm
SÄVEADÖN = to unsheath
SÄVEALÖN = to reveal, to unveil
SÄVILUPÖN = to develop (photos); to reveal
SÄYÖN = to lisp
SE = out (of)
SEADÄM = seating
SEADÖN = to sit
SEADÖP = a seat
SEAFALÖN = to fall apart
SEAGIVÖN = to distribute
SEAIKÖN = to disperse, to scatter
SEAN = an ocean
SEATÖN = to lie (down), (lay, lain)
SEATÖP = a storehouse
SEÄDÖN = to jut out, to protrude
SEBÖN = to dig
SEDIT = a departure, a resignation
SEDÖN = to send
SEF = safety
SEFANAD = a safety-pin
SEFIK = safe
SEFLUM = mouth (of a river)
SEG = a sect
SEGIVÖN = to spend (money)
SEGOLÖN = to go out
SEGOLÖP = an exit
SEIDETÖP = a display (of goods)
SEIDÖN (OKI) = to sit down, to take a seat
= (Seidolös oli lä ob! = Sit by me!)
SEIFÖN = to sigh
SEILIK = silent
SEIMAN = anybody, anyone
SEIMIK = any
= (ün tim seimik = at any time);
= (in mod seimik = somehow)
SEIMIKNA = some time (or other)
SEIMNA = once
SEIMO = anywhere
SEIMOS = anything
SEITÖN = to lay, to place
SEIV = recognition
SEIVIDÖN = to inquire (about), to obtain information
SEIVIDAN = an enquirer
SEIVÖN = to get to know (people and places)
SEJEDÖN = to eject, to throw out
SEK = an outcome, a result
SEKALIEGIKO = successfully
SEKÄT = a function (maths)
SEKIDAN = a hanger-on
SEKIDÖN (DE) = to depend (on)
SEKIK = eventual
SEKÖN = to result
SEKRETAN = a secretary
SESKRUBÖN = to unscrew
SEKUN = a second (= time)
SEKURBÖN = to switch off
SEKÜ = as a result of
SEL = a sale
SELAN = a salesperson
SELEDIK = rare
SELEDO = seldom
SELIDÖPAZÄN = a shopping precinct
SELETÖN = to omit, to miss
SELIBAN = a single person
SELIDÖP = a shop
SELOGAM = an aspect, a look-out, a view
SELÖN = to sell
SEMAN = a (certain) person
SEMANAEDO = sometimes
SEMIK = (a) certain one (= specified)
SEMIKNA = now and again, sometimes
SEMIKNAIK = occasional
SEMO = in a sense
SEMOFABIK = dyamic
SEMUFULÜKÖN = to spill
SEN = sensation, sense (general/physical)
SENÄL = (inner) feeling
SENÄLÖN = to be aware, to feel inwardly
SENÄLÖFIK = sensitive
SENIDÖN = to feel (one's way), to grope
SENÖN = to feel (= ill/well/happy/uncomfortable)
SEP = a den
SEPÜL = a grave, a tomb
SEPÜLÖN = to bury, to inter
SEPÜLEMÖP = a cemetery
SESEDÖN = to broadcast
SESTÜRÖN = to pour out (also: emotions)
SESUMÜ = with the exception of
SET = a sentence (= a group of words)
SETEM = a paragraph
SETEVÖN = to migrate
SETIRÄDÖN = to pull out
SETRATÖN (DE/SE) = to extract (from)
SETUL = September
SETÜL = a verse
SEVABO = that is to say...
SEVÄDAN (HI-/JI-) = an acquaintance
SEVÄDIKÜN = famous, very well-known
SEVÄDOVIK = recognizable
SEVÄDÖN = to be acquainted, to get to know (someone)
SEVÄDÜKÖN = to make known
SEVÄLÖFIKÖN = to come to one's senses
SEVÄLÖFÖN = to be conscious
SEVÄRIK = harsh, strict, severe
SEVED = conciousness
SEVEDIKÖN = to become aware
SEVEDÖN = to be aware of
SEVÖN = to know, to understand
SEXÄNÖN (DE) = to alight (from), to dismount, to get off
SFIN = (the) sphinx
SI! = yes!
SIAM = an affirmation
SIÄMO = positively
SIÄMÖF = meaning
SIB = a colander, a sieve
SIBLÄGAHOG = a black hole
SID = a seed
SIDIN = indignation
SIEM = a border, an edge
SIEN = (one of the five) sense(s)
SIENAM = a perception
SIENOVIK = noticeable
SIENÖN = to be aware of, to notice
SIFAL = (the) Mayor
SIFAN = a citizen
SIFANAKRIG = a civil war
SIFÄDAN = a civilian
SIGAYEB = hay (sigayebamasad = a hay loft)
SIIK = positive
SIJIDÖN = to hiss, to sizzle
SIKAPSÜL = a space capsule
SIKLOPED = an encyclopedia
SIL = sky
SILIKRATABUMOT = a skyscraper
SILHUÄT = a silhouette
SILVID = a warbler
SIM = an edge, a margin, a side
SIMÖN = to border
SIMULAN = a hypocrite
SIMULÖN = to pretend
= * = simulön oki = to kid oneself
SINIF = meaning
SINIFÖN = to mean, to signify
SINISTIAM = absolution
SINOD = a sin
SINUD = a sinus (medical)
SIOLÖM = an insulator
SIÖFIK = positive
SIÖR = gentleman, sir
SIPÖN = to emancipate
SIRKÖFIK = circular, round
SIRKOT = a (gramophone) record
SIRKOTIL = a floppy disk (computer)
SIRKÜL = a circle, a ring
SIRKÜLAM = a cycle (of events)
SIRKÜLAPENÄD = a circular (letter)
SIRKÜLÖN = to circulate (= be in circulation)
SIRKÜLÜKÖN = to (cause to) circulate
SIRUP = a syrup
SIS = for, since (preposition)
= (no elogob oli sis lunüp = I haven't seen
= you for a long time)
SISO = ever since
SISOIKO = from then on
SISTAJON = a space station
SIT = a system
SITIKO = systematically
SITATÖN = to summon
SIÜL = a (body) cell
SIVOVIK = available, obtainable
SIVÖN = to obtain, to receive
SIYOP = Asia
SKAFÄD = an easel
SKAFED = a catafalque
SKAFOD = a scaffold
SKALP = a scalp
SKANO = gloomily, morosely
SKANÖN = to be shocked
SKANÜKÖN = to shock
SKAPIK = steep
SKAR = a scar
SKARABED = a beetle
SKARAF = a cockroach
SKÄNIK = offensive, scandalous
SKÄNÖN = to annoy, to irritate, to offend
SKÄT = a sketch
= * skäto = in outline
SKÄULEP = a horse chestnut (tree)
SKEAPÖN = to escape
SKEL = a (large) dish
SKEMAT = a scheme
SKET = a skate
SKETÖN = to skate
SKRETÖN = to secrete
SKILÄDIK = fluent (spikön skilädiko = to speak
SKILÄLIK = efficient
SKILIK = experienced, skilled
SKIN = skin
SKIP = a (ship's) crew
SKIPÖN = to man
SKOILIK = scaly
SKOMB = a mackerel
SKIYÖN = to ski
SKIY = a ski
SKIYAM = skiing (= sport)
SKOLIM = scholasticism
SKORBUT = scurvy (medical)
SKÖM = foam, froth, lather
SKÖT = a coat of arms
SKÖTAV = heraldry
SKRÄDAN = a tailor
SKRET = a secretion
SKRIN = a (TV/ cinema) screen
SKROT = a scrotum (medical)
SKRUB = a screw
SKRUBAKIK = a spanner
SKRUBÄT = a spiral
SKRUBITULÖM = a screwdriver
SKRUTÖN = to scan
SKULTURAV = sculpture
SKUTALAVIAN = jet hose
SKUTILEMOFIK = jet-propelled
SLAFAN = a slave
SLÄM = mud
SLÄNÖN = to slander
SLAPIK = slipshod, slovenly
SLEAFABLIT = (a pair of) knickers
SLEAFÖN = to glide
SLEIFAKÄT = a sliding section
SLEITÖN = to rend, to rip. to tear, to slash
SLENIK = slim, thin
SLETOT = a (school) slate
SLIFAVABÖN = to toboggan
SLIFÄDÖN = to slip
SLIFÖN = to glide, to slip
SLIM = dirt, slime
SLIP = sleep
SLIPACEM = a bedroom
SLIPATIM = bedtime
SLIPIKÖN = to fall asleep
SLIPIL = a nap
SLIPÖFIK = sleepy
SLIPÖN = to sleep
SLIPÜLÖN = to slumber
SLIT = an opening
SLITOD = a cleft, a crack, a fissure
SLITÖN = to split
SLIV = a sleeve
SLIVÜL = a (shirt) cuff
SLOBIKO = loosely
SLOKÖN = to sob
SLOPAN = an adherent, a supporter
SLOPÖN = to adhere (to)
SLOPÜKÖN = to recruit, to gain supporters
SLÖM = a slum
SLUDAM = a decision
SLUDÖN (AD) = to decide (to)
SLUG = a gullet, a throat
SLUGÖN = to swallow
SLÜDÖN (EKI AD) = to persuade (someone to)
SMALAMON = (loose) change
SMALIK = small
SMALÜKAM = diminutive
SMARAGOIN = an emerald
SMEILASIEN = sense of smell
SMEILÖN = to smell (something)
SMEITÖN = to melt, to smelt
SMEKÖN (ÄS) = to taste (of)
SMEL = a smell
SMELÖN (ÄS) = to smell (of)
SMETÖN = to melt, to thaw
SMIL = laughter
SMILARORÜL = a burst of laughter
SMILIL = a smile
SMILILÖN (DÖ) = to smile (about)
SMILÖFIK = ridiculous
SMILÖN (DÖ) = to laugh (at)
SMITAN = a (black)smith
SMIVÖN = to lubricate, to smear
SMOK = smoke
SMOKÖN = to smoke
SMÖKÖN = to smoke (tobacco)
SMOLÖN = to smoulder
SMUDIK = even, smooth
SMUFÜKAMAFER = an iron (= smoothing-iron)
SMUFÜKÖN = to iron (clothes)
SMUGAN = a smuggler
SMUGIK = contraband
SNAB = a buckle
SNAL = a noose, a sling
SNAPÖN = to snatch
SNATIK = fair, honest (= without fraud)
SNEK = a serpent, a snake
SNEL = a snail
SNIDÖN = to sneeze
SNILÖN = to seal
SNOB = a knot
SNOKÖN = to snore
SNÖF = catarrh
SNÖTÖN (NUDI) = to blow (one's nose)
SNUD = a snout
SNURÖN = to purr
SO = so, thus
SOAF = thirst
SOAFIK = thirsty
SOALÄLIK = introvert
SOALÖFÖP = a waste, a wilderness (= a lonely place)
SOALÜKÖN (OKI) = to retire
SOAR = evening
SOARAVOAL = evening mist
SOÄS = just like (preposition)
SOELOT = a single detail (or event)
SOB = soap
SOBASKÖM = lather
SOCENIK = obscene
SOD = sauce
SOELIK = alone (ai binom soelik = he's
= always by himself)
SOELÖLIK = isolated
SOFÄLIK = mild, gentle (quality)
SOFÄLÜKÖN = to appease
SOFIK = soft, gentle
SOFÜKÖN = to relieve, to soothe
SOG = company, society
SOGALIF = socializing
SOGÄDIM = socialism
SOGOD = a (social) circle
SOL = (the) sun
= (modonikam sola = the setting of the sun)
= (solamoikam = sunset)
= (sülöpikam sola = the rising of the sun)
SOLDAT = a soldier
SOLDÖN = to weld
SOLIAD = a threshold
SOLIDOT = a clot
SOLÖFIK = sunny
SOLÖN (OKI) = to sunbathe
SOLUÖN = to dissolve
SOMAN = such a one (= person)
SOMIK = such, that kind of
SON = a son
SONEMIK = so-called
SORBABIM = a mountain-ash, a rowan (tree)
SORDITIK = numb, unresponsive (figurative)
SOSIT = a sausage
SOSITARULÄD = a sausage roll
SOSUS = as soon as
SOT = a kind, a sort
SOTÜL = a variation
SOTEFO = whereas
SOÜLÖN = to dissolve
SOVADIK = wild (= not domesticated)
SOVÖN = to sow
SOVÜO (JÜS) = so long (as)
SÖF = a settee, sofa
SÖKALEOD = a sequence
SÖKALEODIK = consecutive
SÖKÖN = to follow (after)
SÖL = gentleman, Mr. sir
SÖLIT = a sole (= seafood)
SÖMÄL = a sole (= of shoe)
SÖMIT = a top, a summit
SÖMITAMAPÜN = a climax
SÖP = a ditch
SÖR = a sister
SÖRÖNÖN = to pursue
SÖT = a (moral) duty
SÖTO = nice, well-behaved
SÖTÖN (+ INFIN) = to be duty bound (= ought)
SPAD = room, space
SPADÄD = an (ample) space, an area
SPADÖFIK = roomy, spacious
SPADÖN (PRO) = to make room/space (for)
SPAG = a spark
SPAL = forbearance
SPALÖN (EKE BOSI) = to spare (someone something)
SPARAG = asparagus
SPAT = a stroll, a walk
SPATAKLOTEM = outdoor wear
SPATAM = a walk
SPATASTAF = a walking stick
SPATAVABAM = a drive (up to a house)
SPATÖN = to go for a walk
SPÄK = a ghost, a phantom, a spook
SPÄKTRUM = a spectrum
SPÄLIÄLIK = frugal, sparse
SPÄLÖN = to economize, to save (money)
SPÄR = a sparrow
SPED = a lance
SPEARÜKÖN = to spread around, to circulate (gossip)
SPEDIJEDAM = (the) javelin throw (= Olympics)
SPEL = hope
SPELÖN = to hope
SPETÄTIKO = expectantly
SPETIDÖN = to anticipate
SPETIKO = expectantly
SPETÖF = awareness, a (mental) realisation
SPETÖFÖN = to be aware (of)
SPETÖN = to anticipate, to expect
= * no pespetöl - unexpected
SPETÜKÖN = to anticipate
SPID = haste, hurry, speed
SPIDIÄL = haste, hastiness
SPIDO = hastily, in haste
SPIDÖN = to hurry, to make haste, to rush
SPIG = a spike
SPIK = (power of) speech
SPIKAMAHORN = a megaphone
SPIKAMAMOD = language (= style/manner of expression)
SPIKAN = an orator, a speaker
SPIKÄD = a discourse, an oration, a lecture, a speech, a talk
SPIKED = a motto, a saying
SPIKET = a proverb
SPIKOT = a chat, a conversation, a dialogue
SPIKOTAN = a conversationalist
SPIKOTÄLIK = chatty, conversational, talkative
SPIKOTÖN (KO) = to chat (with), to converse (with)
SPIKÖF = eloquence
SPIKÖN = to speak (spikön nelaodiko = to whisper)
SPIKÜLÖN = to stammer
SPILÖN = to spill
SPIN = a thorn
SPINAD = spinach
SPION = a spy
SPIRUT = spiritism, spiritualism
SPITIFABRIK = a distillery
SPITIN = an alcoholic drink
SPLODÖN = to explode
SPLODÜLÖN (ME) = to burst (into)
SPOD = correspondence, mail
SPODÖN (KO) = to correspond (with)
SPOT = a sport
SPÖNAN (HI/JI) = a godfather, a godmother, a sponsor
SPÖRINASENÖFIK = hormone-sensitive
SPRANÖN = to blow up, to destroy
SPRANÜLÖN = to spring
SPROTIANABRASID = a Brussels-sprout
SPROTÖN = to shoot up, to sprout
SPRÖTÖN = to make sprout
SPUKÖN = to spit
SPULED = a cobweb, a spider's web
SPULÖM = a spinning wheel
SPUN = a spoon
SPUNET = a spoonful
SPUTÖN = to throw up, to vomit
SPÜL = a coil
STAB = a basis
STABALIENS = basics, guide lines
STABÄD = a (basic) unit
STABÖFO = radically
STABÜL = (the) bottom (stabül tuba = the
= bottom of a barrel)
STAD = a condition, a state
STADÄD = a phase, a stage
STADION = a (sports) stadium
STADÖN = to find itself, to stand (= to be)
= (lio saun ola stadon-li? = how are you?)
STAF = a rod, a stick
STAFÄD = a post, a stake
STAFÄDAKIUD = a partition (of staves)
STAG = a shaft, a stalk
STAFAFER = rod iron
STAJON = a station
STAJONACIF = a station-master
STAL = steel
STALADÜFIK = hard as steel
STAM = a stem
STAMEN = a stamen (botany)
STAMOD = a (tree) trunk
STANED = a position
STANIN = tin (= metal)
STANÖN = to stand
STAR = an eye disease (star gedik = a cataract;
= (star grünik = glaucoma;
= (star blägik = amaurosis)
STATIT = a statistic
STATITAV = statistics (discipline)
STAUDAVAB = a restaurant (dining) car (= railway)
STAUDÖN = to refresh oneself
STAUDÖP = a restaurant
STÄATIK = ecstatic
STÄÄNIK = comprehensive
STÄÄNIKAM = a scope
STÄÄNIKÖN = to extend (= over an area)
STÄÄNÜKAM = expansion, extension
STÄÄNÜKÖN = to expand, to extend
STÄD = a stage (theatre)
STÄF = personnel (staff)
STÄG = a stag
STÄN = a banner, a flag
STÄPEDÖM = a stamping device/machine
STÄPODÖN = to impress (on the mind)
STEB = a sojourn, a stay
STEBEDALECEM = a waiting room
STEBEDÖN = to await, to wait for
STEBÖN = to stay (= for a certain time)
STEDAGUL = a right-angle
STEDÄLIK = sincere, straight
STEDIK = straight
STEDIKO = exactly, precisely
STEDÖFIK = direct
STEDÖLO = all of a sudden, directly
STEIF = an effort
STEIGÄDÖN = to cram, to stuff
STEGÜLÖN = to sting (= insect)
STEIFÄDAN = a candidate
STEIFÖN = to strive
STEIFÜL = an attempt
STEIFÜLÖN = to attempt, to try
STEIGÄDÖN = to cram, to fill (a pipe)
STEIGÖN = to insert, to stick (into)
STEILÖN = to distill (steilavat = distilled water)
STEL = a star
STELANAF = a spaceship
STELANAFAN = an astronaut, a cosmonaut
STELAV = astronomy
STELÄD = a constellation
STELÜL = an asterisk
STEM = steam
STEMANAF = a steamer (= boat)
STEN = a blot, a mark, a spot
STENOGRAF = shorthand, stenography
STENÖN = to stain
STEP = a pace, a step
STETÖN = to declare, to elucidate
STIB = a pencil
STIFIK = rigid, stiff
STIGARIBEDABÄL = a gooseberry
STIGÄD = an impulse, an incentive
STIGÄDÖN = to induce, to stimulate
STIGEDÖN = to charm, to entice
STIGIK = stinging
STIGÜL = a tingling (sensation)
STILIK = calm, quiet, still
STIM = esteem, honour
STIMADIG = dignity, respectability
STIMO = respectfully
STIMÖN = to esteem, to honour
STIP = a condition, a stipulation (stipä = on condition that)
STIPÖFIK = conditional
STIRAGÖB = a fin (of fish)
STIRALUIB = a steering wheel
STIRAN = a helmsman, a steersman
STIRÖN = to lead, to steer
STITOD = an institute
STITÖN = to install
STOF = cloth, material
STOFÄDEM (BEDA) = bed-linen
STOFÄDEMILAV = (the) wash/washing (= of clothes/linen)
STOFÄDIKNIBÒM = a clothes-peg
STOFED = a table cloth
STOFEDÖN = to put the table cloth onSTOG = a stocking
STOL = a straw
STOLAJUGED = a straw mat
STOM = weather (stomanunod = a weather forecast)
STOMÄG = a stomach
STON = a stone
STONÖP = a quarry
STONATVIL = a flagstone, a paving stone
STOPÖN = to cease, to stop
STOPÖP = a (bus / rail) stop
STORDIT = an anaesthetic
STORK = a stork
STÖBÖN = to bar, to block (stöbön vegi = to block the way)
STÖFIM = materialism
STÖFIKÖN = to materialize
STÖM = an implement
STÖMÖN = to fasten, to harness
STÖPÄDÖN = to delay, to detain, to hinder, to hold up
STÖPÖN = to cease, to stop
STÖRÖM = a poker (for fire)
STÖTÖN = to mumble, to stutter
STRABÖN = to squint
STRAIKÖN = to (go on) strike
STRAL = a ray
STRALAMIKODAB = radio activity
STRALÖN (LOVE) = to shine (over)
STRIP = a streak, a wisp
STUDAN = a student
STUDÖN = to study
STUKÖN = to construct
STUL = a chair, a seat
STUM = a (technical) instrument, a tool
STUN = amazement, astonishment
STUNABIK = wonderful
STUNIDABIK = admirable
STUNIDOT = a wonder
= (stunidots vel vola = the seven wonders of
= the world)
STUNIDÖN = to admire
STUNIK = amazed, astonished
STUNÖN (TEFÜ) = to be astonished (at), to wonder (at)
STUNÜKAM = a commotion, a sensation, a stir
STUNÜKÖL = sensational
STUNÜKÖN = to cause a stir/uproar, to astonish
STUPAN = an idiot
STUPOT = a folly, stupidity
STUR = a clatter, a crash
STURNOD = a starling
STURÖN = to hurl
STUTÖMASTUL = an armchair
STUTÖN (LEN) = to lean (against/on)
STÜL = a (literary) style
STÜM = esteem, respect
STÜMÖN = to esteem, to respect
STÜRÖN = to throw (onto a pile); to shed (tears)
STÜT = a support
STÜTODS = crutches (golön stutü stütods = to go on crutches)
STÜTÖN = to second, to side with, to support
SU = on, upon
SÜADÖN (DÖ/TEFÜ) = to be convinced (of/about); to come to a conclusion (about)
SÜADÜKÖN = to persuade
SUÄM = a price, an amount (of money)
SUÄMÖN = to amount (to), to total
SUBLIMIK = grandiose, sublime
SUBLIMÜKÖN = to soar (spiritually)
SUDEL = Sunday
SUDIK = deaf
SUEMOD = a concept, a notion
SUEMOVIK = comprehensible
SUEMÖN = to comprehend, to understand
SUETÖN = to perspire, to sweat
SUFALEFOM = passive (grammar)
SUFÄDIK = patient
SUFÄLÖN = to tolerate
SUFÄLIK = tolerant
SUFEDÖN = to resign (oneself)
SUFIDALAIDÜKÖN = to tolerate (= over a long period)
SUFIDIK = resistant
SUFIDÖN = to bear, to tolerate
SUFÖN = to suffer (sufön malädi = to have an illness); to tolerate
SUG = suction
SUI = onto, upon
SUIDIKÖN = to become giddy/dizzy
SUIMÖN = to follow (mentally)
SUKADOG = a tracker (dog)
SUKAM = research
SUKÖN = to look for, to seek
SUKUBÖN (SEKÜ) = to collapse, to give way (under)
SULÜD = south
SUMÄTÖFÜ = under the command of
SUMÄTÜKÖN = to oppress, to subject
SUMODÖN = to accept, to take up
SUMÖN = to take
SUNÄDIK = at once, immediately, without delay
SUNIK = soon
SUP = a soup
SUR = insurance
SURAD = calf (anatomy)
SURÖN = to insure (finance)
SUS = above, over
SUSBÄLDIK = very ancient
SUSFLUMÖL = gushing
SUSFULIK = full to overflowing
SUSLANÄLIK = overenthusiastic
SUSLOMÄNÄL = chauvinism
SUSNUMIK = innumerable
SUSTONÄD = disintegration
SUVO = often
SÜADÖN (DÖ/TEFÜ) = to be convinced (about)
SÜADÜKÖN = to convince
SÜDAV = ethics, morals
SÜDÖF = morality
SÜD(S) = manner(s), more(s)
SÜEN = presence of mind
SÜENIK = discreet, sensible, sober, prudent
SÜENIKÖN = to consider, to stop and think
SÜFÜL = a scene, an episode
SÜG = sucking
SÜGAF = a mammal
SÜGÄB = a baby
SÜGÖN = to suck
SÜIKÖN = to emerge, to come to the fore
SÜL = heaven
SÜLOGEDÖN = to peep (at)
SÜMÄDOT = an imitation, a simulation
SÜMÄDÖN = to imitate
SÜMÄTÖN (LÜ) = to appear, to resemble
SÜMIK = like, similar
SÜMÖN (AD) = to resemble
SÜMPTOM = a symptom
SÜPALÖÜKAM = an (impromptu) rising
SÜPÄD = a surprise
SÜPÄDÖN = to surprise
SÜPERIK = excellent
SÜPIK = sudden, unexpected
SÜRAMENÖN = to fetch out
SÜREN = a lilac
SÜRFAT = a surface (= outer opposed to inner)
SÜSTEGÖN = to be rooted
SÜT = a street
= (sütilovegolöp stripik = a zebra crossing)
= (sütitraväröp = a crossroad)
SÜTASEFÄDÖP = a (traffic) refuge
SÜÜKÖN = to give rise to; to release (spring)
SÜVOKÖN = to cause, to engender, to give rise to
SVAL = a swallow
SVAN = a swan
SVELÖN = to be swollen
SVELIKÖN = to swell up
SVENÖN = to faint
SVIDIK = sweet
SVIET = (soft) light, a glow
SVIMABLITIL = swimming trunks
SVIMÖN = to swim
SVIN = a pig
SVINIBECÖPAN = a pork butcher
SVIP = a broom
SVIST = (universal) brotherhood, a colleague
SVÖNÖN = to swing, to wave
TA = against
TAAN = an adversary, an opponent
TAÄD = a contrast, (the) reverse
= (in contrast with = in taäd tefü)
TAÄDAM = a contrast
TAÄDIK = contrary, counter
TAÄDO = on the contrary
TAÄDÖN (KO) = to compare (with), to contrast (with)
TAB = a table
TABAK = tobacco
TABALETANED = a runner (= a long, narrow table cover)
TABASTOFED = a table cloth
TABLÖFÄDÖN = to disprove
TADILO = on the contrary
TADUN = resistance
TADUNÖN = to oppose, to resist, to withstand
TAEDIK = defensive
TAEDÖN = to prevent
TAETÖN = to hold back, to restrain
TAID = a (sea) tide
TAIL = earth (= substance)
TAIM = clay
TAJEDAPLED = ball-bouncing (= game)
TAKÄD = repose, rest (takädastul = a deckchair)
TAKÄDASTAD = retirement
TAKÄDÖN = to repose, to rest
TAKÄT = a dead centre (maths)
TAKEDIK = calm, quiet
TAKEDÖ! = quiet! silence!
TAKEDÖN = to be calm, to be quiet
TAKEDÜKÖLO = soothingly
TAKEDÜKÖN = to calm, to quieten
TAKIK = static
TAKOMIP = a defence
TAL = (the) earth
TALAKRUT = (the) earth's crust
TALAP = a mole
TALAV = geology
TALEAB = an apprentice's indenture
TALEDAV = geography
TALP = a mole
TAMBUR = a fanfare
TAMBUREN = a tambourine
TAMED = a remedy
TAN = a bond
TANÄDÖN = to bind (books)
TANÄT = a contact, a link
TANED = a strip
TANGÄNT = a tangent (maths)
TANOD = a neckerchief, a scarf
TANÖN = to bind, to tie
TAÖF = a contradiction
TAÖN (TA) = to object (to)
TAPÄD = a carpet
TAPED = a tapestry
TAPLADÜ = in contrast to...
TAPÖN = to (wall)paper
TAPOT = wallpaper
TAR = tar
TARIF = a tariff
TARM = a (clothes) moth
TASPIKÖN (EKE BOSI) = to contradict (someone about something)
TAT = (the) state (= government)
TATAK = an attack
TATAKÖN = to attack
TATAMONOPUL = a (state) monopoly
TATAREIGÄBAM = counter-resistance
TATÄT = citizenship (= of a state)
TATIKÄLIK = absurd, ridiculous
TAUL = a towel
TAUM = an atom
TAVIENVITÜR = a windscreen
TAVIENVITÜRAKLINIAN = a windscreen wiper
TAXID = a taxicab
TAXUD = a yew (tree)
TÄ = for (a price); in relation to (preposition)
= (tel proporos tä fol, äs kil tä mäl = 2 is in proportion to 4, as 3 is to 6)
TÄDÖN = to menace, to threaten
TÄIN = a (facial) colour
TÄK = credit (cash)
TÄKO = on credit, on tick
TÄKOGETÖN = to obtain on credit/on tick
TÄLÄKT = intellect
TÄLÄKTIK = intellectual, reasonable
TÄLEN = a talent
TÄMEP = temple (anatomy)
TÄM = moderation, restraint
TÄMIK = controlled, moderate, restrained, tempered
TÄNAD = a tent
TÄNADÖP = a campsite
TÄNIT = tennis
TÄNO = then
TÄRAT = a terrace
TÄRMIT = a termite
TÄRMOMET = a thermometer
TÄSTIG = a testicle (medical)
TÄSTUM = a testament, a will
TÄSTUMÖN = to make one's will
TÄTÖN = to milk (animals)
TÄTUVÖN = to tattoo
TÄVABÜR = a travel agency
TÄVADIENTIFÄD = a passport
TÄVAKAD = a ticket
TÄVAN = a traveller
TÄVAPAS = a passport
TÄVAZEIL = a destination
TÄVÖN (LÜ) = to journey, to travel (to)
TÄXETÖN = to estimate
TE = mere, only
TEAD = a floor, a storey
TEAFÖN = to choke, to suffocate
TEAMIK = domesticated, tame
TEAN = a toe
TEATÖP = (the) theatre
TED = business, commerce, trade
TEDAN = a businessman, a tradesman
TEDIK = commercial, mercantile
TEDOT = a transaction
TEDÖN = to do business, to trade
TEDRIL = a tendril
TEDRILÖN = to entangle
TEDÜLAN = a retailer, a shopkeeper
TEF = relation
TEFÄDIK = respective
TEFÄDIKO = relatively
TEFIK = corresponding to; relating to
TEFÖN = to affect, to be a question of, to concern
TEFÜ = concerning, with regard to...
TEGÄD = a cover (tabategäd = a table cover)
TEGED = a blanket, a cover, a sheet
= (bedateged = a coverlet, a quilt)
= (tävateged = a travelling rug/blanket)
TEGOT = a cover, a lid
TEGÖN = to cover
TEGÜL = a scale (= of fish)
TEIFÖN = to choke, to suffocate (someone)
TEIFÜLIK = heavy (weather); stifling
TEIL = a separation
TEILÖN = to part, to separate (teilön heremi = to
= part one's hair)
TEIMÖN = to tame (= animals/birds)
TEIN = a (roof) tile
TEL = two
TELAT = a couple
TELÄD = twins
TELÄL = a dissension
TELEFONALEZIÖB = a telephone booth
TELEFONALIEN = a connection, a telephone line
TELEFONAPARAT = a telephone (= complete unit)
= * a mobile ('phone) = telefon polovik
TELEFONÖN = to ring up, to telephone
TELEGRAFOT = a telegram
TELEVID = television
TELEVIDADAÄD = a television channel
TELEVIDADANUNAM = a television commercial (= advertisement)
TELEVIDASÖKOD = a television series
TELEVIDASKRIN = a television screen
TELID = second
TELIDAN = a second (= person)
TELIDKLAD = second class
TELIDNAEDO = for the second time
TELIK = double
TELÖN = to double
TELPAD = a double page
TELPLÄNOVIK = ambiguous
TELRÜDEDAGÜN = a double - barrelled gun
TELSPIKOT = a dialogue
TELTON = a diphthong
TELÜM = a duet
TEM = a synagogue, a temple
TEMUNAN = a witness
TEMUNÖN = to bear witness
TEMÜL = a chapel
TENID = tension
TENIDÜKÖN = to flex, to span, to stretch
TENOR = a tenor (music)
TENÖN = to range, to stretch
TENÜKÖN = to make tense, to stretch out
TEORIK = theoretic(al)
TEOROD = a theory (teorod lita = the theory of light)
TEP = a storm
TER = an aunt/uncle
TEREBEN = turpentine
TET = a (cow's) udder
TEUP = oakum
TEVAN = an itinerant, a wanderer
TEVÖN = to roam, to wander
TI = almost, nearly
= (ti mens mil = almost a thousand people)
= (binos ti düp zülid = it's nearly 9 o'clock)
TIÄD = a title (= of a book/publication)
TID = instruction
TIDABUK = a text-book
TIDADÜP = a lesson (= in classroom)
TIDAGITOD = a teaching qualification
TIDAN = a teacher
TIDANAJUL = a teacher training college
TIDANEF = (the) teaching staff
TIDASTEIFÄDAN = a candidate for the teaching profession
TIDÄB = a pupil
TIDIÄL = motivation (= of a teacher)
TIDOD = a lesson (= in course/text-book)
TIDODEM = a course (of lessons)
TIDÖN (EKE BOSI) = to teach (someone something)
TIED = tea
TIEDALEPLANÄN = a tea plantation
TIEDASKAL = a teapot
TIEDIÄR = a tea caddy
TIF = theft
TIFALÖL = staggering, stumbling
TIFALÖN = to stumble, to stagger, to trip up
TIFALÜKÖN = to trip (someone else) up
TIFAN = a thief
TIFÖN (EKE BOSI) = to steal (something from someone)
TIGRID = a tiger
TIJOD = an artichoke
TIK = a thought
TIKAMAGOT = an idea
TIKAN = a thinker
TIKASÖKÖD = a line of thought
TIKAV = logic (= science)
TIKAVIK = logical
TIKÄD = a concept
TIKÄDÖN = to consider, to take into consideration
TIKÄL = mind, reason
TIKÄLAMOD = reasoning
TIKÄLIK = mental
TIKET = a (sudden) idea
TIKIT = a ticking sound
TIKOD = a mental image, a thought
TIKODÖN = to imagine
TIKODÜKAM = a suggestion
TIKOLOGÄDÖN = to turn over (in the mind)
TIKÖN (DÖ) = to opine, to think (about)
TIKTÖ! = tick-tack!
TIL = a thistle
TILIAD = a lime (tree)
TILURÖBÖN = to brush against (= almost touch)
TIM = time
· =at the same time = ün tim ot
· =ün tim, das = so long as
TIMAKOMPENAN = a contemporary (person)
TIMAPENÄD = a periodical
TIMAV = chronology
TIMÄD = an era
TIMIL = a short time, a while
TIMIMAFIAN = a timer (= a timing device)
TIMPUN = a kettledrum, timpani
TIMÜ = at the time of...
TIMÜL = a moment
TINISUL = a peninsula
TIPIK = pointed
TIPOT = a point, a (sharp) end
TIPÜL = a (coat)tail
TIRAHARMONÖM = an accordeon
TIRÄDANÄM = (power of) attraction
TIRÄDIKÖN = to become irritated
TIRÄDÖN = to attract (magnetically)
TIREN = tyranny
TIRENAN = a tyrant
TIREDÖN = to draw (a prize)
TIRIDÖN = to draw (tiridön drati de largent = to
= draw silver wire)
TIRÖN = to draw, to pull
= (jevods tirons vabi = the horses pull the carriage)
TIRÜLÖN = to tug
TISOPRAN = a mezzo-soprano (singer)
TITENOR = a baritone (singer)
TIVÖN (TEFÜ) = to negotiate (regarding)
TO = despite, in spite of (preposition)
TOÄ = despite, in spite of (conjunction)
TOBUL = October
TODÄLIK = rebellious, spiteful
TODIKO = defiantly, obstinately
TOED = a cake
TOENÖN = to chink, to clink, to (make a) sound, to ring out
TOF = a drip, a drop
TOFIL = a droplet, a tricklet
TOFÖN = to drip
TOLABOT = something to declare (at customs)
TOLATÖN = to manipulate
TOLÄDABÜR = Customs Office
TOLÄDAN = a customs officer
TOMAT = a tomato
TOMÖN = to annoy, to pester, to worry
TONAT = a letter (= of the alphabet)
TONATAM = spelling
TONATANIL = a (cassette) tape
TONATÖN = to spell
TONATÜKAM = alliteration
TONAV = phonetics
TONÄRÖN = to thunder
TONIK = phonetic
TONINÄMÜKIAN = a volume control (= sound)
TONOD = a sound, a resonance
TONODAKASÄT = an audio cassette
TONODALÖPOT = volume (of sound)
TONODASIRKOT = a (gramophone) record, a disc
TONODAV = (study of) harmony (= in music)
TONODIREGISTARÖM = a tape-recorder
TONODISUMODÖM = a record-player
TONODÖN = to intone, to start (a tune)
TONÖM = a loudspeaker (radio, TV)
TONÖN (ÄS) = to ring, to sound (like)
TOO = however, nevertheless, notwithstanding
TOOD = automobile, car, motor-car
TOODALEVEG = a motorway
TOODAMAZÖT = a driving licence
TOODIPARKÖP = a car park
TOP = a place
TOPAGASED = a local newspaper
TOPÄD = a region
TOPÄT = a locality
TOPÄTIKÖN = to move on
TOPIK = local
TOPÖN (LEN) = to lie, to be situated (by/on) = (zif topon len flumed = the town is = = situated/lies on the river)
TOR = a bull
TORADOEG = a bulldog
TORF = peat
TORTUG = a tortoise
TOST = a toast (drink)
TOUM = a volume (book)
TOVÄDÖN = to lift (= dig up)
TOVEDÖN = to haul up, to hoist
TOVIAN = a lever (= lifting device)
TOVÖM = a jack (= for car)
TOVÖMATIG = a lever (= arm)
TOVÖN = to lift, to raise
TOVÜLÖN = to shrug
TOÜN = tunny (= fish)
TÖ = at, in (preposition)
= (lödof tö top at = she lives at/in this place)
= (de veg tö fagot stepas tel = a couple
= of steps away from the road)
TÖB = inconvenience, trouble
TÖBID = effort
TÖBIKÖN = to take aback
TÖBO = hardly, scarcely
TÖDIK = tactful
TÖKÖN = to (ex)change (=one thing for another)
TÖKÜ = in exchange for
TÖLATÖN = to handle, to manipulate, to operate, to treat.
TÖNIK = ropy, tenacious, tough, viscous
TÖNUL = a tunnel
TÖRAN = a tourist
TRAB = transmission
TRABAKÜIRED = a conveyer belt
TRABÖM = a (car) clutch
TRADUTOD = a translation
TRADUTÖN = to translate
TRAKÖN = to shrink, to shrivel
TRAKTOR = a tractor
TRAVÄRÖN = to cross
TRAVÄRÖP = a transept (of church)
TRAVÄRÜ = across
TRÄF = a clover
TRÄIT = a treatment
TRÄITÖN = to treat, to manage
TRÄKÖN = to condense, to (make) shrink/shrivel
TRÄM = a tram
TRÄNANAF = a tug (boat)
TRÄNÖN = to pull
TRÄPÖN = to trap
TRÄT = betrayal, treachery
TRÄTAN = a traitor
TRÄTÖN = to betray
TREIL = a trellis-work (fire)-
TREILAKIUD = a trellis-work fence
TREILAYAN = a trellis-work gate
TRELÜLAGUN = a tail coat, a dress coat
TREN = a (railway) train
TRENABILIET = a train ticket
TRENAGALEDAN = a guard (= railway)
TRENAVEG = a railway
TRENAVEGAMÖP = a (railway) level-crossing
TRENÖN = to travel by train
TRET = a bill of exchange
TRETÖN (EKI) = to draw on someone (= financial)
TRIB = plush
TRIBÜT = a tribe
TRIBÜTABIM = a family tree
TRID = a step, a stair
TRIDEM = a (flight of) stairs, a stairway
TRIDOD = a kick
TRIDODÖN = to kick
TRIDÖM = a pedal
TRIDÖN = to tread on
TRIFUL = a clover
TRIG = intrigue
TRIGONOMET = trigonometry
TRIGÖN = to be intrigued
TRIKANAD = a knitting needle
TRIKOTS = knitwear
TRIKÖN = to knit
TRIP = a tax
TRIPABIK = taxable
TROD = consolation
TRODÖN = to comfort, to console
TROIVÖN = to shatter
TROMPET = a trumpet
TRON = a throne
TRONÖN = to enthrone
TROTÖN = to trot
TROVÖN = to crash
TRÖG = laziness
TRÖGIK = lazy
TRÖK = a suitcase, a trunk
TRUB = dimness, dullness
TRUBADUR = a (travelling) minstrel, a troubadour
TRUF = a trump (card)
TRUL = a drum roll
TRUM = a drum
TRUPÖN (LÜ) = to flock (to)
TRÜF = a truffle
TRÜIT = a trout
TSUG = a maple tree
TU = too (= excessively)
TUB = a barrel, a keg, a tub
TUBAT = a tuba (musical instrument)
TUDEL = Tuesday
TUDREDÄLÖN = to panic
TUF = a bunch, a bundle
TUFAV = disgust, nausea
TUFRUTIDÖN = to exploit
TUG = a virtue
TUGÖFIK = virtuous
TUIG = a branch
TUIGAHON = antlers
TUIN = a hosepipe
TUITIK = jagged, serrated
TUL = revolving, turning
TULIP = a tulip
TULITIK = dazzling
TULÖN = to be revolving/turning
TUM = a hundred
TUMÖDIK = excessive
TUMYEL = a century
TUPIK = bothersome, inconvenient
TUPIT = a (whipping) top (= child's toy)
TUPITÖN = to play at whip and top (= game)
TUP = (radio/TV) interference
TUPÖN = to disturb
TUR = (physical) exercise
TURAV = gymnastics, physical training
TURB = peat
TURD = a song-thrush
TURN = a turn (binos turn oba = it's my turn)
TURNO = in turn
TURÖP = a gymnasium, a fitness suite
TUT = a tooth
TUTADOL = a toothache
TUTAKREM = toothpaste
TUTATAK = an onslaught, a (surprise) attack
TUTATAKÖN = to invade, to take by surprise
TUTÄD = teething
TUTEM = a set of teeth
TUTIKEF = a toothbrush
TUTISANAVAN = a dentist
TUTISANÖP = a dentist's surgery
TUTÖBIDÖN = = to overexert, to overstrain
TUÜKAM = an exaggeration
TUÜKÖN = to exaggerate
TUVATAM = flooding
TUVATÖN = to flood, to inundate
TUVÄBÖP = an orphanage
TUVEDÖN = to decipher, to solve (= puzzle/riddle)
TUVEMIK = colossal, gigantic
TUVÖN = to find
TUZIL = overenthusiasm
TÜ = at, on (= time) (preposition)
= (tü del balid mayula = on the lst May)
TÜB = a barrel, a tub
TÜBEL = a cooper
TÜI = about, approximately (preposition)
= (tüi düp kilid = about 3 o'clock)
TÜIM = thymus (gland)
TÜLAKURB = a crank
TÜLÖN = to turn, to twist
TÜM = a tower
TÜMAGALAN = a look-out, a watchman (on tower)
TÜMOLOG = etymology (= word derivation)
TÜN = tin
TÜNABOK = a tin (box, container)
TÜREOID = thyroid (gland)
TUTÄD = teething
TÜPÜ = within (= time)
= (tüpü vig bal = in a week's time)
TÜRKIG = a turkey
TÜRKOT = turquoise
TÜTEDÖN = to discipline
TÜVÖN = to discover
TVALET = a toilet
TVALETABASIN = a lavatory pan = TVILAPLATOT = a tiled hearth (fireplace)
TUVEDOT = an answer, a solution (to a puzzle/riddle)
TUVEDÖN = to solve (puzzle/riddle)
TYILPÖN = to cheep, to chirp, to twitter
U = or (dels tel u kil = 2 to 3 days)
U.......U = either.......or
UD = or (= before a vowel)
UD......UD = either.......or (= before vowels)
U VA....U VA = whether......or else
UDEL = the day after to-morrow
UDELO = on the day after to-morrow
US = there = (us dono = down there)
USAO = from there
USIO = to there, thither
= (usio ed isio = hither and thither)
USIOVEG = (the) outward journey
USIÖ! = Get out!
USOARO = to-morrow evening
UT = the one
= (hiut, jiut, utos, kel = the one who/that)
UTAN, (KEL) = the person, (who)
UTO, (KÖ) = there, (where)
Ü = or (= corresponding to Latin sive/seu)
ÜD = or (= before a vowel)
ÜF = in case of, insofar as
= (üf zesüdosöv = should it be necessary)
ÜFO = in that case, then (= questioning) = (Kikodo üfo eselol-li osi? = then why have you sold it?)
ÜFÜ = in case of
ÜN = at, in, on (time)
= (ün neit = at night)
= (ün del mu litik = in broad daylight)
= (ün soar fovik = on the following evening)
= (ün hitüp = in summer)
= (ün mul alik = from month to month) = ÜNÜ = within, in the course of (= time)
= (ünü brefüp = within a short time)
VA = whether
VAÄLANÖT = a hazel-nut
VAB = a car, a carriage, a coach, a vehicle
VABADILÄD = a compartment (= of coach)
VABAM = a drive (= in a vehicle)
VABAMAKUL = a highway, a thoroughfare
VABAVEG = a carriageway
VABISTIRAN = a car driver
VABÖM = a vehicle
VABÖN = to drive
VAEN = oats
VAENABÜL = oatmeal porridge
VAET = juice
VAETIK = juicy
VAETÖFIK = succulent
VAF = a weapon
VAFÄDÖN = to drill (= soldiers on parade)
VAFÖN = to arm
VAGIK = empty
VAGÜKÖN = to empty
VAIBÖN = to drive (a vehicle)
VAKEN = a holiday
VAKENÖN = to be on holiday
VALÄDÖN = to generalize
VALEMIK = general, universal
VALEMO = in general
VALIK = all
VALIKOS = all, everything
= (dunob valikosi, kelosi kanob dunön =
= I am doing everything that I can do)
VALODIK = overall, total
VALODO = in total
VALÖPO = everywhere
VALROD = a walrus
VALT = a waltz (dance)
VALUT = (currency) exchange
VALÜT = a whale
VAMIK = warm
VAMOT = heat, temperature
VAMPIR = vampire
VAMÜKIAN = a heater
VAMÜKÖN = to heat, to warm
VAMÜLIK = lukewarm, tepid
VANELAGLADET = a vanilla ice-cream
VANIK = futile, vain
VANÜKÖN = to frustrate, to thwart
VAOGAD = an avocado (pear)
VAP = gas
VAPATRIDÖM = accelerator pedal
VAPIKÖN = to evaporate
VAPÜKÖM = a carburettor
VARÄK = kelp
VART = a nodule, a wart
VASOD = a vase
VAT = water
VATAFAL = a cascade, a waterfall
VATAM = irrigation, watering
VATANIVOD = water level
VATASALIG = a weeping willow (tree)
VATATIDEF = a water shortage
VATAVÄR = a tumbler (= a glass for water)
VATONEDUGOLOVIK = water-proof, water-tight
VATÖFIK = watery
VATÖN = to irrigate, to water
VAULÖN = to bark
VAXEN = a bilberry
VÄK = wax
VÄKAMAGOT = a wax figure/model
VÄKIK = waxen
VÄKÖN = to (coat with) wax
VÄL = a choice
VÄLID = a selection
VÄLÖN = to choose, to elect
= * välön (me mugaparat) = to click [computers]
VÄNTAR = an inventory (= stocktaking)
VÄNTIL = a valve
VÄNTRILOKAN = a ventriloquist
VÄP = an aroma, a perfume
VÄR = a (drinking) glass, a tumbler
VÄRBATIM = a verb tense
VÄRET (+ GENITIVE) = a glass (of)
VÄRULÖN = to bolt (a door)
VÄT = weight
VÄTÖM = a (weigh)scale
VÄTÄLÖN = to consider (mentally)
VÄTÄLÜ = in consideration of
VÄTÖN = to weigh (objects)
VE = along
VEAD = a case, a container
VEADÖN = to insert
VEAL = a veil
VEBÖN = to hover
VEDEL = Wednesday
VEDÖN = to become
VEDÜKÖN = to cause to be(come)
VEF = a (sea) wave
VEFAPAPAGIL = a budgerigar
VEFAFOMÖN = to wave (hair)
VEFALUNOT = a wavelength (radio/TV)
VEFAPAPAGIL = a budgerigar
VEG = a road, a way
VEGABLEGOD = a bend (in the road)
VEGAMATAIB = a timetable
= (vegamataib trenas = a train timetable)
VEGASNEL = a slug
VEGÄD = a distance
VEGIJONIAN = a signpost
VEGIKÖN (LÜ) = to set off (for)
VEGIL = a lane
VEIG = transport
VEIGAMEDÖM = a means of transport
VEIGÖM = a vehicle
VEIGÖN = to transport
VEIN = a vein (anatomy)
VEITAFIT = haddock
VEITIK = vast
VEITOT = width (= a measure)
VEL = seven
VELSÄN = Wales
VELUVIK = velvet
VEMO = very
VEMÖFIK = intense
VEN = when (conjunction)
VENEN = poison
VENENÖFIK = poisonous, toxic
VENENÖN = to poison
VENTÜR = an adventure
VENUD = Venus (planet)
VEOT = crêpe, gauze
VERAT = (the) truth
VERATIK = true
VERÄTIK = correct, right (= not wrong)
VERÄTO = properly
VERÄTÜKÖN = to correct, to rectify
VERIK = absolute
VERIM = absolutism
VESEP = a wasp
VESID = a bladder (anatomy)
VESTIB = a hall, a lobby
VESTIBÜL = an entrance-hall
VESTIG = an investigation
VESTIGÖN = to investigate
VESÜD = west
VESÜDIK = western
VETER = cattle
VETIK = heavy
VETOT = weight (= how heavy something is)
VETOTÖN (MÖ) = to weigh (= a certain amount)
VETÖFIK = heavy, ponderous
VEÜTIK = important
VI! = oh, dear!
VIADUK = a viaduct
VIÄL = a violin
VIDASIMIK = wide-seamed
VIDIK = broad, wide
VIDOT = width (dom labon vidoti piedas teldeg = = = = the house is twenty feet wide)
VIDÜKÖN = to disseminate, to spread
VIELIK = colourful, pretty
VIEN = (the) wind
VIENIK = windy
VIENÖN = to be windy (vienos = it's windy)
VIETABON = a kidney bean
VIETAFIT = plaice
VIETASTOFÄD = household linen
VIETIK = white
VIF = speed
VIFAGOL = running, sprinting
VIFAGOLÖN = to run
VIFIK = fast, quick, rapid
VIFIKUMÖN = to get a move on, to hurry up
VIFO = quickly
VIFOTAKURB = a (vehicle) accelerator
VIFÖ! = Get a move on! Hurry up!
VIFÜKUMÖN(EKI/BOSI) = to hasten (someone/something)
VIG = a week
VIKOD = a victory
VIKODÖN = to defeat, to conquer
VIKTUALACEM = a larder, a pantry
VIKTUALS = provisions (eatables)
VIL = (the) will
VILAD = a villa
VILAG = a village
VILÄDIK = arbitrary
VILÄL = will-power
VILÄLIK = strong-willed, stubborn
VILOD = a willow (tree)
VILÖFIK = willing
= (vilöfik ad yufön = willing to help)
VILÖFO = willingly
VILÖN (+ INFIN) = to want
VILUPÖN = to envelop, to wrap up
VIM = a fancy, a humour, a mood, a whim
VIMIK = moody
VIN = wine
VINAKAV = a wine cellar
VINDIT = revenge, vindictiveness
VINDITÖN (EKE ME) = to wreak revenge (on someone by means of)
VINEGÖN = to wave
VINIG = vinegar
VINIGEDÖN = to marinate
VIO = how (correlative)
VIOD = a hurt, an injury, a wound
VIODÖN = to hurt, to injure, to wound
VIOL = a violet
VIOLÄTIK = violet (colour)
VIOR = ivory
VIÖN (DEMÜ) = to lament, to wail (over)
VIP = a wish
VIPÄR = a viper
VIPÖN = to wish
VIPRESIDAN = a vice-president
VIRATEP = a tornado
VIRGAN = a virgin
VIRIK = turning, twisting
VIRILÖN = to swirl
VIRÖN = to twirl, to twist, to whirl
VIRUD = a virus
VISEDÄLIK = alert, clever, intelligent
VISEDIK = canny, clever, wise
VISIPÖN = to rustle (= of leaves), to whisper
VISIT = a visit
VISITAN = a visitor
VISITÖN = to attend, to visit
VISKID = whisky
VISO = face to face, opposite, vis-à-vis
VISOIK = facing
VISUL = a weasel
VISUM = a visa
VISÜ = opposite
= (lödom visü glüg = he lives opposite the church).
VITIDABÄL = a grape
VITIDAGAD = a vineyard
VITIDAKLOP = (the) grape harvest
VITIDAVAET = grape juice
VITÖN = to avoid
VITÜR = a pane (of glass)
VITÜRAGLÄT = a window-pane
VITÜRÖN = to glaze
VIUDAN = a widow, a widower
VIUDIKÖN = to be widowed
VIVAN = a weaver
VIVAPARAT = a loom
VIVASPÜL = a shuttle
VIVOT = cloth, a fabric, a textile
VIVÖN = to weave
VO = indeed (vo-li? = isn't it?)
VOADAHOG = a leak
VOADIK = leaky
VOADÖN = to leak
= (to spring a leak = voadikön)
VOAL = a veil
VOÄTIK = candid, to the point
VOB = work
VOBADEL = a working day
VOBAN = a worker
VOBÄDÖN = to make, to produce
VOBED = an effect
VOBEDIK = effective
VOBEDÖN = to act upon, to effect
VOBIÄLIK = diligent
VOBOD = a job, a task
VOBÖN = to work
VOBÖP = a laboratory, a study (room), a workshop
VOBÜKAN = an employer
VOBÜKÄB = an employee
VOBÜKÖN (EKI) = to employ (someone)
VOD = cotton wool (wadding)
VODÖN = to pad (with cotton wool)
VOGÄD = (the) fashion
VOGÄDAN = a (fashion) designer
VOGÄDIK = fashionable
VOGIKÖN (AS) = to become fashionable (as)
VOIKO = really
VOK = a call
VOKAT = a vowel
VOKÄDÖN = to cry out, to shout
VOKED = a calling, a vocation
VOKÖN = to call, to fetch
= (egolof ad vokön sanani =
= she's gone to fetch the doctor)
VOL = (the) world
VOLÄD = (the) world (in regard to human behaviour)
VOLÄDAN = a worldling
VOLED = kingdom (as in: planavoled = the plant kingdom)
VOLF = evolution
= * ma volf dinäda = as things have turned out
VOLFÖN = to develop, to evolve
VOLKAN = a volcano
VOLUT = a revolt
VOLUTAN = a rebel
VOLUTÖN (TA) = to revolt, to rise up (against)
VOM = a woman
VOMITÖN = to throw up, to vomit
VOMÖF = femininity, womanhood
VOMÜL = a young woman, Miss
VORÄDIK = banal, boring, commonplace, derelict, run-down
VORÄDIKÖN = to fall into disuse, to run down
VOREDIK = worn out
VORIK = derelict, ruined
VOTAFLANO = on the other hand
VOTAFLANÜ = on the other side of...
VOTAFOMAM = a transformation
VOTAFOMÖN = to transform
VOTAKLOTÖN = to disguise
VOTANEMÜKÖN = to rename
VOTASEIMO = elsewhere
VOTASTIDÖN = to reform
VOTIK = another, other
= (bal pos votik = one after another)
VOTIKAM = an alteration
VOTIKNA = once more, one more time, other times
VOTIKÖN = to alter, to change
VOTIKO = otherwise
VOTO = else
VOTÖFÖN = to transform
VOTÜKAM = change
VOTÜKAMIÄL = a hankering after change
VOTÜKÖN = to alter, to change
VÖD = a word
VÖDABID = a part of speech (grammar)
VÖDABUK = a dictionary, a lexicon
VÖDAFEIT = an argument
VÖDANUNIL = a text message
VÖDASTOK = a vocabulary
VÖDED = a (specialized) expression
= (vödeds jäfüda = jargon)
VÖDEM = a text
VÖG = a voice
VÖGÄD = an outcry, a shout, a tone (of voice)
VÖGIK = vocal
VÖGOD = a vote
VÖGODAN = a voter
VÖGODÖN (PRO) = to vote (for)
VÖGODÖP = a voting booth
VÖL = an inside wall
VÖLAD = value
VÖLADIK = valuable
VÖLADÜ = to the value of...
VÖN = antiquity
VÖNAOLOVEIK = traditional
VÖNÄD = the past (not antiquity)
VÖNÄDIK = old (not ancient)
VÖNÄDAVOGÄDIK = old-fashioned
VÖNÄDOT = antiquity
VÖNIK = ancient
VÖNOTAV = archeology
VÖNOTS = antiques
VUIT = wheat
VUKÖN = to practise usury, to profiteer
VUL = a root
VULIKÖN = to take root
VULTUR = a vulture
VUM = a worm
VUMODÄMIK = worm-eaten
VUN = an injury, a wound
VUNÄB = an injured/wounded person
VUNÖN = to injure, to wound
VUT = anger, fury
VUTIK = furious
VUTÖN = to rage
VÜ = between
VÜD = an invitation
VÜDÄB = a guest
VÜDÖN = to invite
VÜGOLÖN = to interfere
VÜKÖMÖN = to intervene, to step in
VÜM = a lap, a womb
VÜO = meantime, meanwhile
VÜPLADOTAYEL = a leap year
VÜPLADÖN = to insert
VÜSPAD = a space (between two objects)
VÜSÜF = an entr'acte (= theatre)
VÜTIM = an interval
VÜTIMO = in the meantime, meanwhile
VÜTROPÄN = (the) tropics
VÜYÜMÄD = a connecting piece, a connection
XAB = an axle
XABABREK = an axle breakdown
XABAKLUF = a linch-pin
XABATUL = axle rotation
XAMEN = an examination
XAMAN = an examiner
XAMÄB = a candidate (for an examination)
XAMÖN = to examine, to test
XAMÜL = an (oral) examination/test
XAMÜLAN = an (oral) examiner
XAMÜLÖN = to examine/test orally
XÄAN = a skin rash
XÄINÖN = to augment, to increase
XÄN = an increase
XÄNABIM = (extending) steps/ladder
XÄNABOIB = a stirrup (= for horses)
XÄNAKÄV = a (railway) platform
XÄNÖM = a step-ladder
XÄNÖMATRID = a rung (of a ladder)
XÄNÖN = to ascend, to climb, to go up, to mount
= (xänön tu geiliko sodas no kanoy golön
= föfio ni pödio = to climb too high so
= that one is unable to go either forwards
= or backwards)
XIFIAD = a sword-fish
XILED = banishment, exile, expulsion
XILÄB = an exile, an outlaw
XILÖN = to banish, to exile, to expel
XILÖP = a place of exile
XILÜP = (the length of) time of banishment/exile
XIOM = an axiom
XÜD = oxidation
XÜDAJENÄD = (the) process of oxidation
XÜDÖN = to oxidize
YA = already
YAD = a (court)yard
YAG = a hunt
YAGADOG = a beagle, a hound
YAGADOM = a hunting lodge
YAGAN = a hunter, a huntsman
YAGÖN = to hunt
YAKT = a yacht
YAL = a veranda
YAM = calamity, woe
YAMEDÖN = to snarl, growl
YAMÖN = to moan, to wail, to whine
YAMÜLÖN = to be monotonous/tedious
YAN = a door
YANAN = a commissionaire, a door-keeper
YANANOKÖM = a door-knocker
YANUL = January
YAT = a squirrel
YÄK = a jacket
YÄN = yarn (= in textiles)
YE = however
YEB = grass
YEBAFELED = a lawn
YEBAGIK = grassy
YEBALÄN = grassland, a meadow
YEBÄN = a prairie, a steppe
YEBIDÖN = to graze
YEBIFODIAN = a grass-cutter, a mower
YEBIFODÖN = to cut/mow grass
YEG = an article, an object
YEGÄD = a subject, a theme, a topic
YEL = a year
YELACEN = (the) turn of the year, New Year
= (pö yelacen = at the start of a New Year)
YELAFOLDEGAN = a middle-aged person
YELALUNÜPIK = of many years' duration/standing
YELAM = an anniversary
YELASÄSUN = a season (of the year)
YELOVAMALÄD = jaundice
YELOVATÜFUD = yellow fever
YELOVIK = yellow
YILIDÖN (LO) = to yield (to)
YILÖN = to dodge, to evade, to give way to
YIONÜKÖN = to ionize
YOF = enjoyment, pleasure
YOFIÄL = pleasure-seeking
YOFÖN (OKI) = to enjoy (oneself)
YOGURT = yogurt
YOK = a yoke (= for animals)
YOKÄD = a collar, a harness (= for animals)
YOKÖN = to harness, to subject
YOYOD = yo-yo (toy)
YÖ! = Hurrah!
YÖBAVOKÄD = a cry of jubilation
YÖBÖLO = jubilantly, triumphantly
YÖBÖN = to rejoice
YÖGAN = a juggler
YUB = jubilation, rejoicing
YUBID = a jubilee
= (yubid luldegyelik = a golden jubilee)
YUBIDAN = a jubilarian
YUBIDÖN = to celebrate an anniversary
YUBIK = jubilant
YUBÖN = to rejoice
YUF = assistance, help, support
YUFAN = an assistant, a helper
YUFATIDAN = a student teacher, an assistant teacher
YUFAVÄRB = an auxiliary verb
YUFIÄL = a willingness to help/serve
YUFIDÖN = to appeal to, to have recourse to
YUFOT = a service rendered
YUFÖ! = Help!
YUFÖN = to assist, to help
YUFÜ = with the help of...
YUGABOM = a cheek-bone
YUGLANANÖT = a walnut
YUL = an oath
YULAKOMPENANEF = a confederacy
YULAN = a person under oath
YULID = affirmation under oath
YULIDÄB = a person who has taken the oath
YULIDÖN (EKI) = to administer the oath (to someone)
YULIK = sworn under oath
YULO = under oath
= (fümükön bosi yulo = to affirm under oath)
YULÖN = to swear the oath
YULUL = July
YUM = connecting, joining
YUMÄDALIM = a link
YUMÄDATREN = a connecting train, a connection
YUMÄDÖN = to connect, to join
YUMED = a context
YUMEDÜ = in relation to...
YÜMET = a connection (personal)
YUMOD = a connection, a joint, a junction
YUMÖF = continuity
YUMÜ = in connection with...
YUNIK = young
YUNIPABÄL = a juniper berry
YUNIPAGEIN = juniper wine
YUNÖF = youthfulness
YUNUL = June
YUNÜKÖN = to make young again, to rejuvenate
YUNÜP = adolescence, youth
YUPITÄR = Jupiter (planet)
YURINAVAN = a urologist
YURINÖN = to make water, to piss, to urinate
YUTOPIK = ideal, utopian
YÜLÖN = to bet, to wager
YÜM = joining, linking
YÜMAMALÜL = a dash, a hyphen
YÜMATONAT = a connecting letter
YÜMÄTÖN (KO) = to combine (with), to connect (with)
YÜMOT = an affix
YÜMÖF = continuity
YÜMÖN = to assemble, to link, to put together
ZA = about, approximately (preposition)
ZAÄR = a maple (tree)
ZAD = fondness, tenderness
ZADID = molly-coddling, pampering
ZADIDÖN = to pamper
ZANÄDANEM = an abusive name, a nickname
ZAN = a quarrel
ZANÄDÖN = to chide, to scold, to curse
ZANIÄLIK = quarrelsome
ZANIÄLÖN = to quarrel
ZANÖN = to bicker, to quarrel
ZAO = at about, at approximately (adverb)
ZASTELIKOS = a quasar (astronomy)
ZÄDEL = Saturday
ZÄDÖN = to spoil (children)
ZÄL = a feast, a festivity, a holiday
ZÄLADEL(S) = a holiday, (holidays)
ZÄLALADÄLOD = a festive atmosphere
ZÄLAPLAD = an amusement park
ZÄLIZELÖN = to celebrate/keep a feast, to make merry
ZÄLÜL = a party (= social gathering)
ZÄLÜLAKLOTEM = evening dress
ZÄM = cement
ZÄMÖN = to cement
ZÄN = (the) centre, (the) middle
ZÄNABÜR = Head Office
ZÄNAHITÜKAM = central heating
ZÄNÄDAVAMÜKAM = central heating
ZÄNÄDÖN = to centralize, to concentrate
ZÄNED = (the) average, (the) standard
ZÄNEDÖFIK = average, standard
ZÄNEDASUÄM = an average price
ZÄNEDIK = average
ZÄNEDO = on average
ZÄNEDÖF = mediocrity
ZÄNEDÖFIK = mediocre
ZÄNOD = middle
ZÄNODAMEL = Mediterranean
ZÄNODAPALET = a centre (political) party
ZÄNODATIMÄD = (the) Middle Ages
ZÄNODÄN = (the) Midlands (= region of country)
ZÄNODÜ = in the middle of...
ZÄNÖN = to centre
ZÄP = a (pair of) pincers, pliers, tongs, tweezers
ZE = about, approximately (adverb), rather
ZEAD = cedar
ZEDEL = noon
ZEDÖ! = Let it be! Leave well alone!
ZEDÖN = to desist (from doing something)
ZEHITÜP = midsummer
ZEIL = an aim, a goal, an object (to be attained)
ZEILIGALEDAN = a goalkeeper (= sports)
ZEILÖN = to aim for
ZEKOAP = (the) waist
ZEL = a holiday
ZELÖN = to celebrate
ZEM = limestone
ZEN = ash
ZENABLONIK = ash blonde
ZENAGEDIK = ash grey
ZENAKÖL = ashen
ZENEIT = midnight
ZENIÄR = an ashtray
ZENOLEFILÜKÖN = to burn to ashes
ZENÖN = to (cover with) ash(es)
ZEKOAP = (the) waist
ZEP = confirmation, permission
ZEPABIK = acceptable
ZEPÖN = to accept, to confirm, to permit
ZEPÜ = with the permission of...
ZERAT = a carab (tree)
ZERÖNAN = a midfield player (= football)
ZESÜD = necessity
ZESÜDIK = necessary
ZESÜDO = necessarily, of necessity
ZESÜDÖN = to be necessary
ZEVEG = a middle course
ZI = round about (adverb)
= (zi in top et = all round the place)
= (ai binof zi nilü ob = she never leaves me alone)
ZIAN = an aunt
ZIB = food
ZIBABLÖGÄD = a bite (to eat), a snack
ZIBALISED = a menu
ZIBAM = nourishment
ZIBÄD = a course (= of a meal)
ZIBÄDAKAD = a menu (à la carte)
ZIBIDESIRIK = gluttonous, greedy
ZIBÖN = to feed, to nourish
ZIF = a city, a town
ZIFAN = a citizen
ZIFASEKRETAN = a town clerk
ZIFAZILÄK = a (city/town) district/quarter
ZIFIK = municipal
ZIFLOTÖN = to drift about
ZIGAN = a gipsy
ZIGAR = a cigar
ZIGARÜL = a cigarette
ZIGARÜLIÄR = a cigarette-case
ZIGLIBÖN = to wander around
ZIGOLÖN = to walk around
ZIGZAGO = zig-zag
ZIIKÖN = to circulate
= (nun at ya eziikon da zif lölik =
= this news is already all around town)
ZINGIB = ginger
ZIPORÜT = a goldfish
ZIJEDÖN = to throw about
ZIKZAKIK = forked (lightning) zigzag
ZIKÖMÖN = to stroll about
ZIL = diligence, keenness
ZILÄK = an area, a region
ZILÄKÖN = to incorporate, to integrate
ZILÄL = rivalry
ZILÄLÖN (TA/KO) = to compete (against), to vie (with)
ZILID = a cylinder, a roll
ZILIK = diligent, eager, keen
ZILOGAM = circumspection, review
ZILOGÖN = to look around
ZILÖN = to be enthusiastic, to be keen
ZIOBEDEM = a battery (electric)
ZIOM = an uncle
ZIPORÜT = a goldfish
ZIÖBEDEM = a battery (electric)
ZIÖN = to circulate
ZISPATÖN = to walk about
ZITER = a zither
ZISPATÖN = to walk around (for pleasure)
ZISÄK = an opinion poll
ZITRON = a lemon
ZIVABAM = a walk-about
ZIVEGÖN = to hike
ZON = a zone
ZÖ! = Just fancy that!
ZÖG = a delay, a postponement
ZÖGAFIEN = interest in arrears (= financial)
ZÖGED = prolongation
ZÖGÖN = to delay, to postpone, to put off
ZÖNÜL = a belt, a girdle
ZÖT = a coupon, a note (= small document)
ZÖTÖN = to certificate
ZU = further, in addition, moreover
ZUG = a course
ZUGOT = an excursion, a tour, a walk-about
ZUGÖN = to extend, to lead, to stretch
= (söp zugon zü zif = a trench goes all
= round the town)
= (veg zugon love bel = a path goes over
= the mountain)
ZUIK = extra
ZUN = anger, wrath
ZUNIÄL = ill-temper
ZUNIK = angry
ZUNÜLIK = sarcastic
ZUO = in addition
ZÜAMÖP = (the) environment, a suburb, (the) surroundings
ZÜAN = a bystander
ZÜDIK = acid
ZÜDÖFIK = acid(ic), sour
ZÜFLUMÖN = to flow around
ZÜIK = surrounding
ZÜJADÖN = to shade
ZÜKLOPÄOD = an encyclopedia
ZÜL = nine
ZÜLIUN = an outline
ZÜLOGOT = a view
ZÜMUF = an orbit
ZÜO = around
= (golobs züo ve sirkül = we're walking around in circles)
ZÜOT = a circumference
ZÜÖN = to embrace, to surround
ZÜPÄD = an imitation
ZÜPAN = a disciple, a follower
ZÜPÄDÖN = to emulate, to imitate
ZÜPÖN (EKI) = to succeed (someone)
ZÜXÄNÖN = to change (buses. trains, 'planes)